But as you can see, this version would still be more complicated than the join version, because
variables at the same time. This syntax saves you the need to use separate UPDATE and SELECT state-
ments to achieve the same task.
One of the common cases for which you can use this syntax is in maintaining a custom
sequence/autonumbering mechanism when the identity column property and the sequence object
that guar antees no gaps. The idea is to keep the last-used value in a table, and to use this special UP-
with a single row with the value 0—one less than the first value that you want to use.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals
The code declares a local variable called @nextval. Then it uses the special UPDATE syntax to incre-
ment the column value by 1, assigns the updated column value to the variable, and presents the value
in the variable. The assignments in the SET clause take place from right to left. That is, first val is set to
val + 1, then the result (val + 1) is set to the variable @nextval.
The specialized UPDATE syntax is run as an atomic operation, and it is more efficient than using
separate UPDATE and SELECT statements because it accesses the data only once.
When you’re done, run the following code for cleanup.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Sequences', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Sequences;
Merging Data
SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012 support a statement called MERGE that allows you to modify
data, applying different actions (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) based on conditional logic. The
MERGE statement is part of the SQL standard, although the T-SQL version adds a few nonstandard
extensions to the statement.
A task achieved by a single MERGE statement will typically translate to a combination of several
other DML statements (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) without MERGE. The benefit of using MERGE
over the alternatives is that it allows you to express the request with less code and run it more ef-
ficiently because it requires fewer accesses to the tables involved.
To demonstrate the MERGE statement, I’ll use tables called dbo.Customers and dbo.Customers-
Stage. Run the code in Listing 8-2 to create those tables and populate them with sample data.
Code That Creates and Populates Customers and CustomersStage
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Customers', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Customers;
CREATE TABLE dbo.Customers
custid INT NOT NULL,
companyname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
address VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,