314 CHAPTER 18 Software Architecture Definition
specifications (requirements, interface, or functional), and this should be prop-
erly reflected in the requirements traceability matrix.
3. Corrective action audit . Tracing each authenticated change request or proposal
to its corrective action disposition. This audit must ensure that the corrective
action was properly accomplished and is reflected in the affected software prod-
uct and architectural artifacts.
18.1.7 Reviews and milestones (preliminary architecture definition stage) The PDR should be conducted for the purpose of describing the functional archi-
tecture and how architectural decisions were settled. The purpose of the PDR is to
substantiate the software architecture as a framework that will enable the software
architecture to evolve over time. The rationale for design decisions should be the
focus of the review and how they affect program plans and the achievement of pro-
gram objectives. The agenda for the architecture preliminary design review should
address the following topics: