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Šifra: SI1

Interdisciplinary disability studies I

General information

Study program

Disability Studies

Year of Study

1. year

Course supervisor

Prof. dr. sc. Marcia Hampton Rioux


School of Health Policy and Management

Atkinson Faculty, York University

Teaching associates

Conditions for course attending

Type of course



Course contents

This course will focus on definitions of disability and impairment including the following perspectives: medical, psychological, socio-political and theoretical perspectives: functionalist, role theory, interactionism, disability as an equal opportunities issue, the human rights model, and recent developments in feminist and postmodern approaches to disability. Attention will be given to the historical and cultural development of concepts and categories of disability.

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • The ability to develop a conceptual understanding of the various meanings of disability and their historical development

  • The ability to examine and build an analytic appreciation of the social and legal construction of categories of marginalization

  • The ability to understand the fundamentals of human rights and social justice and the impact on people with disabilities

Quality assurance and assessment of course performance

  • Literature study 30%

  • Participation and attendance 15%

  • Paper ( 20 pages ) 25%

  • Paper presentation 30%

Number of ECTS credits allocated

Hours per week

Lectures: 10

Seminars: 5


Total hours: 20
Assessment methods

 oral


þ written examination

þ continual assessment

þ independent student work

Teaching methods

þ lectures

þ seminars

þ research study

þ exercises

þ literature/internet

 laboratory

þ practical work

þ tutorial

Required literature

Ablon, J. (1984): Little People in America: The Social Dimensions of Dwarfism. New York: Praeger.

Anderson, R., Bury, M. (eds.) (1988): Living with Chronic Illness. London: Unwin Hyman.

Barnes, C., Mercer, G., Shakespeare, T. (1999): Exploring Disability: A Sociological Introduction. Cambridge, England: Polity Press.

Barnes, C. (1990) Cabbage Syndrome: The Social Construction of Dependence, London: Falmer.

Barnes, C., Mike, O.(1995): Disability Rights: Rhetoric and Reality in the UK. Disability and Society 10,1,111-116.

Barton, L., Michael O. (1997): Disability Studies: Past, Present and Future. Leeds: The Disability Press.

Barton, L. (1989): Disability and Dependency. London: The Falmer Press. (1992) Disability and the necessity for a socio-political perspective. Durham NH: International Exchange of Experts and Information in Rehabilitation. Barton, Len and Michael Oliver (eds) (1997) Disability Studies: Past, Present and Future. Leeds: The Disability Press.

Barton, L.(1996): Disability and Society: Emerging Issues and Insights. New York: Longman.

Bogdan, R., Steven J. T. (1982): Inside Out: The Social Meaning of Mental Retardation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Campbell, J., Mike, O. (1996): Disability Politics: Understanding our Past, Changing our Future. London: Routledge.

Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (1997): Human Rights in the 21st Century: Prospects, Institutions and Processes. Montréal: Éditions Thémis.

Daunt, P. (1991): Meeting Disability: A European Perspective. London: Cassell.

Despouy, L. (1985): Human Rights and Disability: Preliminary Report. United Nations: Economic and Social Council.

Driedger, Diane (1989): The Last Civil Rights Movement: Disabled People International. London: Hurst & Company; New York: St. Martin's Press.

Ferguson, P. (1987): The Social Construction of Mental Retardation: Notes on the Relation-ship of Minority Group Status and Cognitive Limitations. Social Policy 18,1, 51-56.

Finlay, M., Evanthia L. (1998): Social Identity and People With Learning Disabilities: Implications for Self-Advocacy Groups. Disability and Society 13,37-51.

Gadacz, R. R. (1994): Rethinking Disability: New Structures, New Relationships. Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press.

Gordon, D. (1988): Tenacious Assumptions in Western Medicine. In Biomedicine Examined, Lock and Gordon (eds). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 11-56.

Hahn, H. (1985): Toward a Politics of Disability: Definitions, Disciplines, and Policies. Social Science Journal 22,4,87-105.

Hughes, B.,Paterson , K. (1997): The Social Model of Disability and the Disappearing Body: Towards a Sociology of Impairment Disability and Society 12,3, 325-340.

Kiger, G., Stephen C. H., J. Gary L. (1994): Disability Studies: Definitions and Diversity. Salem: Willamette University.

Osterweis, M., Kleinman A., Mechanic, D. (1987): Pain and Disability: Clinical, Behavioral and Public Policy Perspectives. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Percy, S. L. (1989): Disability, Civil Rights and Public Policy: The Politics of Implementation. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

Priestley, M. (1998): Constructions and Creations: idealism, materialism and disability theory. Disability & Society 13,1, 75 94.

Rioux, M. (1994): Towards a Concept of Equality of Well-Being: Overcoming the Social and Legal Construction of Inequality, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, VII, 1, January, 127-147.

Rioux, M. (1997): Disability: The Place of Judgement in a World of Fact. Journal of

Intellectual Disability Research, 41, 2, April.

Roeher Institute (1990): Literacy and Labels: A Look at Literacy Policy and People with Mental Handicaps. Toronto: Roeher Institute.

Scotch, R. K. (1989): Politics and Policy in the History of the Disability Rights Movement. The Millbank Quarterly 67, Supp.2, Part 2.

Thomas, D. (1980): The Experience of Handicap. London; Methuen.

United Nations, Centre for Human Rights (1995): National Human Rights Institutions (Professional Training Series, No. 4). New York/Geneva: United Nations.

Recommended literature

Good, M., DelVecchio, J., Brodwin, P.E., Good, B.R., Kleinman, A. (1992): Pain as Human Experience: An Anthropological Perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Jenkins, R. (1998): Questions of Competence: Culture, Classification and Intellectual Disability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lepofsky, M. D., Bickenbach, J.E. (1985): Equality Rights and the Physically Handicapped. In Bayefsky and Eberts (eds), Equality Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Toronto: Carswell.

Nagler, M. (1993): Perspectives on disability (Second Edition), Palo Alto, Calif.:Health Markets Research.

Rioux, M. (1997): Disability: The Place of Judgement in a World of Fact. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 41, 2, April.

Rioux, M (1997): Disability is not measles: new research paradigms in disability. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation,10, 3, 248-249.

Rioux, M. (1991): Echanger la charite contre des droits: le defi des annees 90. Entourage, 6, 2, 3-5.

Rioux, M (1996 ): Ethical and socio-political considerations on the development and use of classification. Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation Guest Editorial, 9, 2, 61-67.

Rioux, M (1991): Exchanging charity for rights: a challenge for the 1990s. Entourage, 6, 2, 3-5.

Rioux, M. (1996): Hacia un Cambio en Política Social, Prometeo: Fuego para el Propio Conocimiento, Número 10, Primavera.

Rioux, M (1998): International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH). A critical review. In Inclusion, 20, May.

Rioux, M. (1994): Towards a Concept of Equality of Well-Being: Overcoming the Social and Legal Construction of Inequality, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, VII, 1, 127-147.

Rioux, M. (1996):Services and Supports in a Human Rights Framework, Disability Studies Quarterly, 16, 1, Winter.

Rioux, M., Bunch, G., Whittaker, J. (2000.): Research into inclusive education in Canada, England and India: Three blended discussions. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 44, 223-224.

Scientific papers that qualify professor for teaching the course

Rioux, M., Raphael, D. Bryant,T. (2006): Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness and Health Care. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Rioux, M. L., Basser, M. Jones (2006): Constructing Disability and Illness (Forthcoming) Key Cases in Disability Law, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.

Rioux, M., E. Zubrow, M. Stutt Bunch, W. Miller (2006)(Forthcoming): Inclusive Barriers and Accommodation: The Geography of Literacy and Disability in Canada, London, England: Springer Press.

Rioux, M., Basser, L.A., Jones, M. (2006)(Forthcoming): Equality as a Human Rights Principle. In Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law.

Rioux, M. Basser, L.A. (2006)(forthcoming): Bodily Integrity – The Case of Sterilization. In Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law.

Rioux, M., Raphael, D., Bryant, T (2006): Human Rights Approaches to Health In Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness and Health Care. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Rioux, M., Raphael, D., Bryant, T (2006) : Constructing Disability and Illness (with T. Daly). In Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness and Health Care. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Rioux, M. (2006)(Forthcoming): Special Education Needs: A Legal Right?. In L. Florian (ed.), Handbook of Special Education, England: Sage Books.

Rioux, M., Basser, L.A., Jones, M.(2006) (Forthcoming): Equality as a Human Rights Principle. in Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law.

Rioux, M. (2006)(Forthcoming): Bodily Integrity – The Case of Sterilization. In Critical Perspectives on Human Rights and Disability Law.

Rioux, M. Raphael, D., Bryant, T . (2006): Human Rights Approaches to Health. in Staying Alive: Critical Perspectives on Health, Illness and Health Care. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Rioux, M. (2006)(Forthcoming): Special Education Needs: A Legal Right?. (in) L. Florian (ed.), Handbook of Special Education, England: Sage Books.

Rioux, M., Lindqvist, B., Carbert A. (2005)(Forthcoming): International Human Rights and Intellectual Disability. In I. Brown & M. Percy, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: International Edition. Baltimore, USA, Paul H. Brookes

Rioux, M. Samson, R. (2005) (Forthcoming): “Trends in Disability” (in) M. A. McColl & L. Jongbloed (Eds.) Disability and Social Policy in Canada (2nd edition), Captus Press.

Rioux, M., Valentine, F. (2005)Does Theory Matter? Exploring the Nexus between Disability, Human Rights and Public Policy” (in) D. Pothier & R. Devlin (Eds.) Critical Disability Theory: Legal and Policy Dimensions (with.) Vancouver: UBC Press.

Rioux, M. (2005)(Forthcoming) :Towards A Concept of Equality of Well-Being: Overcoming the Social and Legal Construction of Inequality. in Disability Rights (Editor, Peter Blanck), Ashgate Publishing (reprinted article).

Rioux, M., Carbert, A. (2005): Disability Rights Promotion International: Monitoring the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Interights' Bulletin, England.

Rioux, M., Carbert, A. (2004): Human Rights and Disability: The International Context. (in) Journal of Developmental Disabilities.

Rioux, M., Zubrow, E., Stutt, M., Bunch, E., Miller, W. (2003): Atlas of Literacy and Disability Toronto: Canadian Abilities Foundation.
Rioux, M. (2003): On Second Thought: Constructing Knowledge, Law, Disability and Inequality. (in) S. Herr, L. Gostin and H. Koh (eds) The Human Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Different But Equal. Oxford University Press. 287-317.

Rioux, M., Frazee, C. ( 2003): Rights and Freedoms for People with Intellectual Disabilities in Ontario. (in) I. Brown and M. Percy (eds) Developmental Disabilities in Ontario, Toronto: Front Porch Publishing, 59-66.

Rioux, M.(2002): Ongoing book series. Inclusive Education: Cross Cultural Perspectives (Co-Series Editor with L. Barton), book series in progress, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. (2 books published in 2003).

Rioux, M., Prince, M. J. (2002): The Canadian Political Landscape of Disability: Policy Perspectives, Social Status, Interest Groups and the Rights Movement. (in) A. Pettee (Ed.) Federalism, Democracy and Disability Policy in Canada. Montreal, Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University & School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University. 11-29.

Rioux, M. ( 2002): Disability, Citizenship and Rights in a Changing World. (in) M. Oliver, L. Barton and C. Barnes (eds) Disability Studies Today. Cambridge: Polity Press. 210-227.

Rioux, M. (2002): Social Disability and the Public Good. Man and Development,. 24, 4, 179-198.

Rioux, M., Zubrow , E. (2001): Social Disability and the Public Good. (in) D. Drache The Market and the Public Domain: Global Governance and the Asymmetry of Power. London: Routledge 148-171.

Rioux, M (2001): Bending Towards Justice, (in) L. Barton (ed) Disability, Politics and the Struggle for Change. London: David Fulton 34-48.

Rioux, M (2001):The Many Interests in Genetic Knowledge: An International Perspective on Pre-natal Screening and the Use of Genetic Information in Relation to People with Learning Difficulties. (in) L. Ward and T. Philpot To Be or Not To Be? Prenatal Screening and the Use of Genetic Information in Relation to People with Learning Difficulties”. Kidderminster: British Institute of Learning Disabilities, 91-107.

Rioux, M (2001): Undue Hardship and Reasonable Accommodation: the View from the Court. In Policy Studies Journal, 29, 4, 641-648.

Rioux, M. (2001): Article on international monitoring of human rights violations of people with disabilities, Humanscape: Journal on Human Rights, Mumbai, India.

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