Text. Rheumatic Endocarditis

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Text. Rheumatic Endocarditis

The patient complained of a general malaise, early fatigue on exertion, cardiac discomfort and palpitation.

The physician found him to have been having an increase of body temperature to a subfebrile level for a prolonged period of time. The patient stated the onset of the disease had been preceded by tonsillitis. The patient's pulse га had become irregular and accelerated on physical exertion.

The blood analysis revealed moderate leucocytosis and an elevated ES The electrocardiogram showed the changes in the most important readings. On percussion the doctor determined the heart to be slightly enlarged. These find­ings of the physical examination were confirmed by the X-ray examination.

While listening to the patient's heart the doctor found a soft systolic mur­mur to be heard at the heart apex. These symptoms were accompanied by dias­tole murmur heard at the apex and base of the heart. The doctor estimated the murmurs to be varying in their intensity and duration. It was evidence of an inflammatory process in the valves. The doctor determined the organic changes in the mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves to be clearly marked.

The physician considered the patient to be ill with rheumatic endocarditis and insisted on his following a strict bed regimen at the in-patient department

Lesson 2. Topic: Shopping

It was my birthday recently, and as usual I didn’t get what I really wanted. I usually get a bunch of flowers, a book, a box of chocolates and electronic gadgets. My family always ask me, what I want, and I always tell them the same things- I want a surprise. So this year I got flowers, books, chocolates, and gadgets.

Flowers are lovely, but they hardly ever last for more than a week, and a real present is something you can keep. I always look for the diamond ring hidden in the flowers, but it’s never there. Books are a waste of time, and I hate getting chocolates because I’m normally on a diet.

But gadgets are the worst. Most women are not interested in gadgets. Men buy gadgets for women because men love gadgets. For my birthday mu husband bought me a gadget that makes bubbles in the bath, like a Jacuzzi. Last year he got me one of things you put on the back of your seat and it massages your back. What’s he trying to tell me? That I deserve some little luxuries? I agree with that, but the little luxuries I like are made of gold or silver. But women are sensitive and intuitive so they always know the right things to buy. Right?

Wrong The big mistakes that women make is that they usually buy clothes. They buy clothes because they like them and they want other people to wear the clothes they like. You always wear dark colours, and I want to change you, so I’m going to buy you a brightly coloured tie or a pair of Mickey Mouse socks.

This is a big mistake. Men don’t usually want brightly coloured ties or silly socks. The word to remember when you’re buying a present for a male is Gadgets. Men like anything digital or electronic. Like one of those watches that tells scuba divers the time in Atlantis.

For his last birthday, I gave my husband a small torch and a Swiss army knife, the same present that I once gave to a 12 year old nephew. He was overjoyed. It’s very simple. You can’t go wrong if you always remember the “G” word for men and the “J” word for women and that’s “J” for jewellery not “J” for Jacuzzi

Lesson 3. Topic: Lifestyle


Chiako is active and healthy. She gets up at 7 am every day, takes a brisk 30-minute walk and plays gate-ball with her friends three times a week. There is nothing unusual about this, except that Chiako is 102 years old. She is not alone – there are hundreds of healthy centenarians who lead similar live in Okinawa.

Okinawa is a group of islands between Japan and Taiwan. Near a beach, there is a large stone with the following words on it. At 70 you are still a child, at 80 you are just a youth, and at 90, if the ancestors invite you into heaven, ask them to wait until you are 100, and then you might consider it.

Okinawans manage to stay slim in old age by eating a low-calorie diet which consists of three quarters plant food and one quarter animal food. They eat seven servings of fruit and vegetables every day and they stop eating when they are 80% full.

They also keep active by dancing, walking and gardening. In other words, they do the things they enjoy.

Okinawans have developed a stress – resistant personality. Nobody is in a hurry, timetables are non-existent and there is always tomorrow. Hundreds of people, both young and old, go to the beach every day to watch the spectacular sunsets.

As well as large extended families, Okinawans have strong networks of friends. “When someone is ill and doesn’t come to work, a neighbour will always knock on their door to find out how they are”.

There’s no magic pill. If you have good friends, a healthy diet and a stress-free lifestyle, you will live longer. It’s as simple as that!

  1. Text: Our Future Profession.

In Uzbekistan thousands of young people study at different medical institutes. They study numerous theoretical and special subjects. They have practical courses during which they do the work of nurses and assistant doctors. Such a course of studies helps them to gain much knowledge of medicine, which will give them the possibility to diagnose different diseases and treat them.

But medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good doctor. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine such as surgery or therapy. He must love people and have a kind heart. He must give all his knowledge, all his abilities, all his talent, and all his time to people, to the protection of their health.

One of the prominent therapeutists Prof. M. P. Konchalovsky considers that a person may be a poor writer, he may be a bad painter or an actor but a man cannot and must not be a bad doctor.

Medical students must understand well all the difficulties of their future profession. They must remember that often it will be difficult to diagnose a disease, sometimes it will be even more difficult to cure it. But a good doctor will always do his best to win the faith of his patient. And the faith of a patient in his doctor is a valuable remedy.

Did you hear about Hippocrates Oath before you entered the Institute? What does it read? It reads, “I shall enter any house for the good of the patient. I shall not do my patient any harm” – these are the words from Hippocrates Oath. And they must be not only words for medical students. They must become the motto (девиз) of their life.

Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art but not an ordinary trade (ремесло). It is one of the professions, which requires a real calling for it.

Lesson 6. Topic: Leisure time

Task 1. Fill in the blanks using the words from the vocabulary.

Vocabulary: having a nap, swimming, watching TV, photography, knitting, cooking, surf the Net, listening to music, riding a bike, writing poetry, painting, reading a book

Leisure or free time is a period of time spent out of your study or work. It is also the period of recreational time before or after compulsory activities such as eating and sleeping, going to work or running a business, attending school and doing homework or housework. _______ time is the time when you can forget about day-to-day ________ and stressful activities and relax. These activities can be our ___________.

There are two main ways of spending free time: the one is to do some physical activities (often outdoors), for example, football, swimming, hockey, playing soccer ; and another way is to enjoy something relaxing at home or in special places: painting, reading, writing poetry, listening to music, knitting, having a nap, surfing the Net. At any rate, hobby is a matter of taste, and everybody should choose it according to the personal preferences. As for me, I like to pass my leisure time both in active and passive way. I really ________ reading or watching films, because it's always interesting, helpful and helps to __________, what is especially necessary after a long tiring day. Also I am fond of active sports, swimming, skiing or riding a bike from time to time, when it is possible. Here are some variants of activities to choose:
Just tidy up; Try new recipes; Photography, drawing, painting, playing musical instruments are very special activities that you can do as a cure for boredom; Communicate more with other interesting people; Read something exiting, encouraging, or anything that will enrich your knowledge; Go for a walk with you friends; Following these simple advices you will never have a time to think about such problem as boredom. As we all know, leisure time is one of the most important thing people can't live without. It is a big part of our life, and it actually shows the character and temper of person. I can't imagine a person who doesn't have any hobbies and favorite activities, because it is really impossible. Our hobbies and ________ make our lives, filling it up with variety of feelings and emotions. Each person chooses his own way of spending time, either active or passive, and in any case it should be a refreshment and a source of __________.

Lesson 12. Text: Physical activity

Physical Activity and Your Health

Your body is constantly on the move! You use it to climb stairs, carry books, and pedal your bike. These movements add up to lots of physical activity. Physical activity is any movement that makes your body use extra energy.

Reading Cheek

Being physically fit is a great strategy for improving and main­taining personal health. It's also a positive health behavior that can prevent many health problems. Fitness means being able to handle physical work and play each day without getting overly tired. If you exercise regularly, you will have lots of energy. Exercise is planned physical activity done regularly to build or maintain one's fitness. Exercise can make you more fit. You can handle more activity in your day and not feel tired. Regular exercise also helps you develop skills to play sports.

Benefits of Physical Activity

Physical activity helps teens' health in many ways, as Figure 3.1 shows. For example, being active helps build and maintain your bones and muscles. It helps you manage your weight. It increases your strength and flexibility. It keeps your blood pressure at healthy levels and makes your heart and lungs work better. All these benefits help you enjoy life more fully. You have more energy. You move more freely and are more athletic. You also sleep better and are in less danger of developing certain diseases now and as you age.

Have you ever noticed it just feels good to work out? You usu­ally feel more relaxed or upbeat after playing a sport or going for a brisk walk. That's because an active lifestyle is good for your brain as well as your body. It improves the way you think and feel.

You have more self-confidence. You're also more mentally alert because more oxygen is going to your brain. Physical activity can help cut down on stress and give you a more easygoing attitude.

Being physically active can also give your social health a boost. When you sign up for sports or head outdoors to exercise, you're likely to meet more people. The more people you meet, the better your chance of finding others who share your interests and goals. This leads to new friendships and helps you learn to work well with others.

Elements of Physical Fitness

Being physically fit includes three elements: endurance, strength, and flexibility. Learning about these elements will help you assess and improve your own fitness level.


Endurance (en-DUR-uhnce) is the ability to perform difficult physical activity without getting overly tired. Muscle endurance is the ability of a muscle to repeatedly use force over a period of time. If you can run several miles and if your legs don't feel tired, your legs have muscle endurance. Endurance is important. Building endur­ance is an important positive health behavior. It allows you to stay active for a long time. You can build your endurance if you spend more time doing a chosen exercise or physical activity.

Cardiovascular (kar-dee-oh-VASS-kyoo-luhr) endurance is the measure of how well your heart and lungs work during moderate- to-vigorous physical activity or exercise. How do you know what your level of exercise is? If you are breathing so hard you can't speak in sentences, your activity is vigorous. If you can carry on a con­versation, your activity level is light to moderate. Cardiovascular endurance is also a measure of how quickly your heartbeat and breathing return to normal after you stop exercising. You can build cardiovascular endurance by doing aerobic exercises for 30 minutes at least three times a week.

Strength is the ability of your muscles to use force. The amount of work your muscles can do is a measure of strength. By building muscle strength, you can improve your skills for sports and other activities. You can lift heavy things more easily and are less likely to hurt yourself. Problems with your muscles, such as lower back pain, happen less often. Lifting weights is one of many ways to build and maintain muscle and increase bone strength. It also makes your body burn more energy for many hours.


The ability to move joints fully and easily through a full range of motion is known as flexibility. Some people are more flexible than others. You can increase your flexibility with regular, gentle stretches. When you become more flexible, you will feel more comfortable. You will be more agile, or able to change direction easily. You will also be less likely to get hurt as you exercise or play. Figure 3.2 shows some ways to build not only flexibility, but also endurance and strength.

Compare and Contrast What is the difference between endurance and strength?

Types of Exercise

Whether they build endurance, strength, or flexibility, most physical activities and exercises can be described as aerobic or anaerobic. Aerobic (ah-ROH-bik) exercise is rhythmic, moderate- to-vigorous activity that uses large amounts of oxygen and works the heart and lungs. Dancing, running, swimming laps, and bicycling are examples of aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is intense physical activity that builds muscle but does not use large amounts of oxygen. Lifting weights is one type of anaerobic exercise. Sprinting is another example of anaerobic exercise.

Lesson 13. Text: Nutrition

List all the foods you ate yesterday. Underline those you think were the most nutritious.

What Nutrients Do You Need?

Just as a car needs fuel in order to run, your body needs the nutrients in food to perform the activities of daily life. Nutrients (NOO-tree-ents) are substances in foods that your body needs to grow, have energy, and stay healthy. The six types of nutrients are carbo­hydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Each of these is explained in more detail below.


A baked potato, breads, and noodles all contain carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables also contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the starches and sugars found in foods. Your body uses carbohy­drates as its main source of energy. When the energy from carbo­hydrates is not used right away, it is stored as body fat.

There are two kinds of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are sugars. They occur naturally in foods like fruit, milk, and honey. Sugars may also be added when foods are processed. Complex carbohydrates are starches, which are made up of many sugars. Complex carbohydrates are found in foods such as potatoes, beans, and whole-grain cereals. In order to use com­plex carbohydrates, the body must break them down into sugars.

Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that the body cannot break down or use for energy. Some fiber is found in the tough, coarse part of plant foods such as the bran in whole-grain wheat and oats.


In order to grow and develop, your body needs proteins (PROH-teenz), the nutrient group used to build and repair cells. Proteins are made of compounds called amino (uh-MEE-noh) acids. Complete proteins contain all the essential, or necessary, amino acids and are found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, and soybeans. Plant foods are sources of incomplete proteins. They are called incomplete because, except for soybeans, they lack at least one of the essential amino acids. However, you can get all the needed amino acids by combining certain plant foods. For exam­ple, eating beans and rice together will give you all the essential amino acids.


We hear about fats in the news, but what are they? Fats are nutrients that promote normal growth, give you energy, and keep your skin healthy. Fats help build and maintain your cell membranes. They also carry vitamins A, D, E, and K to all parts of the body.

Building Bones

Your bones need to last your entire lifetime. One way to keep them strong is to make sure you get enough calcium. Eating too little calcium over a long time can lead to osteoporosis (ahs-tee-oh-poh- ROH-sihs), a thinning and weakening of the bones. This disease can cause bones to break easily later in life.

Use reliable sources to find out what other factors play a part in building bones.

Saturated fats are fats that are usually solid at room temperature. These types of fats are found in meat, poultry, butter, and other dairy products. Many solid margarines also contain saturated fats. Over time, eating too much saturated fat can increase the risk of developing heart disease and other diseases. Unsaturated fats are fats that are usually liquid at room temperature. These fats are found in plant foods such as olives, nuts, avocados, and vegetable oils. Over time, switching to unsaturated fats and eating less total fat may lower the risk of diseases such as heart disease. Most foods with fats contain both saturated and unsaturated fats.

You probably have heard of cholesterol (koh-LESS-tuh-rawl), the waxy, fat-like substance that the body uses to build cells and make other substances. Your body makes two kinds of cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is known as the "good" cholesterol because it protects against heart disease. LDL cholesterol is known as the "bad" cho­lesterol because it sticks to the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease. Eating a lot of saturated fats can raise blood levels of LDL cholesterol. Dietary sources of cholesterol include meat, some seafood, whole or reduced-fat milk, many cheeses, and butter. The body also makes some cholesterol.

Blood levels of LDL cholesterol can also rise if you eat too much trans fat, or trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are a kind of fat formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil during process­ing. This process turns the oil into a solid so that it can be used for such food products as stick margarine. It also keeps oils fresh longer. Trans fats are found in many snack foods, such as potato chips and crackers.


Many of the foods you eat contain vitamins. Vitamins are compounds that help to regulate body processes. Some vita­mins help your body fight disease, while others help your body produce energy.

Vitamins are either fat-soluble or water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, and K, dissolve in fat and can be stored in the body. Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, dissolve in water. Since your body can store only small amounts of them, it needs a fresh supply of water-soluble vitamins each day.

How can you be sure that you are getting enough vitamins? Eating a variety of foods helps. For exam­ple, you get vitamin D from fortified milk and eggs. Milk and whole grains give you B vitamins. Vitamins A and C are found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamins are often added to some processed foods, such as breakfast cereal.


Minerals are also very important to your health. Minerals are substances the body uses to form healthy bones and teeth, keep blood healthy, and keep the heart and other organs working properly. Iron is a mineral that helps make red blood cells. You can get iron from meat, poultry, and beans. Calcium, magnesium, and

phosphorus are some other minerals. They help build your teeth and bones and keep them strong. Dairy products such as milk and cheese are good sources of these minerals. Potassium and sodium chloride help maintain your body's fluid balance. Potassium is found in fruits such as bananas and cantaloupe, in fish, in many vegetables, and in meats such as chicken and turkey. Sodium is found in table salt and in many processed foods.


. The Dietary Guidelines give clear advice: balance your food choices with enough physical activity. In what ways can you fit more physical activ­ity into your life?

Water is essential to every body function you have. In fact, a person can live for only about a week without it. Water carries nutrients to your cells, regulates your body temperature, and helps your body digest food and remove wastes. When you perspire heavily, you need to increase the amount of water you drink. Most foods contain water, but the best sources are plain water, milk, and juice. Coffee, soda, and certain sports drinks are not good choices because they often contain a lot of added sugars and few, if any, other nutrients. Many also contain caffeine How Your Body Digests Food

Digestion (di-JES-chuhn) is the process by which the body breaks down food into smaller pieces that can be absorbed by the blood and sent to each cell in your body. It takes the body from 16 to 24 hours to digest food and remove waste products. Your digestive system is the group of organs that work together to break down foods into sub­stances that your cells can use. As food is digested, chemical energy in the food is released.

Where Does Digestion Begin?

Digestion begins in your mouth. As you crush food with your teeth, saliva mixes with the food, as shown in Figure 4.5. Saliva (suh-LI-vah) is a digestive juice produced by the salivary glands in your mouth. Amylase (A-mih-laze), an enzyme in saliva, begins break­ing down the carbohydrates in the food. It changes the starches into sugar. An enzyme (EN-zime) is a substance that aids in the body's chemical reactions. Saliva also moistens and softens the food, making it easier to swallow.

Your Digestive Organs

After you swallow food, it moves into your esophagus. The esophagus contracts and relaxes repeatedly to move the food along to the stomach (Figure 4.6). The strong muscles of the stomach churn, or mix, the food. The food then gets mixed with gastric juice, which is made up of acid and other enzymes. The food slowly gets turned into a thick, creamy mixture, and may remain in the stomach for up to four hours while this is happen­ing. This mixture then passes into the small intestine.

The small intestine is a coiled tube from 20 to 23 feet long, in which about 90 percent of digestion takes place. Here, enzymes from the liver, the pancreas, and glands in the small intestine itself combine with the food mixture. Then villi (VILL-eye), finger-like projections in the wall of the small intestine, take in nutrients from the food. Inside the villi are capillaries, which draw the nutrients into the bloodstream. The blood then carries them throughout

the body. Food then goes to the colon (KOH·luhn), a tube five to six feet in length that plays a part in both digestion and excretion.This is the last stop for solid food the body can’t digest. Any water, vitamins, minerals, and salts left in the food mixture are absorbed by the colon. Most of the water is returned to the body. The rest is waste material.

Lesson 17 Treatment

The Benefits of a Healthy Weight

Being within a healthy weight range is important for wellness. It can also help you have a positive body image. People who are overweight have a greater chance of developing serious health problems. Being overweight increases the risk of high blood pres­sure, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer later in life. Also, too much weight strains bones and muscles.

Being underweight is also unhealthy. Teens who don't con­sume enough nutrients may grow and develop more slowly than they should. People who are underweight might not have enough stored body fat. This fat serves as a source of energy when the body doesn't get enough calories from food. Also, people who are underweight may feel tired and irritable and be unable to fight illness.

Remember that growth patterns may cause you to be overweight or underweight for a period of time. This is usually normal. However, if you're not sure if your weight is within a healthy range, speak with a health care provider. Don't try to lose or gain weight unless the pro - vider recommends it and gives you a specific nutrition and physical activity plan.

Sometimes a person becomes so concerned about weight and body image that he or she develops an eating disorder. Eating disorders are extreme eating behaviors that can lead to serious illness or even death. It is not known what causes eating disorders. However, people who feel bad about themselves or are depressed are more likely to develop an eating disorder. About 90 percent of the teens with eating disorders are female.

Eating disorders are serious and can adversely affect health. Often, people with eating disorders may deny that they have a problem. If you think that someone you know has an eating disorder, discuss this with an adult whom you trust. You can also help by being a friend and encouraging the person to ask for help. Eating disorders are situations requiring professional health services.

Lesson 18 Review

Matn. Revmatik endokardit

Bemor umumiy noqulaylik, charchoqning erta charchashidan, avtoulovda noqulaylik va yurak urishidan shikoyat qilmoqda .

Shifokor uni uzoq vaqt davomida tana haroratining subfebril darajasiga ko'tarilganligini aniqladi Bemor kasallikning boshlanishidan oldin tonzillit bo'lganligini aytdi. Bemorning tomir urish tezligi tartibsiz bo'lib, jismoniy mashqlar paytida tezlashdi.

Qon tahlilida o'rtacha leykotsitoz va yuqori darajadagi ES aniqlandi . Elektrokardiyogramda eng muhim o'qishlardagi o'zgarishlar ko'rsatilgan. On childirma shifokor yurak biroz kengaytirdi kerak aniqlanadi. Bu find jismoniy ekspertiza Binolar

Bemorning yurak tinglash paytida shifokor yumshoq sistolik mirra topildi yurak tepalik eshitgan bo'lishi mirra. Bu alomatlar Dias bilan birga edi yurak tepalik va bazasida eshitdim üfürümle Ovqat. Shifokor nolishlarning intensivligi va davomiyligi turlicha bo'lishini taxmin qildi. Bu klapanlardagi yallig'lanish jarayonining dalili edi . Shifokor mitral, aorta va trikuspid klapanlardagi organik o'zgarishlarni aniq belgilash kerakligini aniqladi.

Sabr ko'rib shifokor bo'lishi uchun yomon revmatik endokardit bilan va uning in-bemorning bo'limi bir qattiq to'shak rejimi quyidagi turib t

2-dars. Mavzu: Xarid qilish

Bu yaqinda mening tug'ilgan kunim edi va odatdagidek men xohlagan narsamni olmadim. Men odatda bir nechta gullar, kitob, bir quti shokolad va elektron jihozlarni olaman. Mening oilam har doim mendan nimani xohlashimni so'rashadi va men ularga har doim bir xil narsalarni aytaman - men kutilmagan sovg'ani xohlayman. Shunday qilib, bu yil menga gullar, kitoblar, shokolad va moslamalar berildi.

Gullar yoqimli, ammo ular deyarli bir haftadan ko'proq davom etmaydi va haqiqiy sovg'a - siz saqlashingiz mumkin bo'lgan narsadir. Men har doim gullarga yashirilgan olmos uzukni qidiraman, lekin u hech qachon yo'q. Kitoblar vaqtni behuda sarflaydi va men odatda dietada bo'lganim uchun shokolad olishni yomon ko'raman.

Ammo gadjetlar eng yomoni. Aksariyat ayollar gadjetlarga qiziqishmaydi. Erkaklar ayollar uchun gadjetlarni sotib olishadi, chunki erkaklar gadjetlarni yaxshi ko'rishadi. Mening tug'ilgan kunim uchun eri menga vanna ichida jakuziga o'xshab pufakchalar chiqaradigan gadget sotib oldi. O'tgan yili u menga o'rindiqning orqa tomoniga qo'ygan narsalardan birini oldi va bu sizning belingizni massaj qiladi. U menga nimani aytmoqchi? Men ozgina hashamatga loyiqmanmi? Men bunga qo'shilaman, lekin menga yoqadigan kichik hashamatlar oltin yoki kumushdan qilingan. Ammo ayollar sezgir va intuitivdir, shuning uchun ular har doim kerakli narsalarni sotib olishni bilishadi. To'g'ri?

Noto'g'ri Ayollarning katta xatolari shundaki, ular odatda kiyim sotib olishadi. Ular kiyimni o'zlariga yoqqanligi uchun sotib olishadi va boshqa odamlar o'zlari yoqtirgan kiyimlarni kiyib olishlarini xohlashadi. Siz har doim qorong'i ranglarni kiyasiz, va men sizni o'zgartirmoqchiman, shuning uchun sizga yorqin rangli galstuk yoki Mickey Mouse paypoqini sotib olaman.

Bu katta xatodir. Erkaklar odatda yorqin rangli bog'ichlar yoki ahmoq paypoqlarni xohlamaydilar. Erkak uchun sovg'a sotib olganingizda eslash kerak bo'lgan so'z bu Gadget. Erkaklarga raqamli yoki elektron har qanday narsa yoqadi. Atlantika shtatidagi vaqtni rang-barang qilib aylantiradigan soatlar singari.

Uning so'nggi tug'ilgan kunida men erimga kichkina mash'alani va shveytsariya armiyasining pichog'ini berdim, xuddi shu sovg'ani men 12 yoshli jiyanga bergan edim. U juda xursand edi. Bu juda sodda. Agar siz har doim erkaklar uchun "G" so'zini va ayollar uchun "J" so'zini eslasangiz va jakuzilar uchun "J" emas, zargarlik buyumlari uchun "J" harfini eslasangiz, adashmaysiz.


3-dars. Mavzu: Turmush tarzi


Chiako faol va sog'lom. U har kuni ertalab soat 7 da turib, 30 daqiqali piyoda yuradi va do'stlari bilan haftasiga uch marta darvoza to'pini o'ynaydi. Bu erda g'ayrioddiy narsa yo'q, bundan tashqari Chiako 102 yoshda. U yolg'iz emas - yuzlab sog'lom yuzlab mutaxassislar Okinavada shunday hayot kechirmoqda.

Okinava - Yaponiya va Tayvan o'rtasidagi orollar guruhi. Sohil yaqinida, unda quyidagi so'zlar yozilgan katta tosh bor. Agar siz 70 yoshga kirgan bo'lsangiz, 80 yoshda siz yoshsiz, 90 yoshga kirsangiz, ota-bobolaringiz sizni jannatga taklif qilsa, 100 yoshgacha kutishingizni so'rang, shunda siz buni ko'rib chiqishingiz mumkin.

Okinavanlar uch chorak o'simlik va chorak hayvonlarning ozuqalaridan iborat bo'lgan past kalorili dietani iste'mol qilish orqali qarilikda ozg'inlikni saqlashadi. Ular har kuni etti porsiya meva va sabzavotlarni iste'mol qiladilar va ular 80% to'lgandan keyin ovqatlanishni to'xtatadilar.

Ular raqsga tushish, yurish va bog'dorchilik bilan ham faol bo'lishadi. Boshqacha aytganda, ular zavqlanadigan narsalarni qilishadi.

Okinawanlar stressga chidamli shaxsni ishlab chiqdilar. Hech kim shoshilmayapti, jadval jadvallari mavjud emas va har doim ertaga bor. Har kuni yuzlab odamlar, yoshu qari, ajoyib quyosh botishini tomosha qilish uchun plyajga borishadi.

Katta ko'paytirilgan oilalar singari, Okinovaliklar ham kuchli do'stlar tarmog'iga ega. "Kimdir kasal bo'lib, ishiga kelmasa, qo'shni ularning ahvolini bilish uchun doim eshikni taqillatadi".

Sehrli hap yo'q. Agar sizda yaxshi do'stlar, sog'lom ovqatlanish va stresssiz hayot tarzi bo'lsa, siz uzoq umr ko'rasiz. Bu juda oddiy!


  1. Matn: bizning kelajakdagi kasbimiz.

           O'zbekistonda minglab yoshlar turli xil tibbiyot institutlarida tahsil olishadi. Ular ko'plab nazariy va maxsus fanlarni o'rganadilar. Ularda amaliy mashg'ulotlar bo'lib, ular davomida hamshiralar va yordamchi shifokorlar ishlashadi. Bunday o'quv kurslari ularga tibbiyot haqida ko'p bilimga ega bo'lishga yordam beradi, bu ularga turli kasalliklarni tashxislash va davolash imkoniyatini beradi.

              Ammo tibbiy talabalar yaxshi shifokor bo'lish oson emasligini yodda tutishlari kerak. Yaxshi shifokor nafaqat jarrohlik yoki terapiya kabi tibbiyotning muayyan sohasini chuqur bilishi kerak. U odamlarni sevishi va mehribon yuragi bo'lishi kerak. U o'zining barcha bilimlarini, barcha qobiliyatlarini, barcha iste'dodlarini va barcha vaqtlarini odamlarga ularning sog'lig'ini saqlashga berishi kerak.

              Taniqli terapevtlardan biri, professor MP Konchalovskiy fikricha, odam kambag'al yozuvchi bo'lishi mumkin, u yomon rassom yoki aktyor bo'lishi mumkin, ammo odam yomon shifokor bo'lolmaydi va bo'lmasligi ham mumkin.

              Tibbiyot talabalari kelajakdagi kasbining barcha qiyinchiliklarini yaxshi tushunishlari kerak. Ular shuni yodda tutishlari kerakki, ko'pincha kasallik tashxisini qo'yish qiyin bo'ladi, ba'zida uni davolash yanada qiyinlashadi. Ammo yaxshi shifokor har doim o'z bemorining ishonchini qozonish uchun qo'lidan kelganini qiladi. Bemorning o'z shifokoriga ishonishi qimmatli davolash vositasidir.

              Institutga kirishdan oldin Gippokrat qasamyodi haqida eshitganmisiz? U nimani o'qiydi? Unda aytilishicha, “Men bemorlarning foydasi uchun biron bir uyga kiraman. Men bemorimga hech qanday yomonlik qilmayman "- bu Gippokrat qasam. Va ular nafaqat tibbiyot talabalari uchun so'z bo'lishi kerak. Ular o'z hayotlarining shiori (devizi) bo'lishi kerak.

              Tibbiyot talabalari bemorlarni davolash katta san'at ekanligini, ammo bu oddiy savdo emasligini yodda tutishlari kerak (remeslo). Bu chinakam chaqiruvni talab qiladigan kasblardan biridir.



6-dars. Mavzu: Bo'sh vaqt

Vazifa 1. Lug'at tarkibidagi so'zlarni ishlatib, bo'sh joylarni to'ldiring.

  Lug'at: dam olish, suzish, televizor ko'rish, fotosurat, to'qish, ovqat pishirish, Internetda suzish, musiqa tinglash, velosiped haydash, she'r yozish, rasm chizish, kitob o'qish

        Bo'sh vaqt yoki bo'sh vaqt - bu o'qish yoki ish vaqtidan tashqari vaqt. Bu, shuningdek, ovqatlanish va uxlash, ishlash yoki biznes yuritish, maktabga borish va uy vazifasi yoki uy ishlarini bajarish kabi majburiy harakatlardan oldin yoki keyin dam olish davri. _______ vaqt - bu kunlik ________ va stressli faoliyatni unutib, dam olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan vaqt. Ushbu harakatlar bizning ___________ bo'lishi mumkin.

        Bo'sh vaqtni sarflashning ikkita asosiy usuli mavjud: biri jismoniy faoliyat bilan shug'ullanish (ko'pincha ochiq havoda), masalan, futbol, ​​suzish, xokkey, futbol o'ynash; Va yana bir usul uyda yoki maxsus joylarda dam olishdan zavqlanish: rasm o'qish, o'qish, she'r yozish, musiqa tinglash, to'qish, to'rga o'tirish, to'rda o'tirish. Qanday bo'lmasin, sevimli mashg'ulot lazzat masalasidir va har kim uni shaxsiy xohishiga ko'ra tanlashi kerak. Menga kelsak, bo'sh vaqtimni ham faol, ham passiv tarzda o'tkazishni yaxshi ko'raman. Men haqiqatan ham ________ filmlarni o'qish yoki tomosha qilaman, chunki har doim qiziqarli, foydali va __________ yordam beradi, ayniqsa charchagan kundan keyin zarur bo'lgan narsa. Shuningdek, vaqti-vaqti bilan, iloji bo'lsa, faol sport, suzish, chang'i sporti yoki velosiped haydashni yaxshi ko'raman. Tanlash uchun ba'zi faoliyat turlarini ko'rib chiqing:

Tozalash; Yangi retseptlarni sinab ko'ring; Fotosurat, rasm, rasm, musiqa asboblarini o'ynash - bu zerikishni davolash uchun qilishingiz mumkin bo'lgan juda maxsus faoliyatdir; Boshqa qiziqarli odamlar bilan ko'proq muloqot qiling; O'zingizning bilimingizni boyitadigan, chiqadigan yoki dalda beradigan narsalarni o'qing; Do'stlaringiz bilan sayr qilishga boring; Ushbu oddiy maslahatlarga amal qilgan holda, zerikish kabi muammo haqida o'ylashga vaqt topolmaysiz. Hammamizga ma'lumki, bo'sh vaqt - bu odamlarsiz yashay olmaydigan eng muhim narsalardan biri. Bu bizning hayotimizning muhim qismidir va bu aslida insonning fe'l-atvori va fe'l-atvorini ko'rsatadi. Hobbi va sevimli mashg'ulotlari bo'lmagan odamni tasavvur qila olmayman, chunki bu aslida mumkin emas. Bizning sevimli mashg'ulotlarimiz va ________ bizning hayotimizni turli xil his-tuyg'ular va tuyg'ular bilan to'ldiradi. Har bir kishi faol yoki passiv vaqt sarflashning o'ziga xos usulini tanlaydi va har qanday holatda bu tetiklik va manba bo'lishi kerak.


12-dars. Matn: Jismoniy faollik

Jismoniy faollik va sog'lig'ingiz

Tana doimo harakatda! Siz undan zinadan ko'tarilish, kitoblarni ko'tarish va velosipedingizni pedal qilish uchun foydalanasiz. Ushbu harakatlar juda ko'p jismoniy faollikni qo'shadi. Jismoniy faollik - bu tanangizga ortiqcha energiya sarflashga olib keladigan har qanday harakat.

Yonoqni o'qish

Jismoniy formada bo'lish yaxshilash va asosiy uchun katta strategiya shaxsiy salomatligini saqlab. Shuningdek, bu ko'plab sog'liq muammolarining oldini oladigan ijobiy sog'liqdir. Fitness jismoniy mehnat bilan shug'ullanish va har kuni haddan tashqari charchamasdan o'ynashni anglatadi. Agar siz muntazam ravishda mashq qilsangiz, juda ko'p energiya olasiz. Jismoniy mashqlar - bu jismoniy tayyorgarlikni rivojlantirish yoki saqlash uchun muntazam ravishda rejalashtirilgan jismoniy faoliyat. Jismoniy mashqlar sizni ko'proq moslashtirishi mumkin. Siz o'z kuningizda ko'proq faollik bilan shug'ullanishingiz va charchamasligingiz mumkin. Doimiy jismoniy mashqlar shuningdek, sport o'ynash ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirishga yordam beradi.

Jismoniy faoliyatning afzalliklari

Jismoniy faollik o'smirlarning sog'lig'iga ko'p jihatdan yordam beradi, 3.1-rasmda ko'rsatilgandek. Masalan, faol bo'lish suyaklaringizni va mushaklaringizni qurishga va saqlashga yordam beradi. Bu sizning vazningizni boshqarishga yordam beradi. Bu sizning kuchingiz va moslashuvchanligingizni oshiradi. Bu qon bosimingizni sog'lom darajada ushlab turadi va yuragingiz va o'pkangizning ishlashini yaxshilaydi. Ushbu imtiyozlarning barchasi hayotdan to'liq zavq olishga yordam beradi. Sizda ko'proq energiya bor. Siz ko'proq erkin harakatlanasiz va ko'proq sportchisiz. Bundan tashqari, siz yaxshiroq uxlaysiz va hozir va yoshingizda ba'zi kasalliklarni rivojlanish xavfi kamroq.

              Siz shunchaki mashq qilish yaxshi ekanligini payqadingizmi? Siz Parki ittifoqdosh bir sport o'ynab yoki jonli yurish uchun yer so'ng yanada qulay yoki asosimiz his. Buning sababi, faol hayot tarzi miya uchun ham, tanangiz uchun ham yaxshi. Bu sizning fikrlash va his qilishingizni yaxshilaydi.

Sizda ko'proq o'ziga ishonch bor. Bundan tashqari, siz ko'proq aqliy ogoh bo'lasiz, chunki miyangizga ko'proq kislorod tushadi. Jismoniy faollik stressni kamaytirishga yordam beradi va sizga osonlikcha munosabatda bo'lishga yordam beradi.

Jismoniy faol bo'lish, shuningdek, sizning ijtimoiy sog'lig'ingizni yaxshilaydi. Sport bilan shug'ullanishga yoki tashqarida mashq qilish uchun ro'yxatdan o'tganda, ko'proq odamlarni uchratishingiz mumkin. Ko'proq odam bilan tanishganingizda, sizning qiziqishlaringiz va maqsadlaringiz bilan o'rtoqlashadigan boshqalarni topish imkoniyati shunchalik yaxshi bo'ladi. Bu yangi do'stlikka olib keladi va boshqalar bilan yaxshi ishlashni o'rganishga yordam beradi.

Jismoniy mashqlar elementlari

Jismoniy boqishga uchta element kiradi: chidamlilik, kuchlilik va moslashuvchanlik. Ushbu elementlarni o'rganish sizga o'zingizning fitness darajasini baholash va yaxshilashga yordam beradi.


Chidamlilik (en-DUR-uxce) - bu juda charchamasdan og'ir jismoniy faoliyatni bajarish qobiliyati. Mushaklarning chidamliligi - bu mushakning ma'lum vaqt davomida qayta-qayta kuch ishlatish qobiliyati. Agar siz bir necha mil yura olsangiz va oyoqlaringiz charchamasa, oyoqlaringiz mushaklarning chidamliligiga ega. Chidamlilik muhim. Endur qurish lardan muhim ijobiy sog'liqni xulq hisoblanadi. Bu sizga uzoq vaqt faol bo'lishga imkon beradi. Tanlangan mashq yoki jismoniy mashg'ulotlarga ko'proq vaqt sarflasangiz, bardoshli bo'lishingiz mumkin.

Yurak-tomir (kar-oh-oh-VASS-kyu-luhr) sabr-bardoshliligi o'rtacha yoki kuchli jismoniy mashqlar yoki jismoniy mashqlar paytida yurak va o'pkangizning qanchalik yaxshi ishlashini o'lchovidir. Mashq qilish darajangizni qanday bilasiz? Agar siz juda qattiq nafas olayotgan bo'lsangiz, siz jumlalarda gapira olmaysiz, sizning harakatlaringiz juda kuchli. Agar con davom mumkin bo'lsa versation, sizning faoliyat darajasi o'rta nur. Yurak-qon tomirlarining chidamliligi, shuningdek, mashqlaringizni to'xtatganingizdan so'ng, yurak urishi va nafas olish qanchalik tez normal holatga qaytishining o'lchovidir. Haftada kamida uch marta 30 daqiqa davomida aerobik mashqlarni bajarish orqali siz yurak-qon tomir chidamliligini shakllantirishingiz mumkin.

Kuch - bu mushaklaringizni kuch ishlatish qobiliyatidir. Sizning mushaklaringiz bajaradigan ish miqdori - bu kuch o'lchovi. Mushaklar kuchini oshirish orqali siz sport va boshqa mashg'ulotlar uchun ko'nikmalaringizni yaxshilashingiz mumkin. Siz og'ir narsalarni osonroq ko'tarishingiz mumkin va o'zingizga zarar etkazish ehtimoli kamroq. Mushaklaringiz bilan bog'liq muammolar, masalan, bel og'rig'i kamroq uchraydi. Og'irlikni ko'tarish mushaklarni qurish va saqlash va suyak kuchini oshirishning ko'p usullaridan biridir. Bundan tashqari, tanangizni ko'p soat davomida ko'proq energiya sarflashiga olib keladi.


To'liq va oson harakatlanish harakati bilan bo'g'inlarni siljitish qobiliyati moslashuvchanlik deb nomlanadi. Ba'zi odamlar boshqalarga qaraganda ko'proq moslashuvchan. Oddiy, yumshoq cho'zish bilan siz moslashuvchanlikni oshirishingiz mumkin. Agar ko'proq moslashuvchan bo'lsangiz, o'zingizni yanada qulay his qilasiz. Siz chaqqonroq bo'lasiz yoki yo'nalishni osongina o'zgartira olasiz. Jismoniy mashqlar yoki o'yin paytida sizga ozor berish ehtimoli ko'proq bo'ladi. 3.2-rasmda nafaqat moslashuvchanlikni, balki chidamlilik va kuchni shakllantirishning ba'zi usullari ko'rsatilgan.

Taqqoslang va taqqoslang Chidamlilik va kuch o'rtasidagi farq nima?

Mashq turlari

Ular chidamlilik, kuchlilik yoki moslashuvchanlikni yaratadimi yoki yo'qmi, ko'p jismoniy faoliyat va mashqlarni aerob yoki anaerobik deb ta'riflash mumkin. Aerobik (ah-ROH-bik) jismoniy mashqlar ritmik, mo''tadil va kuchga ega bo'lib, u ko'p miqdorda kislorod iste'mol qiladi va yurak va o'pkalarni ishlaydi. Raqsga tushish, yugurish, suzish, velosipedda yurish aerob mashqlarining namunasidir. Anaerobik mashqlar mushaklarni quradigan, ammo ko'p miqdorda kislorod ishlatmaydigan zich jismoniy faoliyatdir. Og'irlikni ko'tarish anaerob mashqlarining bir turi. Sprinting anaerob mashqlarining yana bir namunasidir.



13-dars. Matn: ovqatlanish

Kecha ovqatlangan barcha ovqatlaringizni sanab bering. Eng to'yimli deb o'ylaganlarning tagiga chizib qo'ying.

Sizga qanday oziq moddalar kerak?

Mashinada yugurish uchun yoqilg'i kerak bo'lganidek, tanangiz kundalik hayot faoliyatini amalga oshirish uchun ozuqa moddalariga muhtoj. Oziqlantiruvchi moddalar (NOO-daraxt ents) bu sizning tanangiz o'sishi, energiyasi va sog'lom qolishi uchun zarur bo'lgan ovqatlardagi moddalardir. Oziq moddalar olti turlari Carbo bo'lgan hidratlar, oqsillar, yog'lar, vitaminlar, minerallar va suv. Ularning har biri quyida batafsilroq tushuntiriladi.


Pishgan kartoshka, non va ugra hammasi tarkibida uglevodlarni o'z ichiga oladi. Meva va sabzavotlar tarkibida uglevodlar ham bor. Uglevodlar bu kraxmal va oziq-ovqat tarkibidagi shakar. Tana carbohy foydalanadi energiya uning asosiy manbai sifatida drates. Carbo energiya qachon hidratların darhol ishlatiladi emas, u tananing yog 'sifatida saqlanadi.

Uglevodlarning ikki turi mavjud: oddiy va murakkab. Oddiy uglevodlar shakar hisoblanadi. Ular tabiiy ravishda meva, sut va asal kabi ovqatlarda uchraydi. Ovqatlarga ishlov berilganda shakar qo'shilishi ham mumkin. Murakkab uglevodlar bu ko'plab shakarlardan tashkil topgan kraxmaldir. Murakkab uglevodlar kartoshka, loviya va butun donli don kabi ovqatlarda uchraydi. Com foydalanish uchun Plex uglevodlar, tana shakar ularni yiqitish kerak.

Elyaf bu murakkab uglevod bo'lib, u organizm parchalanmaydi yoki energiya sarflay olmaydi. Ba'zi tolalar o'simlik ovqatlarining qattiq, qo'pol qismida uchraydi, masalan kepak kepagi va jo'xori uni.


O'sish va rivojlanish uchun tanangiz hujayralarni qurish va tuzatish uchun ishlatiladigan ozuqa moddalari guruhiga (PROH-teenz) kerak. Proteinlar aminokislotalar (uh-MEE-noh) deb ataladigan birikmalardan iborat. To'liq proteinlar tarkibida barcha zarur bo'lgan yoki zarur bo'lgan aminokislotalar mavjud bo'lib, ular go'sht, baliq, tuxum, sut mahsulotlari va soya tarkibida mavjud. O'simlik oziq-ovqatlari to'liq bo'lmagan oqsillar manbai. Ular to'liq emas deb nomlanadi, chunki soya fasulyasidan tashqari ularda kamida bitta muhim aminokislotalar yo'q. Shu bilan birga, ma'lum o'simlik ovqatlarini birlashtirib, barcha kerakli aminokislotalarni olishingiz mumkin. Imtihon uchun birgalikda loviya va guruch eyish Masalan,


Biz yangiliklardan yog'lar haqida eshitamiz, ammo ular nima? Yog'lar - bu normal o'sishni rag'batlantiradigan, quvvat beradigan va teringizni sog'lom tutadigan ozuqa moddalari. Yog'lar sizning hujayra membranangizni qurish va saqlashga yordam beradi. Ular, shuningdek, A, D, E va K vitaminlarini tananing barcha qismlariga etkazadilar.

Qurilish suyaklari

Suyaklaringiz butun umr bo'yi davom etishi kerak. Ularni kuchli ushlab turishning bir usuli - bu etarli miqdordagi kaltsiyni olishdir. Uzoq vaqt davomida kaltsiyni oz miqdorda iste'mol qilish osteoporozga olib kelishi mumkin (ah-te-oh-poh-ROH-six), suyaklarning yupqalanishi va zaiflashishi mumkin. Ushbu kasallik suyaklarning hayotda keyinchalik osonlikcha sinishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Suyaklarni qurishda boshqa omillar qanday rol o'ynashini bilish uchun ishonchli manbalardan foydalaning.

To'yingan yog'lar, odatda xona haroratida qattiq bo'lgan yog'lardir. Ushbu turdagi yog'lar go'sht, parranda go'shti, sariyog 'va boshqa sut mahsulotlarida uchraydi. Ko'plab qattiq margarinlarda to'yingan yog'lar ham mavjud. Vaqt o'tishi bilan, juda ko'p to'yingan yog'ni iste'mol qilish yurak xastaligi va boshqa kasalliklarni rivojlanish xavfini oshirishi mumkin. To'yinmagan yog'lar - odatda xona haroratida suyuq bo'lgan yog'lar. Ushbu yog'lar zaytun, yong'oq, avakado va o'simlik moylari kabi o'simlik ovqatlarida uchraydi. Vaqt o'tishi bilan to'yinmagan yog'larga o'tish va kam miqdordagi yog'ni iste'mol qilish yurak xastaligi kabi kasalliklarning xavfini kamaytiradi. Yog'li yog'larning ko'pchiligida to'yingan va to'yinmagan yog'lar mavjud.

Ehtimol, siz xolesterolni (koh-LESS-tuh-xom), tananing hujayralarni qurish va boshqa moddalarni tayyorlash uchun ishlatadigan mumsimon, yog 'moddasi haqida eshitgansiz. Tana ikki xil xolesterolni hosil qiladi. HDL xolesterol "yaxshi" xolesterin sifatida tanilgan, chunki u yurak xastaligidan himoya qiladi. LDL xolesterin "yomon" cho sifatida tanilgan bu yurak xastaligi sabab bo'lishi mumkin qon tomirlari devorlarining, shimiladi, chunki lesterol. Ko'p to'yingan yog'larni iste'mol qilish qonda LDL xolesterin miqdorini oshirishi mumkin. Xolesterolning parhez manbalariga go'sht, ba'zi dengiz mahsulotlari, to'liq yoki kam yog'li sut, ko'plab pishloqlar va sariyog 'kiradi. Tana ba'zi xolesterolni ham chiqaradi.

LDL xolesterolining miqdori, agar siz juda ko'p yog 'yoki trans-yog' kislotalarini iste'mol qilsangiz ham ortishi mumkin. Trans yog 'kislotalari vodorod jarayon davomida o'simlik yog'i qo'shiladi qachon tashkil yog'ning bir xil bo'lgan ING. Bu jarayon yog'ni qattiq margarin kabi oziq-ovqat mahsulotlariga ishlatilishi uchun aylantiradi. Shuningdek, u yog'larni uzoqroq saqlaydi. Trans yog'lar ko'plab atıştırmalıklarda, masalan, kartoshka chiplari va krakerlarda uchraydi.


Siz iste'mol qiladigan ko'plab ovqatlar tarkibida vitamin mavjud. Vitaminlar tanadagi jarayonlarni tartibga solishga yordam beradigan birikmalardir. Ba'zi Vita boshqalar tana mahsulotlari energiya yordam esa daqiqa

Vitaminlar yog'da yoki suvda eriydi. A, D, E va K kabi yog'da eriydigan vitaminlar yog'da eriydi va tanada saqlanishi mumkin. Suvda eriydigan vitaminlar, masalan S vitamini va B vitaminlari, suvda eriydi. Vujudingizda ozgina miqdorda saqlanishi mumkinligi sababli, uni har kuni suvda eriydigan vitaminlar bilan ta'minlash kerak.

Siz etarlicha vitamin olayotganingizga qanday amin bo'lishingiz mumkin? Turli xil ovqatlarni iste'mol qilish yordam beradi. Imtihon uchun an'anaviy tarzda, siz mustahkam sut va tuxum vitamin D olish. Sut va to'liq donalar B vitaminlarini beradi. A va C vitaminlari meva va sabzavotlarda mavjud. Vitaminlar ko'pincha nonushta doni kabi ba'zi qayta ishlangan ovqatlarga qo'shiladi.


Sog'ligingiz uchun minerallar ham juda muhimdir. Minerallar bu tananing sog'lom suyaklar va tishlarni shakllantirish, qonni sog'lom saqlash va yurak va boshqa a'zolarni normal ishlashi uchun ishlatadigan moddalardir. Temir bu qizil qon hujayralarini yaratishga yordam beradigan mineraldir. Go'sht, parranda va loviya tarkibida temir olishingiz mumkin. Kaltsiy, magniy va

fosfor boshqa minerallardir. Ular tishlaringizni va suyaklaringizni qurishga yordam beradi va ularni mustahkam ushlab turadi. Sut va pishloq kabi sut mahsulotlari ushbu minerallarning yaxshi manbai hisoblanadi. Kaliy va natriy xlorid tanadagi suyuqlik muvozanatini saqlashga yordam beradi. Kaliy banan va kantalup kabi mevalarda, baliqlarda, ko'plab sabzavotlarda va tovuq va kurka kabi go'shtlarda mavjud. Natriy osh tuzida va ko'plab qayta ishlangan ovqatlarda mavjud.


. Diyetalar bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar aniq tavsiyalar beradi: oziq-ovqat tanlovini etarlicha jismoniy faollik bilan muvozanatlang. Qaysi yo'l bilan ko'proq jismoniy mos mumkin hayotingizda aylantirish?

Suv tanadagi har bir ish uchun zarurdir. Darhaqiqat, inson bir haftagina usiz yashay oladi. Suv sizning hujayralaringizga ozuqa moddalarini etkazib beradi, tana haroratini tartibga soladi va tanangizga ovqat hazm qilishiga va chiqindilarni olib tashlashiga yordam beradi. Og'ir terlash paytida siz ichadigan suv miqdorini ko'paytirishingiz kerak. Ko'pgina oziq-ovqatlarda suv mavjud, ammo eng yaxshi manbalar - oddiy suv, sut va sharbat. Qahva, soda va ba'zi sport ichimliklar yaxshi tanlov emas, chunki ular tarkibida ko'p miqdorda shakar va ozgina bo'lsa, boshqa ozuqa mavjud. Ko'pchilik kofeinni o'z ichiga oladi, bu sizning tanangiz ovqatni qanday hazm qilishi

Ovqat hazm qilish (di-JES-chuhn) - bu organizm tomonidan oziq-ovqatni qonga singib, tanadagi har bir hujayraga yuborilishi mumkin bo'lgan mayda bo'laklarga bo'linadigan jarayon. Ovqat hazm qilish va chiqindilarni olib tashlash uchun tanadan 16 soatdan 24 soatgacha vaqt ketadi. Sizning ovqat hazm qilish tizimi ish birga sub kirib oziq yiqitish uchun bu organlar guruhi bo'lgan xujayralari foydalanish mumkin pozitsiyasi. Ovqat hazm bo'lganda, oziq-ovqat tarkibidagi kimyoviy energiya ajralib chiqadi.

Ovqat hazm qilish qaerdan boshlanadi?

Ovqat hazm qilish og'zingizdan boshlanadi. Oziq-ovqatlarni tishlaringiz bilan maydalashda, 4.5-rasmda ko'rsatilgandek, tupurik ovqat bilan aralashadi. Tuprik (suh-LI-vah) - bu og'iz bo'shlig'idagi tuprik bezlari tomonidan chiqariladigan oshqozon sharbati. Amilaz (A-maqsadlarida mol-MIH-dangasalik), so'lak bir ferment, tanaffus boshlanadi oziq-ovqat uglevodlar pastga ing. U kraxmallarni shakarga almashtiradi. Enzim (EN-zime) - bu tanadagi kimyoviy reaktsiyalarga yordam beradigan modda. Tuprik shuningdek, ovqatni namlaydi va yumshatadi, bu yutishni osonlashtiradi.

Ovqat hazm qilish organlari

Oziq-ovqatlarni yutib yuborganingizdan so'ng, u qizilo'ngach ichiga o'tadi. Ovqatni oshqozonga o'tkazish uchun qizilo'ngach qayta-qayta siqilib, bo'shashadi (4.6-rasm). Oshqozonning kuchli mushaklari ovqatni siqadi yoki aralashtiradi. Keyin oziq-ovqat kislota va boshqa fermentlardan tashkil topgan me'da shirasi bilan aralashadi. Oziq-ovqat sekin qalin, yo'g'on aralashmasi aylandi oladi, va bu boshqara olgani esa to'rt soat oshqozon ichida qoladi ing. Keyin bu aralash ingichka ichakka o'tadi.

Ingichka ichak uzunligi 20 futdan 23 futgacha cho'zilgan naycha bo'lib, unda hazm qilishning 90 foizi amalga oshiriladi. Bu erda ingichka ichakdagi jigar, oshqozon osti bezi va bezlardan fermentlar o'zi oziq-ovqat aralashmasi bilan birlashadi. Keyin villi (VILL-eye) ingichka ichak devoridagi barmoqlarga o'xshash proektsiyalarni oziq-ovqatdan oladi. Villi ichida ozuqa moddalarini qon oqimiga tortadigan kapillyarlar joylashgan. Keyin qon ularni butun bo'ylab o'tkazadi

tanani. Keyin ovqat yo'g'on ichakka (KO'Luhn) o'tadi, uzunligi besh-olti fut bo'lgan naycha hazm qilishda ham, chiqishda ham muhim rol o'ynaydi. Bu tananing hazm qila olmaydigan qattiq oziq-ovqat uchun oxirgi bekati. Oziq-ovqat aralashmasida qolgan har qanday suv, vitaminlar, minerallar va tuzlar yo'g'on ichak tomonidan so'riladi. Suvning ko'p qismi tanaga qaytariladi. Qolganlari chiqindi materiallar.




17-dars Davolash

Sog'lom vaznning foydalari

Sog'lom vazn oralig'ida bo'lish salomatlik uchun muhimdir. Bundan tashqari, ijobiy tana tasviriga ega bo'lishingizga yordam beradi. Ortiqcha vaznli odamlarda jiddiy sog'liq muammolari paydo bo'lishi ehtimoli ko'proq. Og'ir kuchayadi yuqori qon bosim xavfi bo'lgan , keyinchalik hayotida ishonch, Bundan tashqari, ortiqcha vazn suyaklar va mushaklarni siqib chiqaradi.

Kilogramm bo'lish ham zararli emas. Con emas Usmirlar sume etarli ozuqa o'sadi va yana asta-sekin ular kerak ko'ra rivojlanishi mumkin. Kam vaznga ega bo'lgan odamlarda yog 'miqdori etarli bo'lmasligi mumkin. Bu yog 'organizm oziq-ovqatdan etarli kaloriya ololmasa, energiya manbai bo'lib xizmat qiladi. Bundan tashqari, kam vaznga ega bo'lgan odamlar charchagan va asabiylashishi mumkin va kasallikka qarshi kurasha olmaydilar.

Shuni yodda tutingki, o'sish davrlari sizni ma'lum vaqt davomida ortiqcha vaznga yoki kam vaznga olib kelishi mumkin. Bu odatda normal holat. Ammo, agar sizning vazningiz sog'lom chegarada ekanligiga ishonchingiz komil bo'lmasa, tibbiy xodim bilan gaplashing. Agar ishlab chiqaruvchi sizga tavsiya qilmasa va sizga ovqatlanish va jismoniy faoliyatning aniq rejasini bermasa, ozishga yoki vazn orttirishga harakat qilmang.


Ba'zida odam og'irlik va tana qiyofasiga shunchalik qiziqadiki, u ovqatlanish tartibini buzadi. Ovqatlanishning buzilishi jiddiy kasallikka yoki hatto o'limga olib keladigan haddan tashqari ovqatlanish xatti-harakatlaridir. Ovqatlanish buzilishiga nima sabab bo'lganligi ma'lum emas. Biroq, o'zlarini yomon his qiladigan yoki tushkunlikka tushgan odamlarda ovqatlanish buzilishi ko'proq uchraydi. Ovqatlanish buzilishi bo'lgan o'smirlarning qariyb 90 foizi ayollardir.

Ovqatlanishning buzilishi jiddiy va sog'liqqa salbiy ta'sir ko'rsatishi mumkin. Ko'pincha, ovqatlanish buzilishi bo'lgan odamlar muammoga duch kelishini rad etishlari mumkin. Agar siz biladigan odamda ovqatlanish kasalligi bor deb o'ylasangiz, bu haqda o'zingiz ishonadigan kattalar bilan muhokama qiling. Shuningdek, do'st bo'lish va odamni yordam so'rashga undash orqali sizga yordam berishingiz mumkin. Ovqatlanishning buzilishi - bu professional tibbiy xizmatni talab qiladigan holatlar.


18-dars obzor



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The physician found him to have been having an increase of body temperature to a subfebrile level for a prolonged period of time.

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