LESSON 2 First in literature
W o rk in p a irs . A n s w e r th e q u e s tio n s . M a tc h th e
a n s w e rs and p ic tu re s .
1) Who was the firs t w riter who started using old
Uzbek language instead of Persian in poetry and
prose in the 15th century in Central Asia?
2) Who developed old English and started using it
in poetry instead of French and Latin in the 14th
century in England?
3) What was the first novel w ritten in the Uzbek lan
guage? Who was it written by?
4) Who created more than a thousand English words and
made them more popular since the 16th century?
W o rk in p a irs . Find th e w o rd s in th e te x t. G uess
th e m e a n in g . C h e c k in th e W o r d lis t if n e c e s s a ry .
prose, create, astronom er, realism, rhyming, masterpiece
Alisher Navoi was born in 1441. His real
name is Nizomiddin M ir Alisher. Alisher Navoi
was a great poet, statesman and the founder
of Uzbek literature. Alisher Navoi got a very
good education fo r those days. He was the
first who wrote in old Uzbek language under
the penname of Navoi. He used Persian very
little. His penname was Foni in his poems
which were written in the Persian language.
His last book, “ M ahbub-al-qulub” , which was
written in p ro s e , is still very popular with
the Uzbek people. His works have become
fam ous in the world literature and a lot of
them were translated into many languages.
2 Geoffrey Chaucer was born around
1340 to 1344, in London. He was an Eng
lish poet during the M iddle Ages. He is the
Father of English poetry and the first to
be placed at Poets’ Corner in W estm in
ster Abbey. Chaucer was also fam ous as
an author, philosopher and a s tro n o m e r.
He was the first who introduced royal
rh y m in g in the poem about the Trojan
War. He wrote and developed Old English
at the tim e when French and Latin were
used in literature in England. Today he
is best known fo r his story m a s te rp ie c e
“The Canterbury Tales” .
Abdulla Kodiri, an Uzbek playwright, poet, w riter and
literary translator, was born in 1894. Kodiri was one of
the m ost im portant Uzbek w riters of the 20th century
who introduced re a lis m into Uzbek literature through his
historical novels. He spoke Uzbek, Arabic, Persian and
Russian. K odiri’s most fam ous works are the historical
novels “O ‘tkan kunlar” (Days Gone By) (1922) and “ Meh-
robdan chayon” (Scorpion in the Pulpit) (1929). “O ‘tkan
kun I a r” is the first full-length novel by an Uzbek author.
1 c W o rk in p a irs . R ead and fin d w h o ... .
1) was the founder of Uzbek national literature
) was a poet and a statesman
3) wrote histories, tragedies and com edies
4) used various pennames
5) spoke Arabic, Persian and Russian
) created over 1,700 new words and phrases
7) introduced a new kind of rhyming in poems
C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s in th e c h a rt.
Use th e P re se n t o r P ast S im p le passive
fo rm s o f th e v e rb s in b ra c k e ts .
(1564-1616) was an English
author who wrote 37 plays,
many poems and sonnets
in his lifetim e. His plays are
still perform ed today. His
plays are of different genres.
There are histories, tra g e
dies and com edies. These
plays are among the best
masterpieces known in Eng
lish literature, and are studi
ed in schools around the
world. Shakespeare c re a te d
over 1,700 English words
and phrases that entered the
English language and made
some words more popular.
C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s .
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