Programmable Objects
Stored procedures give you performance benefits. Earlier I
talked about reuse of previ-
ously cached execution plans. Stored procedures reuse execution plans by default, whereas
SQL Server is more conservative with the reuse of ad-hoc plans. Also, the aging of procedure
plans is less rapid than that of ad-hoc plans. Another performance benefit of using stored
procedures is reduction of network traffic. The client application needs to submit only the
procedure name and its arguments to SQL Server. The server processes all of the procedure’s
code and returns only the output back to the caller. No back-and-forth traffic is associated
with intermediate steps of the procedure.
As a simple example, the following code creates a stored procedure called Sales.GetCustomer-
Orders. The procedure accepts a customer ID (@custid) and a date range (@fromdate and @todate)
as inputs. The procedure returns rows from the Sales.Orders table representing orders placed by the
requested customer in the requested date range as a result set, and the number of affected rows as
an output parameter (@numrows).
IF OBJECT_ID('Sales.GetCustomerOrders', 'P') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROC Sales.GetCustomerOrders;
CREATE PROC Sales.GetCustomerOrders
@custid AS INT,
@fromdate AS DATETIME = '19000101',
@todate AS DATETIME = '99991231',
@numrows AS INT OUTPUT
SELECT orderid, custid, empid, orderdate
FROM Sales.Orders
WHERE custid = @custid
AND orderdate >= @fromdate
AND orderdate < @todate;
SET @numrows = @@rowcount;
When executing the procedure, if you don’t specify a value in the @fromdate parameter, the pro-
cedure will use the default 19000101, and if you don’t specify a value in the @todate parameter, the
procedure will use the default 99991231. Notice the use of the keyword OUTPUT to indicate that the
parameter @numrows is an output parameter. The SET NOCOUNT ON command is used to suppress
messages indicating how many rows were affected by DML statements, such as the SELECT statement
within the procedure.
Here’s an example of executing the procedure, requesting information about orders placed by the
customer with the ID of 1 in the year 2007. The code absorbs the value of the output parameter @
numrows in the local variable @rc and returns it to show how many rows were affected by the query.
EXEC Sales.GetCustomerOrders
@custid = 1,
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals
@fromdate = '20070101',
@todate = '20080101',
@numrows = @rc OUTPUT;
SELECT @rc AS numrows;
The code returns the following output showing three qualifying orders.
orderid custid empid orderdate
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------
10643 1 6 2007-08-25 00:00:00.000
10692 1 4 2007-10-03 00:00:00.000
10702 1 4 2007-10-13 00:00:00.000
Run the code again, providing a customer ID that doesn’t exist in the Orders table (for example,
customer ID 100). You get the following output indicating that there are zero qualifying orders.
orderid custid empid orderdate
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------
Of course, this is just a basic example. You can do much more with stored procedures.
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