The Loch Ness Monster behind the myth 1

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The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster - behind the myth 1.

         DOES THE LOCH NESS MONSTER REALLY EXIST ? . No one knows for certain. But one thing is certain: there cannot be just ONE monster. lf there is one monster, there must be a whole family of least twenty. No creature could have survived alone for over 7000 years!  ..


The first written story of the monster is in a text written in the year 565 AD by a Celtic biographer: this writer describes how a man was attacked by a monster while he was swimming in the river Ness. Perhaps the legend already existed in those days: it has certainly existed for many centuries in Scottish folklore.
    However, the story of the monster was not very well-known in England for one simple reason: Loch Ness is a very long way from the rest of Britain. Until the age of the railway, very few people ever went to the Highlands of Scotland....except soldiers or officials from the cities of the Scottish Lowlands. No-one else had any reason to go there: the North of Scotland was wild and desolate, wet and generally cold, and inhabited more by sheep than by people.
   The myth became big news in 1930; three men, out in a boat on the lake, said that they had seen a monster. Immediately, several other people said that they had seen one too. In 1933, a man took the first "photo" of the monster, from a distance of about 100 metres. The photo was not clear, but Kodak said that the photo was real. The most famous photo of all was taken in 1934 by a London surgeon; it seems to show a long neck and a small head sticking up out of the water. "Nessie" - if the photo is real - looks something like a dinosaur.
    A lot of other photos have been taken since then, but none of them have been clear. Obviously, if there is a monster, it is a shy one! It doesn't often come to the surface, and it never does so near the shore on a sunny afternoon in summer!
   If it had done so, lots of people would have taken photos of it, and there would be no more mystery. Until now it has tried to avoid publicity.... if it exists!
    In 1987, some people used sonar equipment to try to discover Nessie.... but they found.... nothing. So no-one has proved that the Loch Ness monster exists; but no-one can prove that it does not exist. It's a great story.

The Loch Ness Monster 2.


The Loch Ness monster, also called “Nessie”, is a creature that is supposed to live in Loch Ness, the largest a lake in northern Scotland.  Since Roman times the legend of a mysterious sea creature has been alive through numerous sightings of the animal.

When the Romans came to Scotland in the first century the Picts were the main inhabitants.  They were fascinated by animals and spoke of a strange beast swimming in one of the lakes in the Scottish highlands. The first references go back to the sixth century when a man was supposedly saved from the swimming beast of Loch Ness.
Over the centuries the legend of the Loch Ness monster has never gone away. In the 1930s a new road was built along the shore of Loch Ness.  In 1933 , a couple who was driving along this road reported an enormous animal  splashing on the surface of the lake. In the following months newspapers sent reporters and photographers to the lake to make observations. Even footprints of an enormous animal were found.

In the following decades most scientists declared the sightings a fake and claimed that it was impossible for a dinosaur-like creature to have survived for millions of years. However, most of the people who went to Loch Ness were serious and honest and, for sure, were not interested in producing a scam.

Many books were written about the monster of Loch Ness. Several photographs made it to the front pages of the newspapers. The most famous photograph came from a British surgeon in 1934 . Robert Wilson, a London doctor, took a photo of a creature with a long neck that stood out of the water. In 1975 the Sunday Telegraph proved that this photo was fake.

As time went on investigation became more serious. Scientists from all over the world started coming to Loch Ness to investigate the phenomenon. The BBC and four universities led expeditions to the Scottish lake to find out more about the monster.  They were equipped with scientific instruments and machines that could be used in the deep water of the lake. Although the expeditions came up with no real results they did find out that something was moving in the lake , which they could not explain.

In 1975 an American-based expedition used underwater photography and special sonar to examine the Loch Ness.  The underwater camera was able to take images of a moving object that had flippers. Based on these photos some scientists concluded that the 20-foot long creature was possibly an ancient reptile that became extinct with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago.

In the last three decades more sonar observations were made with even more advanced equipment. And still, they produced objects that could not be identified. Whether fact or fiction, Loch Ness has become a tourist attraction in northern Scotland, and even if there is no monster, the legend lives on.

Loch Ness monsteri 1.

   KO'P YO'Q YO'Q MONSTER Chindan ham mavjudmi? . Hech kim aniq bilmaydi. Ammo bitta narsa aniq: faqat BIR YANGI hayvon bo'lishi mumkin emas. Agar bitta yirtqich hayvon bo'lsa, ularning butun oilasi bo'lishi kerak ... kamida yigirma. 7000 yildan ko'proq vaqt davomida bironta ham jonzot tirik qololmas edi! ..

Juda katta hikoya 

Yirtqich hayvonning birinchi yozilgan hikoyasi Miloddan avvalgi 565 yilda Keltlar biografi tomonidan yozilgan matnda : bu yozuvchi Ness daryosida suzayotganida bir odamning yirtqich hayvonga qanday hujum qilganini tasvirlaydi. Ehtimol, afsona o'sha kunlarda mavjud edi: u ko'p asrlar davomida Shotlandiya xalq og'zaki ijodida mavjud bo'lgan .

    Biroq, yirtqich hayvonning hikoyasi bitta oddiy sababga ko'ra Angliyada juda yaxshi ma'lum emas edi: Loch Ness Britaniyaning qolgan qismidan juda uzoq yo'l. Temir yo'l yoshiga qadar, Shotlandiya Tog'li tog'lariga juda kam odam borgan .... Shotlandiya pasttekisliklari shaharchasidagi askarlar va amaldorlardan tashqari. Hech kimga u erga borish uchun hech qanday sabab yo'q edi: Shimoliy Shotlandiya yovvoyi va huvillagan edi, nam va odatda sovuq va odamlarga qaraganda ko'proq qo'ylar yashagan .
   Afsona 1930 yilda katta yangilik bo'ldi; ko'lda qayiqda uch kishi, ular yirtqichni ko'rganlarini aytishdi. Darhol, yana bir necha kishi, ular ham ko'rganlarini aytishdi. 1933 yilda bir kishi yirtqich hayvonning birinchi "fotosuratini" 100 metrga yaqin masofadan suratga oldi. Surat aniq emas, lekin Kodak fotosurat haqiqiy ekanligini aytdi. Eng mashhur fotosurat 1934 yilda London jarroxi tomonidan olingan ; aftidan, uzun bo'yin va kichkina bosh suvdan chiqayotgan ko'rinadi. "Nessie" - agar fotosurat haqiqiy bo'lsa - dinozavrga o'xshaydi.
    O'shandan beri ko'plab boshqa fotosuratlar olingan, ammo ularning hech biri aniq emas. Shubhasiz, agar yirtqich hayvon bo'lsa, u uyatchanbitta! U tez-tez yuz bermaydi va yozda quyoshli peshindan keyin hech qachon qirg'oq yaqinida bunday qilmaydi!
   Agar u shunday qilgan bo'lsa, ko'p odamlar uni suratga olishgan va bundan keyin boshqa sir qolmagan bo'lar edi. Hozirgacha u oshkoralikka yo'l qo'ymaslikka harakat qildi .... agar mavjud bo'lsa!
    1987 yilda ba'zi odamlar Nessie-ni kashf qilish uchun sonar uskunalarini ishlatishdi .... lekin ular hech narsa topmadilar. Shunday qilib, Loch Ness yirtqich hayvonining borligini hech kim isbotlamadi; ammo uning yo'qligini hech kim isbotlay olmaydi. Bu ajoyib hikoya.

Loch Ness monsteri 2.

Bundan tashqari, "deb nomlangan Loch Ness monster, Nessie ", bir emas jonzot bo'ladi deb taxmin Loch Ness, shimoliy Shotlandiya eng yirik ko'l yashashga. Rim zamonlaridan beri sirli dengiz jonzotining afsonasi hayvonning ko'plab ko'rishlari orqali tirik edi .

Rimliklar birinchi asrda Shotlandiyaga kelganlarida Pictlar asosiy aholi edi . Ular hayvonlarni hayratda qoldirdilar va Shotlandiya tog'laridagi ko'llardan birida g'alati hayvon suzayotgani haqida gapirishdi . Birinchi ma'lumotlar VI asrga , odam Loch Nessning suzish hayvonidan qutqarilgan paytga to'g'ri keladi.
Bir necha asrlar davomida Loch Ness yirtqich hayvonining afsonasi hech qachon yo'qolmagan. 30-yillarda Loch Ness sohilida yangi yo'l qurildi . 1933 yilda bu yo'l bo'ylab ketayotgan er-xotin ko'l yuzasida ulkan hayvonning  chayqalishi haqida xabar berishdi . Keyingi oylarda gazetalar kuzatuvlar o'tkazish uchun jurnalistlar va fotosuratchilarni ko'lga yuborishdi . Hatto ulkan hayvonning izlari ham topildi.

Keyingi o'n yilliklarda ko'pgina olimlar bu ko'rishlarni soxta deb e'lon qildilar va dinozavrga o'xshash jonzot millionlab yil davomida yashab bo'lmasligini ta'kidlashdi . Biroq, Loch Nessga borgan odamlarning aksariyati jiddiy va halol edilar va shubhasiz, firibgarlikni ishlab chiqarishni xohlamadilar .

Loch Ness yirtqich hayvon haqida ko'plab kitoblar yozilgan. Bir necha suratlar , uni qilgan gazeta old sahifalariga. Eng mashhur fotosurat 1934 yilda ingliz jarrohidan olingan. Londonlik shifokor Robert Uilson uzun bo'yinli suvdan suvda turgan jonivorni suratga oldi. 1975 yilda Sunday Telegraph ushbu fotosurat soxta ekanligini isbotladi.

Vaqt o'tishi bilan tekshirish yanada jiddiylashdi . Ushbu hodisani o'rganish uchun dunyoning barcha mamlakatlaridan olimlar Lox Nessga kelishni boshladilar . BBC va to'rtta universitet hayvon haqida ko'proq bilish uchun Shotlandiya ko'liga ekspeditsiyalar olib borishdi. Ular ko'lning chuqur suvida ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan ilmiy asboblar va mashinalar bilan jihozlangan edi. Garchi ekspeditsiyalar haqiqiy natijalarga erishmagan bo'lsalar ham, ular biron narsani tushuntirib berolmayotgan ko'lda harakatlanayotganini bilib olishdi.

1975 yilda Amerikalik ekspeditsiya Loch Nessni tekshirish uchun suv osti fotosuratlari va maxsus sonarlardan foydalangan . Suv osti kamera olishga qodir bo'lgan tasvirlarni edi bir harakat ob'ekt brusok . Ushbu fotosuratlarga asoslanib ba'zi olimlar 20 futli jonzot, ehtimol 65 million yil oldin dinozavrlar bilan yo'q bo'lib ketgan qadimiy sudraluvchi ekan, degan xulosaga kelishdi .

So'nggi uch o'n yillikda yanada zamonaviy uskunalar yordamida sonar kuzatuvlar o'tkazildi . Va hali, ular bo'lishi mumkin emas edi ob'ektlarni ishlab chiqarilgan aniqlandi . Fox yoki fantastika bo'lsin , Loch Ness Shimoliy Shotlandiya turistik diqqatga sazovor joyiga aylandi va hatto yirtqich hayvon bo'lmasa ham afsona yashaydi.


I want to tell you about my daily routine. I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning and go to the bathroom. I wash myself, brush my teeth and comb my hair. While I am in the bathroom my mother makes breakfast. I usually have porridge and a sandwich with tea for breakfast. After it I walk with my dog. At 8 o'clock I leave home and go to school. It is not far from my house, but I don't like to be late for my lessons, that's why I leave home earlier. On

my way to school I sometimes meet my classmates and friends. We talk and discuss things.

I usually have six lessons at school, sometimes seven, but never eight or nine. The first lesson starts at 8:30 in the morning and the seventh lesson finishes at 2:05 in the afternoon. At school we have a lot of subjects: Maths, Russian, Literature, English, Computing, Physical Education and others. We learn a lot of interesting and useful things at school.

After school I go back home. I leave my bag at home and go for a walk with my friends. I don't go for long walks, because I usually have a lot of homework. So, after walking I come back home and start doing my homework. When I have problems with it, I ask my mother or my brother for help. My father comes back from work at 6 o'clock, and at 7 in the evening my family has supper. If I finish my homework before supper I watch TV or play computer games after it. Sometimes I play chess with my father. In spring I usually go for walks with my friends after supper and come back home at 9 in the evening or later.

I usually go to bed at ten, after my evening tea. That's my usual day.


Sizga kundalik ishlarim to'g'risida gapirib bermoqchiman. Ertalab soat 7 da turib, hammomga boraman. Men o'zimni yuvaman, tishlarimni yuvaman va sochlarimni tarayman. Men hammomda bo'lganimda onam nonushta qiladilar. Menda odatda nonushta uchun porridge va choy bilan sendvich bor. Shundan keyin men itim bilan yuraman. Soat 8 da uydan chiqib, maktabga boraman. Uyimdan unchalik uzoq emas, lekin darslarga kech qolishni yoqtirmayman, shuning uchun uydan ertaroq chiqib ketaman. Kuni

do'stlarim va sinfdoshlarim kutib I mening yo'l tashkil qilish ba'zan Do A maktab. Biz narsalarni muhokama qilamiz va muhokama qilamiz.

Men odatda maktabda oltita darsni, ba'zida ettitasini o'qiyman, lekin hech qachon sakkiz yoki to'qqizta emas. Birinchi dars ertalab 8:30 da boshlanadi va ettinchi dars kunduzi soat 2:05 da tugaydi. Maktabda biz juda ko'p fanlarga egamiz: matematika, rus tili, adabiyot, ingliz tili, hisoblash, jismoniy tarbiya va boshqalar. Maktabda juda ko'p qiziqarli va foydali narsalarni o'rganamiz.

Maktabdan keyin uyga qaytaman. Men sumkamni uyda qoldirib, do'stlarim bilan sayrga boraman. Men uzoq yurish uchun bormayman, chunki odatda uy vazifalari juda ko'p. Shunday qilib, piyoda yurgandan keyin uyga qaytib, uy vazifasini bajarishni boshlayman. Menda muammolar bo'lsa, onamdan yoki akamdan yordam so'rayman. Otam ishdan soat 6 da qaytib keladi, kechqurun soat 7 da oilamda kechki ovqat bo'ladi. Kechki ovqatdan oldin uy vazifamni bajarsam, keyin televizor ko'raman yoki undan keyin kompyuter o'yinlarini o'ynayman. Ba'zan men otam bilan shaxmat o'ynayman. Bahorda men odatda kechki ovqatdan keyin do'stlarim bilan sayr qilish uchun boraman va kechqurun soat 9 da uyga qaytib kelaman.

Men odatda kechki choydan keyin soat o'nlarda yotaman. Bu mening odatiy kunim.

My Favourite Season – Summer
Summer is my favorite season of the year for many reasons. First of all, in summer schoolchildren have the longest vacations this time of the year.

Another reason why I like summer is that the weather is very warm, the days are long and the nights are short, and there are so many different ways for people to spend their holydays. For example, they can travel and visit other countries, cities, continents and islands, where they can learn something new, have a terrific time and meet new people. They also can go hiking with their friends and relatives.

The nature is beautiful in summer: the leaves on the trees and the grass are green and fresh. One can see different flowers blossoming everywhere: dandelions, marigolds, cornflowers and many others. One can gather various mushrooms and berries. Some people make pickles and jams for winter.

Of course, the weather is not always fine in summer, some days are rainy. It is wonderful to sit near the fireplace with a book and a cup of hot coffee on such days and to listen to the sound of the rain.

Summer is a great season because I don't have any homework and I can do whatever I want. I usually spend most of my summer holidays with my grandparents in the village. I enjoy spending time there because I have a lot of friends there and we always find something interesting to do: we swim in the lake, we go fishing, ride our bicycles, play games, sing songs by the campfire and so on. I also help my grandparents in the garden. In the evening, I watch TV or read books.

At the end of August I return to the city to prepare for the new school year. I buy new clothes and stationary.

I believe, there is no person in the world, who doesn't like summer!

Mening sevimli mavsumim - Yoz
Yoz ko'p sabablarga ko'ra yilning eng sevimli mavsumidir. Birinchidan, yozgi maktab o'quvchilarida bu yilning eng uzoq ta'tillari bor.

Menga yozni yoqtirishining yana bir sababi shundaki, ob-havo juda issiq, kunlar uzoq va tun qisqa, odamlar o'zlarining muqaddas kunlarini o'tkazishning turli xil usullari mavjud. Masalan, ular boshqa mamlakatlarga, shaharlarga, qit'alarga va orollarga sayohat qilishlari va tashrif buyurishlari mumkin, bu erda ular yangi narsalarni o'rganishlari, dahshatli vaqtlari va yangi odamlar bilan tanishishlari mumkin. Shuningdek, ular do'stlari va qarindoshlari bilan sayohatga chiqishlari mumkin.

Yozda tabiat go'zal: daraxtlar va o'tlardagi barglar yashil va yangi. Hamma joyda gullab-yashnayotgan turli xil gullarni ko'rish mumkin: karahindiba, marigolds, makkajo'xori gullari va boshqalar. Turli xil qo'ziqorinlar va rezavorlarni to'plash mumkin. Ba'zi odamlar qish uchun tuzlangan va murabbo tayyorlashadi.

Albatta, yozda ob-havo har doim ham yaxshi emas, ba'zi kunlar yomg'irli. Bunday kunlarda kamin yonida kitob va bir stakan issiq qahva bilan o'tirish va yomg'irning tovushini tinglash juda yaxshi.

Yoz - ajoyib mavsum, chunki menda uy vazifasi yo'q va men xohlagan narsani qila olaman. Men odatda yoz ta'tilining ko'p qismini qishloqda buvim va buvilarim bilan o'tkazaman. Men u erda vaqt o'tkazishimni yaxshi ko'raman, chunki u erda do'stlarim ko'p va biz doimo qiziqarli narsalarni topamiz: ko'lda suzamiz, baliq ovlaymiz, velosipedda sayr qilamiz, o'yin o'ynaymiz, gulxanda qo'shiqlar kuylaymiz va hokazo. Bog'da buvim va buvilarimga ham yordam beraman. Kechqurun televizor ko'raman yoki kitob o'qiyman.

Avgust oxirida yangi o'quv yiliga tayyorgarlik ko'rish uchun shaharga qaytaman. Men yangi kiyim va statsionar buyumlarni sotib olaman.

Men ishonaman, dunyoda yozni yoqtirmaydigan odam yo'q!
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