235 13.2 Design resolution
13.2 Design resolution Design resolution encompasses the identification of the fundamental structural
design elements and configuration alternatives to investigate the characteristics of
each structural design solution. Utilizing the nearly complete functional architec-
ture, structural units and components must be identified and specified. Structural
units provide the “material” or building blocks necessary to perform specified func-
tional behaviors and form a structural design solution.
13.2.1 Identify fundamental structural elements The fundamental structural design elements must be identified to establish the bot-
tom tier of the structural design solution. The fundamental structural design ele-
ments include structural units and components that are depicted in
Figure 13.2
within the bottom tier of the software structural design paradigm. Structural units
are established and synthesized by grouping and combining similar, compatible, or
complementary functional units into a single structural design element. Structural
components identified within the bottommost tier represent more complex func-
tional units of which the behavioral solution was understood and required no fur-
ther decomposition. These structural components may need to be decomposed into
two or more structural units to provide an efficient, effective design solution.
This task results in the identification of the bottom-tier structural design ele-
ments. It is desirable for the bottom tier to involve no more than two level of
elements, with the lower level consisting of structural units and the upper level
organizing structural components. These fundamental structural elements represent
the software modules—procedures or objects that will be specified and conveyed to
the software implementation team for programming (detailed design, coding, test-
ing, and integrating).
Structural units are distinguished by sorting, correlating, and combining func-
tional units into a cohesive, synthesized design element. This is accomplished by
Unifying the functional unit specifications into a single structural unit
Resolving contradictory, incongruous characteristics within the unified
Refining the performance attributes against which the structural unit will be
Incorporating any necessary supervisory or administrative behavior into the
The resulting structural unit specification should entail the requirements that address
the cohesive behaviors for the structural unit.
Structural components are resolved by analyzing the functional component
specification and ascertaining the prerequisite structural mechanisms necessary to
satisfy functional component behaviors. This should result in the identification of