Shadow Ridge Boat LaunchRecreation Complex
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Provide an additional boat launch on the west shoreline to provide shoreline and launching access for west shore users/communities; and address the shortage of existing vehicle+trailer parking spaces to meet current reservoir boating capacity of 420 boats
Improve quantity and quality of recreation opportunities and facilities on west shore
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Not applicable (new facility)
Forest Service proposed a new boat launch recreation facility in the Shadow Ridge area as follows:
Two-lane boat ramp needed to address boat launch congestion, particularly on holiday weekends.
Additional facilities: restroom, parking, and shoreline day use access.
Trailhead and scenic overlook
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This boat launch could provide the additional 57 boat ramp parking spaces needed to meet the current 420 boat capacity
Need to identify this location (not clear where this is currently)
New Campground Along Marysville Road
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Forest Service would like to see a new campground developed to accommodate small group sizes (12-18 people) to replace the double and triple sites proposed for removal/conversion to single sites at the existing Schoolhouse and Dark Day campgrounds.
If RV’s are not possible at Cottage Creek or Shadow Ridge/Burnt Bridge due to road constraints, consider RV’s at this new facility,
Facilities and opportunity for expansion to meet future demand is addressed and potential locations determined. Future land use entitlements, applications, site plans, etc. will be developed based on needs identified by integrated planning efforts – Forest Plan Revision, and Comprehensive County and Regional planning, State of California Parks and Recreation planning reports.
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Number of sites TBD, but at least equivalent to the number of lost double and triple sites from Schoolhouse and Dark Day campgrounds
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Forest Service has flat land suitable for development on the south side of Marysville Road opposite the entrance to the Dark Day complex facilities
Concern: access to Dark Day/reservoir would be by vehicle (exacerbating parking issues/concerns at Dark Day)
YCWA has serious concerns about providing pedestrian access/facilities across Marysville Road (major county road) for both safety reasons and expensive pedestrian crossing structures
Site Visit on 8/8/13
FS proposed this area for multiple-uses, including: small group campground (12-18 PAOT sites), RV dump station, mussel inspection station, and additional parking for Dark Day complex
Large, level site that could easily accommodate large-scale facility or potentially multiple smaller facilities
Concerns: 1) pedestrian access across Marysville Road and to Dark Day complex; 2) would create additional parking demand (both vehicle+trailer and single vehicles) at Dark Day where parking expansion is difficult/limited
Shoreline Access Facilities
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Forest Service would like to see new or improved shoreline access facilities to improve visitors access to the shoreline
Create water trail that links land based sites by means of water vehicles (canoes, kayaks, etc.,) Connect also with land based trail system.
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Specifics were not proposed/discussed; and locations for new developments were not identified to date
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Specific locations for new shoreline access facilities have not been identified or ground-truthed to date
Once site or sites are identified, then a site visit may be needed
Dark Day Cove | -
The Dark Day Cove is also a potential for swimming/kayak cover with possible additional picnic/day use sites.
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Potential flat-water boating campground at end of road in T 18N, R 8E, Section 16.
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Public comments and ideas from 5/2012 public meeting.
New Day Use Area on West Side
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Additional Boat-in Campground Facilities
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Forest Service would like to see new boat-in campground facilities at New Bullards Bar Reservoir as this type of camping is in high demand
Link with water trail
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Shoreline access with staging facilities for non-motorized watercraft launching is desired/needed at the reservoir
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Specific locations for new shoreline access facilities have not been identified or ground-truthed to date
Once site or sites are identified, then a site visit may be needed
Garden Point area may be the only place with appropriate topography for additional capacity
West Shoreline Trail
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Forest Service would like to see a shoreline trail that mirrors trail opportunities found elsewhere at New Bullards Bar Reservoir and provides connectivity with other existing and proposed trail systems (including the Bear Yuba Land Trust’s Rice’s Crossing Project trail system and other potential future trail developments)
Also loop trails near new campground/rec. facilities on PNF
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Forest Service would like to see a shoreline trail similar to the Marysville Road side from Cottage Creek Boat Launch upstream to Madrone Cove Boat-in Campground and potentially beyond
Trail design would be a native surface, 24-36 inches wide and for pedestrian, mountain bike and equestrian uses - similar to other trails at NBBR, but built to the design standards at the time of construction/development
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Trail alignment is not currently known, but trailhead facilities would potentially be at Cottage Creek Campground and Burnt Bridge Campground areas
Sanitary Dump Station
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Forest Service would like to see an RV dump station at New Bullards Bar Reservoir to address sanitary dumping concerns
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Specifics were not proposed/discussed
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Nearest dump stations are:
Willow Creek Campground (private) to the east on Hwy 49 - approx. 5 miles away and in the opposite direction of most visitors when leaving the reservoir
Collins Lake – approx. 18 miles away to the west towards Yuba City/Marysville
Discussed potential for fees either on-site use fee or built into the RV campsite rates
A specific location for this facility was not identified, but potentially at new area across Dark Day complex (NFS land)
Emergency Communications/ Phone Stations (Landline)
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Forest Service would like to see strategically located landline phone stations for emergency needs, particularly of concern at more remote facilities such as on the west shoreline
Landlines may be obsolete when new license is issued. Emergency communications should be tied to cell,Wi-Fi hotspot or satellite technology.
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Specifics were not proposed/discussed
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Note: 2 landlines currently exist at Emerald Cove Marina and Schoolhouse Campground host site
In addition to landline phone stations, it may be helpful to post/sign at information boards where landline phones and cell service is available at the reservoir
Forest Service indicated that the Project EAP may be a better, more efficient place to address this need, but emergency communications need to be enhanced for recreation visitors at key locations regardless of where it is addressed/handled
General Signage Guidelines
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Forest Service would like to see multilingual (barrier-free) signage at all primary facility information boards/entrances
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Install primary information board signage in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Sikh and Russian, Hmong?
FS interest in communications that will provide real-time information about occupancy, use, closures etc. in electronic format – pod cast, electronic bill board, twitter, etc.
Alternatives to Existing Septic Systems
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This is not a new facility, but the Forest Service would like to see YCWA evaluate new or alternative septic technologies in place of the existing but old and often unreliable septic systems/leach fields
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Not applicable (new facility)
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Examine potential to install alternative septic designs and technologies to improve the efficiency and reliability of existing restroom septic facilities
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This would be done at the time of replacement of the existing restroom facilities and potentially on a site-by-site basis
Oregon Creek Day Use Area
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Maintain the existing day use facilities, but potentially provide additional whitewater boating-related facilities
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Forest Service indicated this site may need some improvements related to whitewater boating and potentially other recreational uses
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FS and YCWA agreed that this site needs further discussion
Located outside the FERC Project boundary and not a project facility