The latvian academy of culture

Literature: 1. Quesada Marco S

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1. Quesada Marco S. 1996. Curso de Civilizacón Española. Madrid: SGEL.

2. Dolores Chamorro M. 1996. Abanico. Barcelona: Difusión.

3. Mora C. 1996. ESPAÑA, ayer y hoy.Madrid: SGEL.

4. Pablo Fusi J. 1989. España: Autonomías. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.

5. Terán M, Solé L Sabaris. 1983. Geografía Regional de España. Barcelona: Ariel.

6. Balcells A. 1999. El Nacionzlizmo catalán. Madrid: Historia 16.

7. García de Cortázar F. 1999. El Ncionalizmo vasco. Madrid: Historia 16.

8. Alcina Franch J. 1999. Los Aztecas. Madrid: Historia 16.

9. Rozenberga M. 1996. Spāņu valoda. 2. Grāmata.Rīga: Jumava.

10. Solovtsova E.L., Belousova V.A. 1996. ESPAÑOL. Moskva: Prosveschenie.

11. Швыркова Л.Л., Ломов В.М. ИСПАНИЯ, страна изучаемого языка. Москва: РУДН.

12. Весенсий В. 1990. Огни больших городов. (Очерки о Латинской Америке). Москва: Мысль.

13. Perodicals from Spain: Carabela, El Mundo, Boletín de Cultura and others which are provided by the Spanish embassy in Stockholm to the Academy.

Video Materials:

1. Conozca España.

2. Universidad de Alcalá.

3. Museos de Madrid.

4. Sevillanas.

5. Video records from the Spanish Television. (bullfights).

Audio Materials

1. Antología de Musíca Española.

2. Flamenco.

3. Ritmos populares de España.

The Name of the Course: Background Studies: Introduction to the History of the Spanish Language

The Scope of the Course: 1 term, 32 hours of lectures and practical classes, two academic hours per week, delivered in Term 2 of the 2nd Year

2 credit points

The type of assessment – an oral test at the end of the term and 2 progress tests during the term

The Author of the Course: Ass. Prof. Alla Jerjomenko, lecturer Alberto Torez

Preconditions for the Acquisition of the Course: Acquisition of Spanish at the level of 2nd Year.

The Objective of the Course: The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the history of language within the general context of the development of languages. The students should be aware of the origin of the language and its ties with other Romance and Indo-European languages. The course offers an opportunity to acquire the development of the language in historical aspect and understand the situation of the language in modern Spain, its dialects and variants. The course also aims to extend the theoretical and practical basis for better comprehension and interpretation of the language.

The Contents of the Course: see Appendix





The family of Indo-European languages. Romance languages.



The chronological and linguistic periodization of the development of the Spanish language. Terminology used in the course.



The variety of languages in Spain till the Reconquista period.



The classical and vulgar Latin language.



The influence of the Visigothic period on the development of the Spanish language.



The dialects of Spanish in the Middle Ages.



Galician, Leonean, Aragonese, Asturian, Navarra-Aragonese, Catalan, Castilian and Moorian dialects.



Castilian: the basis of modern Spanish.



The development of the literary Spanish language.



The phonetic peculiarities of Castilian in the Middle Ages.



The influence of Galician, English, German, Arabic, Latin and Italian.



The distribution of the Spanish language. Understanding about its dialects.



Spanish in Latin America: the common and the different features.



The influence of the Aztek, the Mayan, the Inca and other American Indian languages on Spanish. The influence of African languages.



The peculiarities of Spanish as a means of communication.



1. Quesada Marco S. 1996. Curso de Civilizacón Española. Madrid: SGEL.

2. García López, J. 1995. Historia de la Literatura española. Barcelona: Vicens Vives.

3. Moreno de Fernández, F. 1993. La división dilectal del español de America. Madrid: Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.

4. Степанов Г.В. 1979. Испанский язык Испании и Латинской Америки. Москва: Наука.

5. Степанов Г.В. 1976. Типология языковых ситуаций и состояний в странах романской речи. Москва: Высшая школа.

6. Григорьев В.П. 1985. История испанского языка. Москва: Наука.
The Name of the Course: Background Studies: Literature

The Scope of the Course: 2 terms, 64 hours of lectures and practical classes, four academic hours per week, delivered in Term 5 and 6 of the 3rd Year

4 credit points

The type of assessment – an oral test at the end of Term 5 and at the end of the course; 2 progress tests during each term

The Author of the Course: Ass. Prof. Alla Jerjomenko, lecturer Alberto Torez

Preconditions for the Acquisition of the Course: The scope of the course acquired during the four previous terms (geography and history) and competency in Spanish at the intermediary level in grammar and conversation at the level of Term 4.

The Objective of the Course: The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the main periods, genres and trends in literature of Spain and Latin America. Special attention is paid to the development of Spanish literature and its history. The contribution of Spain in the development of the world is also stressed. The objective of the course is to develop different language skills by reading and translating literature in original and its extracts in Spanish, prepare papers and read them in front of the audience and participate in discussions

The Contents of the Course: see Appendix




The Middle Ages.

1. The origin of the Spanish language. 2. Castilian epos and poetry.



The Middle Ages.

1. “El Cantar del Mío Cid”. 2. “El Mester de Clerecía”. 3. Berceo. 4. Alfonso X el Sabio and his prose works.



The Middle Ages.

1. “El Auto de los Reyes Magos”. 2. A sotry. 3. Don Juan Manuel and the first tale of chivalry.



The Middle Ages.

1. History. Canciller de Ayala. 2. The cult literature and prose. 3. Santillana and Mena.



The Middle Ages.

1. Romancero and the poetry of taita.



The 16th century.

1. Renaissance and its ideology: León Hebreo, Perez de Oliva, Arias Montano, Luis Vives.



The 16th century.

1. The period of Carlos V. Poetry. Garcilaso. 3. The theatre of Torrez Navarro and Gil Vincente.



The 16th century.

1. Prose. Valdés and Guevara. 2. The rwiters of the history of Carlos V. 3. Chivalric literature. “Lazarillo de Tormes”.



The 16th century.

1. The era of Philip II. 2. Luis de León’s poetry. 3. Herrera’s poetry



The 16th century.

1. Mysticism and asceticism. 2. Santa Juana del Jesus and Sor Juana de la Cruz. 3. A short-story, history and theatre.



The 17th century.

1. Baroque. 2. Cervantes and his Don Quixote.



The 17th century.

1. The swindler short-story (blēžu romāns). 2. The poetry of Gongora. The moral and humour of Kevedo.



The 17th century.

1. Lope de Vega, poetry and theatre. 2. The school of Lope de Vega. Tirso de Molina.



The 17th century.

1. The Baroque theatre. Calderon de la Barca. 2. The school of Calderon, Rojas and Moreto. 3. The historical prose, mysticism and politics.



The 18th century.

1. Post-baroque literature. 2. Neo-classicism. Feihoo and Luzan.



The 18th century.

1. Theatre. 2. Neo-classical poetry. 3. Fabulists: Felikss, Maria Sarmiento and Tomass de Irriarte.



The 18th century.

1. Hovellanos and Cadalso. 2. The school of Salmantin. 3. Pre-romanticism. 4. The school of Sevillan.



The 19th century.

1. Romanticism. Larra. 2. Romantics. Espronceda.



The 19th century.

1. Drama. 2. National romanticism. Sorrila. 3. Realism.



The 19th century.

1. Comedy. Ayala, Tamayo and Echegaraya. 2. Restoration poetry: Campoamor, Arse, Rosalia de Castro y Gabriela.



The 19th century.

1. Realistic novel. Fernan Caballero Alarcon. 2. Benito Peress Galdos. 3. Blasco Ibañez. 4. Thinking, oratory and erudition. Menendez y Pelayo.



The 20th century.

1. The generation of ’98 and its role in culture of Spain. 2. Miguel de Unamuno. 3. Asorin.



The 20th century.

1. Pio Baroja. 2. Antonio Machado. 3. Rubens Dario. Modernism in literature.



The 20th century.

1. The modern theatre: Ramon del Valle Inclan. 3. Prose.



The 20th century.

1. Modernism in painting: Juan Ramon Himenez.



The 20th century.

The generation of ’27 and its life in culture of Spain. Federico Garcia Lorca. 3. Raphael Alberti.



The 20th century.

1. Poetry and short-story. 2. Modern Spanish liteature.



The 20th century.

Theatre and novel after 1939.



The 20th century.

Theatre and novel after 1965.



The 20th century.

Industrial art: Barrio de Sants, Vapors Velss, Vapors Nou, Estasio Franca, Penedess Urgels.



The 20th century.

Modern literature: Ricardo Leon, Gabriel Miro, Juan Ramon Himenez, Garcia Lorca, Raphael Alberti, Jorje Gillen, Cernuda.



The 20th century.

Modern literature: Gabriel García Márquez, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortazar, Mario Vargas Llosa, Jose Donoso, Jorje Luis Borjes, Juan Rulfo, Isabella Allende, Alejo Carpentier, Nokolas Gillen.



The 20th century.

Modern literature: Alehandro Casona, Migel Miura, Antonio Gala, Camilo José Cela, Ana Maria Matute, Dámaso Alonso, Miguel Delibes, Francisko Garcia Pavon.



1. Quesada Marco S. 1996. Curso de Civilizacón Española. Madrid: SGEL.

2. García López, J. 1997. Historia de la literatura española. Barcelona: Vicens Vives.

3. Claude Seguin, J. 1995. Historia del Cine Español. Madrid: Acento.

4. García López, J. 1995. Historia de la Literatura española. Barcelona: Vicens Vives.

5. Катерева, Т.П. 1989. Искусство Испании. Москва: Исскуство.

6. Historia de España. 1995. Barcelona: Sopena.

7. De Villalonga, J.L. 1995. El Rey, conversaciones con D. Jan Carlos I de España. Barcelona:Salvat.

8. De Miguel, A. 1994. Los españoles de hoy. Sociología de la vida cotidiana. Madrid:BolsiTemas.

9. Balansó, J. 1995. La familia real y la familia irreal. Barcelona: Planeta.

10. Vilar, P. 1994. Historia de España. Barcelona: Crítica.

11. Vidal Sales, J.A.1996. Crónicas de las reinas de España. Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostin.

12. Bahamonte, A. Martinez, J.A. 1994. Historia de España. Siglo XIX. Madrid: Catedra.

13. Diaz-Plaja, F. 1986. Historia de España en sus documentos. Siglo XVIII. Madrid: Catedra.

14. Actas del Encuentro Internacional V Centenario. 1990. Impacto y futuro de la civilización españla en el Nuevo Mundo. San Juan de Puerto Rico: Colección encuentros.

15. De Cortazar, F.G Gonzalez, J.M. 1994. Breve historia de España.Barcelona: Alianza.

16. Anson, L.M. 1994. Don Juan. Barcelona: Plaza y Janes.

17. Vargas Llosa, M. 1992. La tía Julia y el escribidor. Barcelona: RBA.

18. Baroja, P. 1980. La ciudad de la niebla. Barcelona: Bruguera.

19. Jackson, G. 1974. Introducción a la España Medieval. Madrid: Alianza.

20. Adolfo Bécquer, G. 1994. Rimas y otros poemas. Madrid:Alianza.

21. Machado, A. 1995. Antolologia poética. Madrid: Anaya.

22. García Márquez, G. 1994. De amor y otros demonios. La Habana: Arte y Literatura.

23. García Lorca, F. 1994. Yerma. Madrid: Alianza.

24. Teixidor, J. 1972. El retablo del flautista. Barcelona: Colección teatro.

25. Montanbán, V. 1995. Cuarteto. Madrid: Alianza.

26. José Cela, C. 1994. Café de Artistas. Madrid: Alianza.

27. Delibes. 1995. La Mortaja. Madrid: Alianza.

28. García Lorca, F. 1993. La casa de Bernalda Alba. Madrid: Catedra.

29. García Lorca, F. 1983. Teatro de cámara. La Habana: Editorial Pueblo.

30. Vargas Llosa, M. 1991. Carta de batalla por Tirant lo Blanc. Barcelona: Seix Barral.

31. De la Barca, C. 1994. La vida es sueño. Madrid: Literatura Universal.

32. José Cela, C. 1994. La Colmena. Barcelona: HMB.

33. Blasco Ibañez, V. 1968. Sangre y arena. Buenos Aires: Colleción Austral.

34. García Lorca, F. 1993. Bodas de sangre. Madrid: Catedra.

35. Cervantes, M. 1994. Rinconete y Lazarillo. Madrid:Editorial Cien.

36. Cernuda, L. 1998. 34 Poemas. Madrid: Mondadori.

37. Alberti, R. 1998. Suenos del marinero. Madrid: Mondadori.

38. Sevilla Arroyo, R. de H. 1995. Cervantes. Vida y Literatura. Madrid: Editorial Cien.

39. Torrente Ballester, G. 1994. Cronica del rey pasmado. Barcelona: Planeta.

40. Gala, A. 1999. Las afuera de Dios. Barcelona: Planeta.

41. De Vega, L. 1999. Peribanez y el Comendador de Ocana. El mejor alcalde, el rey. Barcelona: Planeta.

42. De Rojas Zorrilla, F. 1999. Del rey abajo, ninguno. Entre bobos and el juego. Barcelona: Planeta.

43. De Cervantes, M. 1997. La Gitanilla. Madrid: G.E. Henares.

44. Matute, A.M. 1999. Olvidado rey Gudu. Barcelona: Planeta.

45. De Cervantes, M. 1998. Don Quijote de la Mancha. Madrid: Edelsa.

46. Allende, I. 1998. La casa de los espiritus. Barcelona: Plaza Janes.

47. De Rojas, F. 1995. La Celestina. Madrid: Catedra.

48. Perodicals from Spain: Carabela, El Mundo, Boletín de Cultura and others which are provided by the Spanish embassy in Stockholm to the Academy.

The Name of the Course The History of Swedish Literature

The Author of the Course Lecturer Martin Ringmar

The Objective of the Course The course presents the development of Swedish literature from runic inscriptions to the 20th century, including Swedish literature written in Finland.

Preconditions for the Acquisitions of the Course The acquisition of Swedish at the level of the second year.

The Scope of the Course 2 terms, 128 hours of practical classes, four academic hours a week, delivered in Terms 5 and 6, Year III.

The Number of Credit Points 4 points.

The Type of Assessment The students are expected to deliver a term paper (5 pages) in Swedish on some aspect of Swedish literature in comparison with Latvian. Furthermore, a translation of a short literary text from Swedish into Latvian is required.

The Contents of the Course see Appendix

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