Ex. 4. Give the English equivalents for the following:
turli aralashmalar, isitish orqali, xususan, dalillarni topib, atmosferaning ajralmas qismi bo'lsa-da, asar nashr qilish, e'tirof etish, muhim rol o'ynash bilan bir qatorda, nozik ish, zamonaviy kontseptsiya asosida, bo'lishi kerak, chunki, metall bo'lmagan, Mahsulotlar bering, erkin reaktsiyaga kirishing, atmosferada, taxminan 90% og'irlikda, toza suvda, o'rtacha dengiz suvidan foydalaning
Ex. 6. Translate into Uzbek.
a) will be discussed, was being studied, will have been taken, are named, had been discovered, will be obtained, have been written, were being translated, shall have done, are used, is being done, will be produced, was asked, are taught, will be given
b) 1. Oxygen was obtained by Scheele and Priestley independently.2. Oxygen was obtained by heating mcrcuric oxide. 3. Evidence was found that this gas is a component of the atmosphere. 4. The theory of
phlogiston is not much spoken about at present. 5. An important role of oxygen in combustion was discovered by Priestley. 6. The gas obtained was called by him “dephlogisticatcd air”. 7. The modem concept of combustion was established by Lavoisier. 8. Substances such as phosphorus and sulphur are known as non-metals. 9. The name “oxygen” was derived from Greek words meaning “acid former”. 10. Oxygen is found in the free state in the atmosphere. 11. When a substance is attacked by oxygen, it forms an oxide or a number of oxides. 12. Not unfrcqucntly the elements helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon are referred to as noble gases. 13. Gold is unafTcetcd by oxygen. 14. Many kinds of oxides are met with in the study of chemistry. 1 S. By Dalton’s atomic theory atoms were looked at as indivisible constituents of substances. 16. Potassium is quickly aetcd on by the oxygen of the air. 17. Oxygen is constantly being put back to the atmosphere by trees and other plants. 18. This method has been followed
Since the time of Priestley. 19. The lccturc was followed by the demonstration of experiments. 20. The first succcss was followed by many others. 21. The yield of the reaction is greatly affeetcd by temperature. 22. Attention was drawn to the valence of substances. 23. Attempts were made to obtain pure oxygen. 24. Much attention has been given recently to the study of this group of oxides.
a) muhokama qilinadi, o'rganiladi, olinadi, nomlanadi, topiladi, olinadi, yoziladi, tarjima qilinadi, amalga oshiriladi, foydalaniladi, bajariladi, ishlab chiqariladi va bo'ladi so'radi, o'rgatiladi, beriladi
b) 1. Kislorod Scheele va Priestley tomonidan mustaqil ravishda olingan.2. Kislorod mkrurik oksidni qizdirish natijasida olingan. 3. Ushbu gaz atmosferaning tarkibiy qismi ekanligi haqida dalillar topildi. 4. nazariyasi
phlogiston haqida hozircha ko'p gapirilmaydi. 5. Kislorodning yonishda muhim rolini Priestli kashf etdi. 6. Olingan gazni u "dephlogisticatcd air" deb atagan. 7. Modem yonish kontseptsiyasi Lavoazye tomonidan asos solingan. 8. Fosfor va oltingugurt kabi moddalar metall bo'lmagan deb nomlanadi. 9. "Kislorod" nomi yunoncha so'zlardan kelib chiqqan bo'lib, "kislota avvalgi" degan ma'noni anglatadi. 10. Kislorod atmosferadagi erkin holatda bo'ladi. 11. Moddaga kislorod hujumi sodir bo'lganda, u oksid yoki bir qator oksidlarni hosil qiladi. 12. Geliy, neon, argon, kripton va ksenon elementlari asl gazlar deb ataladi. 13. Oltin kislorod bilan unafTcetcd. 14. Kimyoviy fanni o'rganish jarayonida ko'plab oksidlar uchraydi. 1 S. Daltonning atom nazariyasi bo'yicha atomlarga moddalarning ajralmas tarkibiy qismlari sifatida qaraldi. 16. Kaliy tezda havo kislorodi ta'sirida bo'ladi. 17. Kislorod doimiy ravishda daraxtlar va boshqa o'simliklar tomonidan atmosferaga qaytariladi. 18. Ushbu usul amal qilindi
Priestli davridan beri. 19. Lccturcdan so'ng tajribalar namoyish etildi. 20. Birinchi sukkuslardan keyin ko'plab boshqalar ergashdilar. 21. Reaksiya rentabelligi haroratga bog'liq. 22. Moddalarning valentligiga e'tibor qaratildi. 23. Sof kislorod olishga urinishlar qilingan. 24. So'nggi paytlarda ushbu oksidlar guruhini o'rganishga katta e'tibor berilmoqda.
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