So'z boyligimizni oshiramiz
🚩 Predlogli birikmalar
💥 After all = ga qaramasdan
💥 All along = har doim
💥 All of a sudden = to'satdan
💥 All the same = bir xil
💥 Angry with = achchiqlanmoq
💥 As a rule = odatda
💥 As far as I am concerned = mening fikrimcha
💥 As for me = meni o'ylashimcha
💥 Be about to = tayyor bo'lmoq
💥 Be back on ones feet = healthy again or better financially
💥 Be beside oneself = juda havotirlangan, achchiqlangan
💥 Be in the red = qarzga botmoq
💥 Bored by = charchagan bo'lmoq
💥 Capable of = ga qobilyatli bo'lmoq
💥 Confused by = yanglishmoq
💥 Come across = to'satdan ko'rib qolmoq
💥 Catch ones eye = e'tiborini tortmoq
💥 Dressed in = kiyinib olgan
💥 Disappointed by = dan norozi bo'lmoq
💥 Fed up with = joniga tegmoq
💥 Famous for = mashxur
💥 Frightened by =qo'rqmoq
💥 Envious of = ichi qoralik qilmoq
💥 Exhausted from = charchagan, horigan
Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami
🚩Destination B2:
Phrases and collocations
💥 accident = avariya
💥 have an accident = avariyaga uchramoq
💥 be (involved) in an accident = avariyaga aralashib qolmoq
💥 do sth by accident = bilmasdan (biror ishni) bajarmoq
💥 advance = rivojlanmoq, oldindan
💥 in advance = oldindan
💥 advance to/towards a place = tomonga bormoq
💥 ahead = oldinga
💥 go straight ahead = to’g’riga yurmoq
💥 go ahead = oldinga yurmoq
💥 be ahead of sth/sb = …dan oldinda bo’lmoq
💥 direction = yo’nalish
💥 a change of direction = yo’nalish o’zgarishi
💥 in the direction of sth = …ning yo’nalishida
💥 in this/that direction = bu/u yo’nalishda
💥 head = bosh, yo’naltirmoq
💥 off the top of your head = eng tepasidan pastga
💥 head for/towards a place = …tomonga yurmoq
💥 head over heels (in love) = qattiq sevmoq
💥 holiday = ta’til
💥 go/be on holiday = ta’tilga ketmoq/bo’lmoq
💥 have/take a holiday = ta’til olmoq
💮 @inglizcha
Super IELTS Vocabulary 🔰
To break up/Split up 🥥
to end a romantic relationship
To drift apart 🛹
to become less close to someone
To enjoy someone's company 🎈
to like spending time with someone
To fall for = to fall in love 💌
To fall head over heels in love 🔮
to start to love someone a lot
To fall out with 🛡
to have a disagreement and stop being friends
To get on like a house on fire 🧩
to like someone's company very much indeed
To get on well with 🔗
to understand someone and enjoy similar interests
To get to know 🖇
to begin to know someone
To go back years 🕰
to have known someone for a long time
To have a lot in common 🎯
to share similar interests
To have ups and downs 🎭
to have good and bad times
To hit it off 🌪
to quickly become good friends with
To be just good friends 🧢
to not be romantically involved
To pop the question 💍
to ask someone to marry you
To settle down 🥁
to give up the single life and start a family
To strike up a relationship 🧨
to begin a friendship
To tie the knot = to get married 🎎
To be well matched = to be similar 🎏
To work at a relationship 👫
to try to maintain a positive relationship with someone
#speaking #vocabulary #ielts
Ⓜ️Mini GrammarⓂ️
💠 Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamonning faqat 10 tasida "Passive voice" hosil qilsa boladi. Bular quyidagilar:
1⃣ Present Simple passive:
❇️Object + am/is/are + V3(-ed)
2⃣Present Continuous passive:
❇️Ob. + am/is/are + being V3(-ed)
3⃣Present Perfect passive:
❇️Ob.+ have/has + been V3(-ed)
4⃣Past Simple passive:
❇️Ob. + was/were + V3(-ed)
5⃣Past Continues passive:
❇️Ob.+ was/were being V3(-ed)
6⃣Past Perfect passive:
❇️Ob. + had + been V3(-ed)
7⃣Future Simple passive:
❇️Ob. + will/shall + be V3(-ed)
8⃣Future Perfect passive:
❇️Ob. + will/shall + have + been V3(-ed)
9⃣Future Simple in the past passive:
❇️Ob. + would/should + be V3(-ed)
1⃣0⃣ Future Perfect in the past passive:
❇️Ob. + would/should + have + been V3(-ed)
♦️Quyidagi 6 ta zamonning passive voiceni(majhul nisbatini) hosil qilib bo'lmaydi.
1⃣Present Perfect Continues
✅ S +have/has been + V-ing
2⃣Future Continues
✅ S + will/shall +V-ing
3⃣Future Perfect Continues
✅ S will/shall have been V-ing
4⃣Past Perfect Continues
✅ S + had +V-ing
5⃣Future Continues in the Past
✅ S + would be + V-ing
6⃣Future Perfect Continues in the past
✅ S + would have been +V-ing
✅Vocabulary Time
🇺🇸These words are Topic vocabulary of HOUSES AND APARTMENT
🇺🇿Bu so'zlar UY/JOY mazusiga oid maxsus so'zlar
🇺🇸Short-term -rental= 🇺🇿qisqa muddatli turar joy
🇺🇸Two-bedroom apartment =🇺🇿 2 yotoqli turar joy
🇺🇸Studio apartment = 🇺🇿1 xonali uy
🇺🇸Five-story building = 🇺🇿5 qavatli uy
🇺🇸Overlooking the ocean =🇺🇿 balkondan dengizni ko'rish
🇺🇸Have a nice view of (city skyline) .......
🇺🇿 chiroyli manzarali joy bor bo'lish (biror joyni)
🇺🇸recently been remodeled/renovated🇺🇿yaqinda tamirdan chiqqan/binoni qayta tamirlash
🇺🇸Fully furnished 🇺🇿to'liq jihozlangan
🇺🇸Spacious living 🇺🇿 katta xona
🇺🇸the bedrooms were rather cramped
🇺🇿yotoqxona (noqulay, va kichik)
🇺🇸feel homesick = 🇺🇿 uyni sog'inish
🇺🇸 have a place of your own = 🇺🇿 o'zini joyi bo'lish
🇺🇸affordable housing = 🇺🇿 arzon uy joy(qulay narxlarda)
🇺🇸upscale neighborhoods
🇺🇿 boy odamlar yashaydigan turar joy
🇺🇸 Take out a mortage
🇺🇿 bankdan muddatli pul qarz olish
🇺🇸 down payment = 🇺🇿boshlang'ich to'lovi kotta summadagi pulni
🇺🇸 move into a new place = 🇺🇿 yangi joyga ko'chib o'tish
🇺🇸 throw a housewarming party = 🇺🇿 yangi uy olgandan keyin o'tkaziladigan marosim
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |