Bog'liq Software Engineering Architecture-driven Software Development ( PDFDrive )
243 13.3 Design correlation
Configuration robustness—the ability of structural elements and design
mechanisms to be modified, extended, or enhanced without violating archi-
tectural guidelines.
Elemental perseverance—the ability of structural elements to perform
their data processing actions regardless of architectural modifications or
2. Architectural simplicity — – an assessment of the arrangement and interrelation-
ships among structural elements that complicate the ability to comprehend data
processing conventions.
Elemental complexity—an assessment of the distribution of computational
rigor among contributing structural elements.
Integration density—an assessment of the balanced distribution of structural
elements involved in integration tasks.
Interactional complexity—an assessment of the number of interactive data
exchanges or transference of control among structural elements.
3. Operational durability — – the ability of the architecture to sustain data process-
ing operations under stressful and disruptive conditions.
Operational load resilience—an assessment of the consistency of perfor-
mance by the architecture under planned and extreme workload profiles.
Operational disruption acclimation—an assessment of the ability of the
architecture to endure external failures associated with elements of the com-
puting environment or external systems.
Computer technology assimilation—the ability of the architecture to adapt to
changes in the computing environment equipment, systems, or applications.
These architectural assessments focus on three primary aspects of the structural
configuration’s ability to endure enhancement and refurbishment resulting from var-
ying operational needs, technological advances, or the resolution of design defects.
Architectural permanence and simplicity address the positive qualities that permeate
the structural configuration and enable it to endure post-development turmoil (prod-
uct operations and sustainment). Simplicity of design is the inverse of complexity and
results from the use of a small number of uncomplicated elements to maximum effect.
This is achieved by striving for a minimalist approach to architectural attainment.
Permanence of design addresses the enduring nature of the structural foundation on
which the product design is based. The inverse of permanence is transience, which
infers that the architecture will endure only a short time and cannot remain unchanged
for an extended period of time. Architectural permanence and simplicity are design
principles that must be pursued to establish a stable architectural configuration.
Operational durability addresses the ability of the product architecture to adapt to
anticipated operational situations and changes in computing technology. These oper-
ational durability measures address the ability of the software architecture to make
adjustments in response to a change in the operational environment or status. The
objective is to maintain software performance within acceptable levels despite the
variable, sometimes erratic, operational conditions a software product must tolerate.