The structure of the global catastrophe

Chapter 7. Conclusions from the analysis когнитивных distortions in an estimation of global risks

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Chapter 7. Conclusions from the analysis когнитивных distortions in an estimation of global risks

The scale can be estimated influence of errors on reasonings on global risks, having compared opinions of different experts, scientists and politicians of possibility of definitive global catastrophe and its possible reasons. It is easy to be convinced, that the disorder of opinions is huge. One consider total risk insignificant, others are confident inevitability of human extinction. As the possible reasons the set of different technologies and scenarios is called, and different experts offer the sets of possible scenarios and sets of impossible scenarios.

It is obvious, that roots of such disorder of opinions - in a variety of movements of thought which, in absence of any visible reference point, appears it is subject to various biases and когнитивным to distortions. As we cannot find a reference point concerning global risks in experiment, it is represented desirable that open discussion about methodology of research of global risks on which basis the uniform and conventional picture of global risks could be generated became such reference point.

Chapter 8. Possible rules for rather effective estimation of global risks

1. A precaution principle

It means preparation for the worst realistic scenario in all situations of uncertainty. Realistic it is necessary to consider any scenario which does not contradict known laws of physics and has precisely измеримую probability above there is nobody threshold level. It corresponds to a principle of a conservative engineering estimation. However precaution should not have irrational character, that is should not exaggerate a situation. One of formulations of a principle of precaution sounds so: «the precaution Principle is a moral and political principle which asserts, that if a certain action or the politician can cause a severe or irreversible damage to a society, that, in absence of the scientific consent that harm will not be, weight of the proof lays on those who offers the given actions».

2. A doubt principle

The principle of doubt demands to suppose possibility of an inaccuracy of any idea. However the doubt should not lead to instability of a course of thought, blind trust to authorities, absence of the opinion and uncertainty in it if it is proved enough.

3. Open discussion

Important maintenance of open discussion by all kinds of risks. It means consideration of any objection as true sufficient time, that it to estimate before deciding it to reject. Not to reject any objections to a descent and to support presence of opponents.

4. Introspection

The continuous analysis of own conclusions about possible errors from all list.

5. Independent repeated calculations

Here independent calculation by different people, and also comparison of direct and indirect estimations enters.

6. An indirect estimation of degree of an error

We can estimate degree of underestimation of global catastrophe, studying that, how much people underestimate similar risks - that is risks of unique catastrophes. For example, spaceships «the Space the Shuttle» have been calculated on one failure more than on 1000 flights, but the first failure has occurred on 25th flight. That is the initial estimation 1 to 25 would be more exact. Nuclear stations were under construction counting upon one failure in one million years, but Chernobyl failure has occurred approximately after 10 000 stations-years of operation (this number turns out from multiplication of number of stations by that moment for average term of their operation, and demands specification). So, in the first case real stability has appeared in 40 times worse, than the design estimation, and in the second - in 100 times is worse. From here we can draw a conclusion, that in case of unique difficult objects people underestimate their risks in tens times.

The conclusion. Prospects of prevention of global catastrophes

The mankind is not doomed not so to extinction. And even if our chances are insignificant, infinitely big future costs that for it to struggle. Definitely positive fact is that ice has got under way - in 2000th years the number of publications on a problematics of global catastrophes of the general character has sharply increased and the uniform understanding of a problem has started to develop. There is a hope, that in the nearest decades the problem of global risks becomes conventional, and the people who have absorbed understanding of importance of these problems, will appear in the power. Possibly, it will occur not smoothly, and after painful shocks, like September, 11th, each of which will raise readership of the literature on global risks and will urge forward discussion. Besides, it is possible to hope, that efforts of separate people and groups of concerned citizens will promote realisation of such perspective strategy, as differential development of technologies. Namely, development of Friendly AI will occur advancing rates, than, for example, consciousness loading in the computer which as a result will find huge forces, but will be uncontrollable. Also it is important, that powerful AI has arisen earlier, than will appear strong nanotechnologyи - besides can supervise them.

Probably, we should reconcile the period superfluous and even the totalitarian control over human activity during this period when the risk will be maximum, and the understanding of concrete threats - is minimum. During this period it will be not clear, which knowledge is really knowledge of mass defeat, and what - a harmless toy.

Probably, that to us will simply carry also any risk it is not materialised. On the other hand, probably, that to us will carry less, and the train of large catastrophes will reject a civilisation in the development far back, however human will remain and will find wiser approach to realisation of technological achievements. Probably, that on this way it is necessary to us a difficult choice: to remain for ever at medieval level, having refused computers and flights to stars or to risk and try to become something big. Despite all risk, this second scenario looks for me more attractive as the mankind closed on the Earth is doomed sooner or later to extinction for the natural reasons.

Growth of efforts on creation of refuges of a different sort is observed also: in Norway the storehouse for seeds on a case of global catastrophe is constructed. Though such storehouse will not rescue people, the fact of intention is praised to put up money and real resources in projects, return from which is possible only in centuries. The project of creation of a similar refuge on the Moon which even name «a spare disk for a civilisation» is actively discussed. In this refuge it is supposed to keep not only all knowledge of people, but also the frozen human embryos, in hope what somebody (aliens?) will restore then on them people.

At the same time, in this book I tried to show, that unreasoned actions on prevention of catastrophes can be not less dangerous, than catastrophes. Hence, at the moment the basic efforts should be concentrated not to concrete projects, and at all on propagation of a "green" way of life, and on growth of understanding of the nature of possible risks, on formation of a scientific consensus that actually is dangerous also what risk levels are comprehensible. Thus such discussion cannot be infinitely long as in certain more abstract areas as then we risk to "oversleep" really approaching catastrophe. It means, that we are limited in time.

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