Schoolhouse Campground
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Maintain as a family campground – not specifically for RVs (no full-hookups)
FS: Return all campsites to single sites (remove double/triple sites)
Vegetation Management Plan for developed recreation sites using USFS Region 1 template or similar.
AASHTO – 50 foot turning radius for motor home and boat trailer
Internal road signing to meet the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices” (MUTCD) standards
Electricity is available for lighting toilets, kiosks, etc. Telephone service, i.e., cell phone hot spot, etc. is provided for better communications – although setting is roaded natural, there are some improvements that will make the site more user friendly, safe
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Address current accessibility standards
Replace vault toilets with flush toilets
Evaluate turning radius of existing circulation roads; and address potential to improve turning radius or provide RV length limits (however, facility is envisioned primarily for single, family campsites and not RVs)
Dumpster Pads
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Convert double/triple sites back to single sites due to conflicts with predominantly single-site camping experience (behavior/noise impact on small groups).
Need to evaluate where to provide either more group sites or adding double/triple sites at alternative location/new facility?
Install showers at new flush toilet facilities
Upgrade host site with full hookups (water and electricity)
Install electricity to host and restroom facilities
Grade, pave and barrier overflow parking area
Install trailhead signage at trailhead and from entrance of campground (including on facility entrance sign)
Evaluate removing a few campsites to increase spacing between existing campsites
Add food lockers at all sites
Bear Proof dumpsters at all main areas
FS requested electricity at ALL campgrounds. This was to be provided at restrooms, host sites, and possibly at entrance stations, but NOT at each individual site. The exception would be at RV camping sites, which would provide full amenities. RV sites should be wired for full 50 amp service for modern RVs.
More interpretive signage, overlooks and education features need to be incorporated for all facilities.
All older model toilets are replaced with fully accessible models
All water systems need to be updated and hydrants (faucets) are fully accessible and designed to prohibit connections to RV’s, etc.
Vegetation management activities including replanting are ongoing
Dark Day Campground
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FS: Convert campground to all single sites
FS: Expand to 15 single campsites (beyond existing 10 sites)
Vegetation Management Plan for developed recreation sites using USFS Region 1 template or similar.
Internal road signing to meet the MUTCD standards
Site is modern, yet retains FS rustic feeling in full alignment with ROS setting, same comment about electricity
Responsive to changing recreation use patterns, equipment and access to water,
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Address current accessibility standards
Replace vault toilets with flush(flush?)
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Convert double/triple sites back to single sites due to conflicts with predominantly single-site tent camping experience (behavior/noise impact on small groups).
Install a host campsite with full hookups (water and electric)
Add food lockers
Work to create more “privacy” between sites, to create better access connections to nearby trails and other developed facilities.
More interpretive signage, overlooks and education features need to be incorporated for all facilities.
Hornswoggle Group Campground
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Maintain as group campground
FS: Facility may have potential for future expansion (triggers)
FS: upgrade with electricity and flush toilets
Vegetation Management Plan for developed recreation sites using USFS Region 1 template or similar.
Internal road signing to meet the MUTCD standards
Provide access to trail network, better pedestrian access to beach and boat launch/DUA's
Sufficient group sites available at mid user range - 18-30 persons
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Address current accessibility standards
Replace vault toilets with flush toilets
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Install a host campsite with full hookups (water and electric)
Install electricity (host and restroom facilities only; potentially for selected group RV campsites also)
Install additional toilet facilities so that each group site has a toilet facility (1 riser per 35 PAOT)
Install shower facilities (potentially a central shower facility rather than at each restroom)
Potentially expand by 2, 25 PAOT sites (based on triggers in monitoring program)
Evaluate turning radius of existing circulation roads; and address potential to improve turning radius or provide RV length limits
Site visit on 8/8/13
Walked to the location for a single 25-PAOT or 12-18 PAOT group campsite (site has minimal development due to access of existing paved CG road and existing veg clearing with fairly level campsite area
Multiple site layout/design options with parking separate or near group area
Signs of some old, existing water/drainage facilities where group area would be located
Burnt Bridge/ Shadow Ridge Development
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FS: Re-develop the decommissioned campground for family camping (30 single sites)
FS: Develop an equestrian campground (10 campsites total?) off the existing footprint
FS: Develop a shoreline day use facility and/or boat ramp facility in the area called (Shadow Ridge?)
Notes: facility was closed multiple times and eventually decommissioned with all facilities removed in early 1990s due to repeated low use
FS: May be something that will get used because it connects to other trail systems in the FS.FS.
Vegetation Management Plan for developed recreation sites using USFS Region 1 template or similar.
Internal road signing to meet the MUTCD standards
Create trailhead linkages to west shore trail for pedestrian, equestrian use with scenic overlooks
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Develop an equestrian campground (10 campsites total?) off the existing footprint
Develop a shoreline day use facility and/or boat ramp facility (Shadow Ridge?)
Vegetation management so that facility footprint does not succumb to fire or further vegetation loss
Develop trail system and trailheads for west shore and adjacent forest connection
Site visit on 8/8/13
Walked out onto Shadow Ridge area (along Burnt Bridge Creek inlet/cove) and FS identified general area for large-scale development including family camping, group camping, horse camp, and day use facilities.
Some existing, but old road beds and/or skid roads on the ridge, but none currently reach the area where development would be located (approx. 0.25 mi. away)
Noted that shoreline at reservoir is still very steep making shoreline access difficult/problematic – development would need to remain 100+ ft. above the water line where more suitable/level lands exist
Question: what becomes of old Burnt Bridge Campground???
FS indicated that mastication work is scheduled for this ridge/area in Fallfall 2013 and that a site visit following that work may be valuable.
Facility needs comprehensive planning exercise to evaluate existing roads, potential of landforms for road and trail access as well as site planning for facilities and boat ramp options. This facility rehabilitation is a blank canvas and can create the modern version of a rec facility
Cottage Creek Campground
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FS: Re-develop the burnt campground as an RV campground (10-20 sites)
FS: Potential opportunity to not just rebuild a campground, but also for other types of facilities (shoreline access or additional boat launch).
FS: Potential trailhead or trail access for future trails (not yet constructed)
Vegetation Management Plan for developed recreation sites using USFS Region 1 template or similar.
Internal road signing to meet the MUTCD standards
Vision: new, modern recreation facility that takes advantage of high scenic quality of vistas from the site. Access or capable access for large rigs from Marysville rd. and Emerald Bay marina. Facility addresses needs and expectation of the changing recreation public – has WIFI, electricity, water and sewer hookups, maybe showers.
Offers access to trail system, interpretive information and additional trail system in the general forest – can be a partner with the 4H camp for fireside chats, etc.
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None (needs complete re-development)
Vegetation protection, site protection and gating for protection of existing remaining veg. from firewood cutters, etc. Need to protection existing slopes, from slide, etc. due to loss of surface vegetation – protection measure for water quality.
Road stabilization
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Re-develop as an RV campground with following amenities: flush toilets, showers, water, ramadas, and full hookups (water & electric)
Re-develop as a group campground facility with flush toilets, showers, water and shelters/ramadas
Full features should include amphitheater or some form of group campfire/interpretive area,
Provide trailhead for pedestrian and equestrian access
Interpretation and Scenic Vista overlooks
Improved road access
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Note: YCWA’s SUP with FS states that campground will be rebuilt by YCWA in the event of fire/destruction.
FS: Shadow Ridge/Burnt Bridge and Cottage Creek provide valuable recreation opportunity that is not directly on reservoir shoreline (not everyone that comes to the reservoir wants to boat; Plumas NF side is attractive because of the water. People come because they want to hang out/recreate near the water; visitors come to dofor a variety of activities)
Site provides a decent vista of reservoir/houseboat mooring area beyond the existing parking and restroom facility – would require vegetation/tree thinning on YCWA lands to achieve views
Site Visit on 8/8/13
FS would like to see RV campground or group campground (mid-range, several 25 PAOT sites) re-built at this location
RV Option: may not be feasibility TBDle due to turning radius limitations on the access roads leading to the campground location (County Rd 169) – particularly the hairpin turn between Cottage Creek Boat Launch and site
Group Option: may be more feasible due to potential RV limitations – may need to consider shading or shelter options due to the lack of shading at the site
FS would like to consider extending campground to include viewshed of the reservoir on YCWA land.
FS would also like to see a trailhead facility co-located at this site for a west shoreline trail development
Garden Point Boat-in Campground
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FS: prefer this facility for boat-in camping with single, family campsites (not groups); evaluate need/desire for double/triple campsites at this facility
FS: maintain existing character and experience, but improve existing facilities (restrooms and campsites)
Maintain and enhance connection to the lake with improved vistas and scenic overlooks from campsites
Stable vegetation for shading, setting, and privacy
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Replace vault toilets (and examine whether fewer 2-unit models or more 1-unit models is more efficient/effective)
Some site amenities may need replacement (tables, fire rings)
Remove old Klamath stove facilities and concrete bases
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Potentially expand by approximately 5 campsites
Improved signage & bulletin boards – barrier free
Access to shoreline available with rise/fall of water levels
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Of all 3 boat-in campgrounds, this facility has: 1) the longest season of use; 2) the best shoreline access and /easiest access to campsites from reservoir because of terrain; and 3) most extensive shoreline available.
Site Visit on 8/5/13
Area for expansion to the east of existing campsites; and potentially at select smaller locations atop ridge to west
Discussed accessibility needs and options at the site
Upgraded toilet facilities were discussed – likely Romtec design so facilities may be built in place vs. CXT pre-fab that may be limited due to access road condition (not for heavy equipment)
Based on topography, this area may be the best location on the reservoir to expand developed shoreline campsites.
Madrone Cove Boat-in Campground
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FS: Re-develop campground and campsites to meet current standards (remove dated/unused facilities), but maintain the same number of sites
FS: maintain primitive remote experience (Dev. Scale 2), but encourage more use from roadside as opposed in addition to shore access
FS: opportunity for flat-water boating access and possible take-out for NYR WWB with a trail up from shore.
Concern: approx. 6 miles of flat-water paddling which is still not acceptable/practical for WWB.
Connect land based trail/and water trail from marina facilities and WWB
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Replace all campground facilities (campsites, restrooms, access routes/trails, signage, etc.)
Re-develop each campsite and amenities (very old and deteriorating site amenities); including replacing retaining walls (likely with wood alternative)
Re-design/develop access routes/trails from shoreline to campsites and restrooms
Replace vault toilets (evaluate size and location of new toilet facilities)
Remove old Klamath stove facilities and concrete bases
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Install animal-resistant food lockers
Develop road access to campground – potentially with parking area near campground and walk-in access to campground and shoreline in if direct drive-in access is not feasible. [FS indicated the road access and condition was in good shape and would need some basic improvements to make it accessible by vehicles from Oregon Hill Road; FS also has access/easement across private property] Road access is still not fully flushed out, but land based access would be encouraged as well
Replace toilet building with modern, accessible feature
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Forest Service is re-examining enhancing this site for drive-in access based on new information on difficulty in road access and conditions.
Site Visit on 8/5/13
Walked site and looked for potential road access – only a fire break around the campground
Steep terrain behind the campground up to the “landing” where old roads may access the general area
FS: Condition rating in Tech Memo may be overly generous.
Frenchy Point Boat-in Campground
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FS: return to a boat-in campground (currently used with shoreline camping permit and not a reservation campground) for single campsites only.
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Address current accessibility standards
All campsite amenities need replacement, including removal of old/outdated stoves
Convert double site to single site (all single sites)
Vegetation management/fuels reduction needed throughout facility
Improve/re-route trail to campsites from high water line
Replace/enhance the existing fence at end of peninsula
Remove old Klamath stove facilities and concrete bases
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Investigate potential for installing a vault toilet near high water line
Develop improved access below high water line – dock facility and hardened trail access (still need to discuss if this is a practical option)
Improve general access from shoreline to campsites; come up with better integrated, more common sense design for cliff side barriers\
Improve scenic quality of lake vistas
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Floating restroom is located in cove adjacent to facililyfacility, but it is not a practical option for sanitation at this site (especially at night).
Currently, with a shoreline camping permit, campers are required to take portable chemical toilet.
Site Visit on 8/5/13
Site visit confirmed difficult/steep access below high water (not clear if engineered structure is practical)
FS would like to see a 1-unit vault toilet at the site – likely near existing information boards close to high water line for best maintenance (note that a pit toilet was at this site previously but was removed)
Dark Day Picnic Area
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Maintain current facility, but improve the shoreline access and opportunities
Vegetation Management Plan for developed recreation sites using USFS Region 1 template or similar.
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Replace toilet
Replace picnic site amenities
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Construct formal trails to shoreline from the picnic sites
Designate an area that prohibits boating use (potentially develop a swimming beach/area)
Site Visit on 8/8/13
FS proposed single vehicle parking expansion on peninsula; removing existing fire rings & picnic tables; and install fence at end of trail for low-water uses
If additional single vehicle parking is provided here, then it may be worth re-evaluating the site layout of the existing parking area and reviewing how parking spaces could be maximized
Site was not originally designed for day use area parking or current single vehicle parking demands – potential to re-align/re-design parking and gain 5-10 single vehicle spaces, including if the toilet facility was moved to a more efficient location for both parking and toilet maintenance/function
Sunset Vista Point
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Provide a multi-use day use facility for picnicking, scenic overlook/vista and trailhead
Vegetation Management Plan for developed recreation sites using USFS Region 1 template or similar.
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Replace vault toilet with a flush toilet
Vegetation management needs to be addressed to improve the reservoir/dam vista (including addressing noxious weeds)
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Install 2 additional picnic units
Install water hydrant by picnic sites; location TBD, but near picnic sites
Install additional interpretive sign/panels
Upgrade information board/kiosk to represent all types of recreation facilities and opportunities at this facility
Designate the trailhead parking area/access to Bullards Bar Trail and install additional trailhead signage (e.g., information board with map)
Install improved signage at site and along Marysville Road that clearly identify multiple opportunities at site (vista, picnicking, trailhead, hiking/biking, etc.)
Delineate parking spaces (gravel parking is adequate) – perhaps installing concrete parking space bollards for each space?
If installing new picnic sites, add ramadas for protection from sun and rain
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Relatively low use site; mostly short stops for vista (but low use may be associated with poor signage/information on what the facility offers for visitors)
YCWA/HDR to review with botanical specialists where identified noxious weeds are co-located with recreation facilities
Improve signage, access, identification of this facility from Marysville Rd. It is basically unknown; incorporate interpretive elements here and elsewhere throughout the facility.
Dam Overlook
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Provide an upgrade day use facility with enhanced informational/educational opportunities and potential shoreline access/view facilities
Develop new dam overlook at location along Marysville Road that contains excellent view of dam.
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Grade and gravel parking area - Grade and Pave
Minor amenities to include benches, seating, garbage collection, etc., fencing/slope barrier
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Install additional interpretive materials/displays
Evaluate site for additional facilities that provide pedestrian access to shoreline (and the dam?) for improved views or access
Potentially install picnic sites and ramadas.
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Site includes shoreline access via existing road when water drops below high water
Moran Road Day Use Area
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Enhance the low development scale facility to provide enhanced shoreline access, additional parking, and improved turnaround.
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None identified to date
Signage, bulletin board for rules, notices
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Improve/widen turn-around
Expand parking at the restroom (into the hillside near existing restroom)
Explore potential to use as a trailhead for a future shoreline trail
Develop area for shoreline recreation opportunities
Install additional trash facilities closer to the shoreline/high water line where visitors recreate
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Local use potential, for reservoir access and local requests can be met.
Site has basic trash facilities, but additional trash management is needed
FS: existing trash receptacles are at restroom and not functional for visitors who recreate on the shoreline and below high water line
Site offers quality wildlife viewing opportunities
Site Visit on 8/8/13
FS proposed second boat launch ramp (where road is blocked/gated) for trailer launch (bass/fishing boats)
YCWA had concerns about the terrain that would not make allow a functional trailered boat launch functional due to slopes
Red-legged frog habitat in area needs to be considered
FS proposed widening turnarounds on existing car-top ramp to expand use to trailered boats
YCWA had similar concerns about slope and function for trailered boats; in addition to concerns about promoting trailered boat use on this road and site (Moran Road would need to be significantly improved/widened and turnouts developed for passing)
FS proposed trash receptacles on car-top ramp as water recedes closer to users (below high water line)
Cottage Creek Boat Launch and Marina
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Maintain the existing boat launch and marina facilities
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FS: need to provide additional 57 boat ramp parking spaces at NBBR to meet current 420 boat capacity
Facility requires staff to direct traffic during busy weekends, particularly on holidays
Dark Day Boat Launch
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FS: Maintain existing boat launch facility but upgrade the boat ramp and dock system and examine ways to provide additional parking (both vehicle+trailer and single spaces)
Sufficient parking for day use as well as boating with clear circulation patterns
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Ramp slope erosion needs to be addressed (WSE needs to be considered) [potential FS solution: reconfigure the ramp to the east into the cove to avoid erosion site]
Re-surface the boat ramp
Replace the dock and rail system (existing structure doesn’t operate effectively, particularly at lower water levels when ramp snakes/twists)
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Install electricity at main boat launch restroom/ramp area.
Entrance Station Enhancements:
Complete the entrance station kiosk
Develop the parking area (grade and pave the adjacent parking area)
Trail to boat launch and/or reservoir from parking area(s) – should go from kiosk to shoreline
Dark Day Cove
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The Dark Day Cove is also a potential for swimming/kayak cover with possible additional picnic/day use sites.
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None (new facility proposed)
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Potential flat-water boating campground at end of road in T 18N, R 8E, Section 16.
Public comments and ideas from 5/2012 public meeting.
Dark Day Boat Ramp Overflow Parking Area
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Maintain the existing facility, but examine opportunities to provide additional parking for vehicle+trailer spaces and/or single spaces
Ensure facility is accessible, well lit and safe
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Potential site to expand the parking for vehicle+trailer spaces and/or single spaces
Water Treatment and Distribution System
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Provide a water treatment and distribution system that meets the needs of the recreation facilities and current standards
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Replace the underground water distribution infrastructure (need to consider new system vs. replacing-in-kind existing system)
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None identified during discussions so far
FS suggested enhancement by upgrading to lower maintenance cost UV system – can expand system at that time to meet planned future needs, not just current.
Extend potable water system to west shore camping facilities
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FS & YCWA Concern: any addition of flush toilets and/or showers may require expanding water treatment facility capacity.
Overall Summary: water treatment facility is adequate for current demands; underground distribution is inadequate and deteriorating.
FS: would like YCWA to consider addressing water system holistically before new license (concern: by time new license comes out may be too late and would result in many years of “band-aids”).
YCWA: upgrade of water system must be linked to schedule of facility upgrades along Marysville Road (efficiency of construction)
FS concern – if this is tied to Marysville road reconstruction it could substantially delay the work. The water system should be improved very early in the new license without caveats tied to road reconstruction.
Schoolhouse Trailhead
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Develop and maintain a defined trailhead parking area with signage to delineate site and direct trailhead users to the site
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Expand the entire parking area
Grade, gravel and define the parking area with barriers
Designate parking area/spaces specific to the trailhead
Construct a connector trail from the newly defined trailhead parking area to the existing Schoolhouse Trail on north side of campground loop
Install signage, including:
Trailhead identification sign at parking area;
Information board with trail map and information;
Trailhead sign at start of trail
Trailhead sign at entrance sign on Marysville Rd
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Currently the trailhead is part of/co-located with the Schoolhouse Campground Overflow Parking Area and it is not clear that the site is a trailhead for the nearby Schoolhouse Trail
The existing parking area may need to be re-designed to clearly delineate trailhead parking from Schoolhouse Campground overflow parking (note: both would be single space parking)
Need to consider future use when determining size of parking area to accommodate future use levels
Dark Day Picnic Area and Boat Launch Trailheads
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Utilize the existing Dark Day Picnic Area and Boat Launch parking areas for trailhead/trail user parking, but clearly identify/sign where the trails intersect the parking areas including maps and how to navigate through the Dark Day complex facilities
Trailheads are accessible, barrier-free and incorporate multiple languages, etc.
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Install signage, including:
Trailhead identification sign at parking area;
Install/improve trailhead information board with trail map and information, including information on how to navigate through Dark Day facilities on trails
Trailhead sign at all trail junctions/crossings with the picnic area and boat launch parking areas
Trailhead sign at entrance sign on Marysville Road
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Existing parking areas at both the picnic area and boat launch may be utilized for trailhead users – parking specific to trail users is not necessary
Need to consider future use when determining size of parking area to accommodate future use levels.
Rebel Ridge/8 Ball Trailhead
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Maintain the existing trailhead parking area and signage (currently a gravel parking area with information board, trailhead sign at start of trail and on Marysville Road)
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Replace the signage/information boards, as needed
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This trailhead is located outside the Project boundary
Need to consider future use when determining size of parking area to accommodate future use levels
7 Ball Trailhead
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Re-develop and maintain the existing rustic trailhead parking area by expanding and better defining the parking area
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Replace facility signage, as needed (information board, trailhead sign at start of trail and on Marysville Road)
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Expand the parking area (6-10 spaces)
Grade, gravel and define the parking area with barriers
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This trailhead is located outside the Project boundary
Need to consider future use/demand when determining capacity of parking area to accommodate future use levels
Old Camptonville Trailhead
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Develop and maintain a defined trailhead parking area with appropriate signage along the shoulder of Old Camptonville Road
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None (no facilities currently exist)
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Develop a defined parking (size TBD)
Grade, gravel and define the parking area with barriers
Install signage, including:
Trailhead identification sign at parking area
Trailhead sign at start of trail
Trailhead signs on Marysville Road and Hwy 49 directing users to trailhead
Information board at parking area with trail maps
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This trailhead is located outside the Project boundary
Need to consider future use when determining size of parking area to accommodate future use levels
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Maintain the existing trails for pedestrian, mountain bike and equestrian uses
Trails are suitable for use by disabled and are signed sufficiently in barrier-free format to represent the changing demographics of user groups and populations
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Regular/annual maintenance of trails such as clear of debris, tread maintenance, vegetation brushing & treatment, logging out, repair erosion, re-route as needed, etc.
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Install signage at all existing trial junctions
Install interpretive/educational signage along existing trails, as appropriate (particularly at locations with vistas)
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Trailheads would need to meet accessibility guidelines; however, the trails would not need to meet accessibility guidelines
Floating Restrooms
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Our House Diversion Dam
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Maintain as an undeveloped recreation site, but examine some basic facilities/features to improve the experience, particularly related to whitewater boating
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None identified during discussions to date
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Potentially whitewater boating facilities (restroom, trail to river below diversion dam, etc.)
Add an information bulletin board.
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Potential whitewater demand, but not fully known now – may require some facilities (toilet, parking, etc.)
FS issue: vehicles crossing river to access mining claims on south side of river
Log Cabin Diversion Dam
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Site does not have any existing facilities
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Potentially a small-scale group picnic shelter with BBQs
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FS: Demand is from local community for small-scale group picnic shelter with BBQs several times/year for local events/celebrations.
Additional Parking Capacity at New Bullards Bar Reservoir
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Forest Service indicated that there is currently a shortage of parking at New Bullards Bar Reservoir for both vehicle+trailer and single spaces
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Not applicable (new or expanded facility measure)
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Provide additional 57 vehicle+trailer spaces to meet the current 420 boat capacity on reservoir
Provide additional 30 to 50 single spaces for non-boating related access to facilities and shoreline
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Specific locations for new facilities were not identified
Potential locations for expanded or improved parking includes: Dark Day Boat Ramp Overflow Parking Area; parking area at Dark Day entrance station (currently rough, gravel area without barriers or signage)
Cottage Creek Boat Launch is built out for parking
If sites are identified, then a site visit may be needed