A sentence is the largest grammatical unit in language. It communicates a complete thought—an assertion, question, command, or exclamation.
A sentence is a unit of grammar. Typically, in writing, it begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.
Sentence structures
There are three types of sentence structures: simple, compound and complex.
Simple sentences
Simple sentences have only one main clause:
We’re going on holiday tomorrow. (one main clause)
I’m not keen on musicals.
Compound sentences
Compound sentences have two or more main clauses, joined by a coordinating conjunction:
I phoned her but she wasn’t there.
Are you coming or are you staying at home or will you go and see Mum?
Complex sentences
Complex sentences have a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses, introduced by a subordinating conjunction (The main clause is in bold; the subordinate clause is underlined.):
You can call me if you have any problems.
I got up earlier than usual because I had to get the 6.30 train.
Although it hurt when she bent her wrist, she could still move her fingers.
Types of sentence
There are four main types of clause or sentence.
(s = subject; v = verb; aux = auxiliary verb; x = objects, complements or adjuncts)
[S] [V]I finished [X]the book last night.
[AUX][S]Did you [V]study [X]Latin at school?
(orders, instructions)
[V]Leave [X]it on the chair, thanks.
(expressing strong opinion or surprise)
What [S]a gorgeous dress [V]she’s wearing!
Qo‘shma gaplar
Qo‘shma gaplar ikki yoki undan ortiq bosh gapga ega bo‘lib, ular muvofiqlashtiruvchi bog‘lovchi bilan birikadi:
Men unga qo'ng'iroq qildim, lekin u yo'q edi.
Kelasizmi yoki uyda qolasizmi yoki borib onamni ko'rasizmi?
Murakkab jumlalar
Murakkab gaplar bosh gapga va bir yoki bir nechta ergash gapga ega bo‘lib, ular tobe bog‘lovchi orqali kiritiladi (Asosiy gap qalin, ergash gapning tagiga chizilgan):
Agar biron bir muammo bo'lsa, menga qo'ng'iroq qilishingiz mumkin.
Men odatdagidan ertaroq turdim, chunki 6.30 poezdga borishim kerak edi.
U bilagini egganda og'riyotgan bo'lsa-da, barmoqlarini harakatga keltirardi.
Gap tildagi eng katta grammatik birlikdir. U to'liq fikrni - tasdiq, savol, buyruq yoki undovni bildiradi.
Gap grammatika birligidir. Odatda, yozma ravishda, u bosh harf bilan boshlanadi va nuqta bilan tugaydi.
Gap tuzilmalari
Gap tuzilishining uch turi mavjud: sodda, qo‘shma va murakkab.
Oddiy jumlalar
Oddiy jumlalar faqat bitta bosh gapga ega:
Ertaga ta'tilga chiqamiz. (bitta asosiy band)
Men musiqiy filmlarga qiziqmayman.
Gap turlari
Gap yoki gapning to'rtta asosiy turi mavjud.
(s = mavzu; v = fe'l; aux = yordamchi fe'l; x = predmet, to'ldiruvchi yoki qo'shimchalar)
[S] [V]
Men tugatdim
kitob kecha.
[AUX] [S]
Siz qildingizmi?
Maktabda lotincha?
(buyruqlar, ko'rsatmalar)
Tashlab ket
stulda, rahmat.
(kuchli fikr bildirish yoki ajablanish)
ajoyib libos
u kiygan!
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