London, the capital of Great Britain, is an ancient city. Its ancient name Lyndin (or Londnium) means “a lonely port”. In the year 55 B.C. (before our era) Caesar came to this place from Rome. Later other invaders came to the British shores and conquered the land. In 1066 it was conquered by William the Duke of Normandy (William the Conqueror). He settled in Londinium which became London since that time.
Today London is one of the biggest cities in the world. Its population, including the suburbs, is more than eight million people. The main parts of London are; the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster. Some people say that the West End is the goods of London, because it the area of rich people, so many shops, markets, cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries and the places of interest are situated here.
The East End is the hands of London. It is the area of production. So it is also the area of working class. Lots of mills (plants), factories, enterprises and joint ventures are situated here.
The City is the money of London. Many banks are situated in this area. Westminster is the administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government are situated here.
London is famous for its places of interest. There are many architectural art and historical monuments in London such as the British Museum, the Tower of London, the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace, the Nelson Column and many others. Thousands of tourists from all parts of the world come to London to see its sights.
Buyuk Britaniyaning poytaxti London qadimiy shahar. Uning qadimiy nomi Lyndin (yoki Londnium) "yolg'iz port" degan ma'noni anglatadi. Miloddan avvalgi 55 yilda (bizning davrimizdan oldin)
Qaysar bu erga Rimdan kelgan. Keyinchalik inglizlarga boshqa bosqinchilar keldi
qirg'oqlari va erni bosib oldi. 1066 yilda u gersog Uilyam tomonidan zabt etildi
Normandiya (Uilyam Fath). U Londonga joylashdi
O'sha paytdan beri London.
Bugungi kunda London dunyodagi eng katta shaharlardan biri. Aholisi,
shahar atrofini ham hisobga olganda, sakkiz milliondan ortiq kishi. Londonning asosiy qismlari
ular; West End, East End, City va Westminster. Ba'zi odamlar buni aytishadi
West End Londonning mollari, chunki u juda ko'p boy odamlarning maydoni
do'konlar, bozorlar, kinoteatrlar, teatrlar, muzeylar, galereyalar va diqqatga sazovor joylar
bu erda joylashgan.
East End - Londonning qo'llari. Bu ishlab chiqarish sohasi. Shunday qilib, bu ham
ishchilar sinfining maydoni. Ko'plab tegirmonlar (zavodlar), fabrikalar, korxonalar va qo'shma korxonalar
korxonalar bu erda joylashgan.
Shahar Londonning pulidir. Ushbu sohada ko'plab banklar joylashgan.
Vestminster - Londonning ma'muriy markazi. Parlament palatalari
Buyuk Britaniya hukumatining o'rni shu erda joylashgan.
London o'zining diqqatga sazovor joylari bilan mashhur. Arxitektura san'ati ko'p
Londonda joylashgan Britaniya muzeyi, minorasi kabi tarixiy yodgorliklar
London, Milliy galereya, Bukingem saroyi, Nelson kolonnasi va boshqalar
boshqalar. Uning tomoshasini ko'rish uchun Londonga dunyoning turli burchaklaridan minglab sayyohlar keladi
diqqatga sazovor joylar.
Where is London situated?
Is it also the capital of the United Kingdom?
What is the ancient name of London?
Who were the conqueror of London?
What can you say about the population of London?
What are the main parts of London?
Why is the West End the area of goods?
Why is the East End is the area of production?
What do you know about the places of interest in London?
10.Have you ever been to London?
London, the capital of Great Britain
Yes it is the capital of England.
”. In the year 55 B.C. Caesar came to this place from Rome. Later other invaders came to the British shores and conquered the land.
In 1066 it was conquered by William the Duke of Normandy.
The main parts of London are; the West End, the East End, the City and Westminster.
East part and West part
West End is the goods of London, because it the area of rich people, so many shops, markets, cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries and the places of interest are situated here.
The East End is the hands of London. It is the area of production. So it is also the area of working class. Lots of mills (plants), factories, enterprises and joint ventures are situated here.
Unfortunately I don’t know any prose.
No, I have never been.
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