11-12 ma’ruzalar bo‘yicha mashqlar
Ushbu mashqdagi gaplarni quyida berilgan belgilar bilan yozib chiqing: S- ega, V-kesim, O- to‘ldiruvchi, Adv-hol. Ingliz tilida bosh va ikkinchi darajali bo‘laklarning ishlatilish tartibiga e’tibor bering.
The morning sun slanted into the little room and fell on the face of Mabel, asleep. She looked very young, very childlike in sleep. The hard, defiant, swaggering naughtiness was gone from her face. One helpless hand hursed the side of her face. Her full lips were slightly parted. Mabel asleep was Mabel a child.
The old woman leaned over the bed and looked at her, hand poised ready to shake her to wakefulness, but childlike innocence stayed the hand, her eyes softened and gentle creases showed at the sides of her mouth… Mabel groaned and turned on her back. The old woman’s eyes hardened. The face became stern and forbidding again. She shook Mabel roughly… Mabel groaned her protest and burrowed deep into the blankets, trying to hide her head under the pillow. (P.Abrhams. The Path on Thunder).
Tekstda teng va tobe (moslashuv, bitishuv, boshqaruv) sintaktik aloqalarni toping. Namunadagidek jadvalni to‘ldiring. Ingliz va rus tillarida sintaktik aloqalarning o‘xshash va farqli tomonlarini ko‘rsating.
Teng aloqa
Tobe aloqa
Ingliz tili
a tall, shambling man
one day, it was a raw morning
saw Lincoln, issued from the
Tremedously impressive, slushy
Rus tili
северное летнее
Зелёный цвет
кладёт на него
словно омертвел
One day he saw Lincoln - a tall, shambling man, long, bony, gawny, but tremendously impressive. It was a raw, sluchy morning of late February day, and the great was President was just through with his solemn pronunciamento in regard to the bonds that might have been streined but must not be broken. As he issued from the doorway of Independence Hall, that famous birthplay of liberty, his face was set in a sad, meditative calm. Cowperwood looked at him fixedly as he issued from the doorway surrounded by chiefs of staff, local digmitaries, detectives and the curious, sympathetic faces of the public. As he studied the strangely rough- hewn countenance a sense of a great worth and dignity of the man came over him (Th.Dreiser. The Financier). Недавно сюда пришли люди, одетые, как и лес, в зелёный цвет. И расположились так, чтоб ни издали, ни сверху никто не подумал, что здесь живут люди. Птицы и звери изчезли. Словно омертвел без них лес, только северное летнее солнце по-прежнему кладёт на него свои косые розовые лучи, и они теряются в густых кронах. Под этими кронами вижу я пред собою сейчас искусственно всаженные в мох среди сосен иссохшие бурые ёлки, осыпающие хвою при первом прикосновении (П.Лукницкий.
Ленинград действует…).
Quyidagi gaplarda sintaktik aloqalarning ifodalanish vositalarini hamda ingliz va rus tillaridagi so‘zlarda aloqa vositalarining farqli va o‘xshash tomonlarini ko‘rsating
After a few minutes hiddling there, some hundreds of men, the arme seemed reassured and without any orders suddenly began again to flow forward. By this time, in the light that streamed out of all the Winter Palace windows, I could see that the first two or three hundred men were Red Quards, with only a few scattered soldiers. Over the barricade of firewood we clambered, and leaping inside gave a triumphant shout as we stumbled on a heap of rifles thrown down by the yunkers who had stood there. On both sides there. On both sides of the main gateway the doors stood wide open, light streamed out, and from the huge pile came not the slightest sound (An Anthology by John Read).
Quyidagi so‘z birikmalarda qo‘llanilgan sintaktik aloqa turlarini (teng va tobe ) aniqlang.
A book and a pencil, Ann and Pete, a cold winter day, to sing merrily, summer weather, rose garden, very well, to think of her, rich in smth., fond of books, time to go, glad to see, explain to me, a red pencil.
Gaplarni o‘qing, teng aloqa ishlatilgan misollarni ko‘chiring, bog‘lovchilarning qo‘llanishiga e‘tibor bering.
Famine, despair, cold, thirst and heat had done their work on them by turns and thinn’d them too (Byron). Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole disiduary legatee, his sole friend and his sole mourner (Dickens). In his own small room Martin lived, slept, studied, wrote and kept house (London). The principle production of these towns… appear to be soldiers, sailors, jews, chalk, shrimps, officers and dockyard men (Dickens). Neither she nor Walde had anything to say each other during the whole twenty minutes (Galdwell).
Substantiv, ad’yektiv, fe’lli, holli birikmalarni ko‘chiring, birikmalar ichidagi komponentlar aloqalariga e’tibor bering.
Early that morning he had decided to make a long excursion through the neighbouring country, partly on foot and partly on his bicycle, and now noon was come already, and as yet he had hardly started. As he was leaving the house after breakfast, Mrs.Derrien had asked him to go for the mail at Bonneville, and he had not
been able to refuse. He took a firmer hold of the cork crips of his handle – bars – the road being in a wretched condition after the recent hauling of the crop – and quickened his pace. He told himself that, no matter what the time was, he would not stop for luncheon at the ranch house, but would push on to Guadalajara and have a Spanish dinner ar Solotari’s as he had originally planned (F.Norris. The Octopus).
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