Dates Unless there is a particular reason for providing
the Islamic,
hijri date, all dates are AD.
References In the notes to the text, given at the end of each
chapter, references are usually to the name of
the author or editor and a short form of the title
of the work. Full titles, together with date and
place of publication, are provided in the
bibliography. See the list of abbreviations for
the titles of journals, etc.
Transliteration A full scholarly transliteration is not provided in
the text but the bibliography and index are
translit-erated. The bibliography reproduces the
various methods of transliteration used by the
authors cited. My transliteration follows the
system of the
Encyclopaedia of Islam, with the
few modifications customary in works in
English. On the whole, readers without any
Arabic will safely ignore the transliteration
symbols, but may wish to note the following: ‘
= the Arabic letter
‘ayn, a guttural sound
produced by constricting the larynx; ’ = the
hamza, a glottal stop like the
tt in the Cockney
pronunciation of
vowels are short unless
they have a macron (¯) over them;
ibn (abbreviated to b. in the middle of a name) =
‘son of’;
B. (abbreviation of
Banu ) =
‘descendants of’, ‘family of’, ‘clan of’, ‘tribe
of’, as appropriate.
i x
AIEOr. Annales de l’Institut des Études Orientales AIUON Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientate di Napoli AJSL American Journal for Semitic Languages and Literatures BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies BZ Byzantinische Zeitschrift CMedH Cambridge Mediaeval History EI1 Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1st edition
EI2 Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd edition
GS I.Goldziher,
Gesammelte Schriften IC Islamic Culture IJMES International Journal of Middle East Studies IOS Israel Oriental Studies IQ Islamic Quarterly Isl. Der Islam JA Journal Asiatique JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society JSAI Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam JSS Journal of Semitic Studies MW Muslim World PPHS Proceedings of the Pakistan Historical Society
Abbreviations Rend. Linc. Rendiconti dell Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche RH Revue Historique RHR Revue de l’Histoire des Religions RO Rocznik orientalistyczny RSO Rivista degli studi orientali SI Studia Islamica WI Die Welt des Islams ZA Zeitschrift für Assyriologie ZDMG Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft