Faculty of Economics, C.20/116 group student
Eminov Dilshodbek Muxammadshukurovich
Prepared on the subject of "English language "
Other Facts About The River Thames London would not be London without the River Thames. It laps at the ancient walls of the Tower of London, flows past the Palace of Westminster and is spanned by Tower Bridge. Many people are aware that the river runs through Oxford and Windsor. However, there are a great many more interesting facts to learn about England‘s longest river. Welcome to the capital of England Temza daryosisiz London London bo'lmas edi. U London minorasining qadimiy devorlari yonidan o'tib, Vestminster saroyi yonidan oqib o'tadi va Tower Bridge orqali o'tadi. Ko'p odamlar daryo Oksford va Vindzor orqali o'tishini bilishadi. Biroq, Angliyaning eng uzun daryosi haqida bilish uchun juda ko'p qiziqarli faktlar mavjud. Angliya poytaxtiga xush kelibsiz The River Thames is the second longest river in the UK. It is the most well-known of Britain’s rivers because it flows through central London. It also flows through (or really close by) some other important towns and cities in England, such as: Richmond, Kingston upon Thames, Windsor, Henley-on-Thames, Oxford and Reading. The Thames is tidal when it flows through London. More than 80 islands are contained in the River • Temza daryosi Buyuk Britaniyadagi ikkinchi eng uzun daryodir. • Bu Britaniya daryolari ichida eng mashhuri, chunki u London markazidan oqib o'tadi. Shuningdek, u Angliyaning boshqa muhim shaharlari va shaharlari orqali (yoki haqiqatan ham yaqin) oqib o'tadi, masalan: Richmond, Kingston upon Thames, Windsor, Henley-on-Thames, Oksford va Reading. • Temza Londondan oqib o'tganda to'lqinli bo'ladi. • Temza daryosida 80 dan ortiq orollar joylashgan. Bularga: Sheppi oroli, Kanvey oroli va Rouz oroli kiradi. Thames. These include: the Isle of Sheppey, Canvey Island and Rose Isle. The Celts referred to the Thames as Tamesas (or Tamesis), which meant ‘dark’. About two thirds of London’s drinking water comes from the Thames. The River Thames has several tributaries, including: the River Churn, Windrush, Cherwell, Thame, Loddon and Mole. Several rivers also join the Thames after it has become tidal. These include: the River Brent, Effra, Westbourne and Fleet Bularga: Sheppi oroli, Kanvey oroli va Rouz oroli kiradi. • Keltlar Temzani Tamesas (yoki Tamesis) deb atashgan, bu esa "qorong'i" degan ma'noni anglatadi. • Londondagi ichimlik suvining uchdan ikki qismi Temza daryosidan keladi. • Temza daryosining bir nechta irmoqlari bor, jumladan: Churn daryosi, Vindrush, Chervell, Tem, Loddon va Mole. Temza to'lqinli bo'lganidan keyin bir nechta daryolar ham qo'shiladi. Bularga: Brent daryosi, Effra, Vestbourn va flot kiradi. The Thames becomes tidal below Teddington Lock. This is just over 50 miles from the Thames Estuary (and the river’s mouth). The Thames is the home to many different types of creatures. Lots of birds can be found at different points along the course of the Thames from source to mouth (such as herons, moorhens, grebes, kingfishers and coots). The Thames supports lots of different fish species too, including: trout, chub, roach, pike and many more. • Temza Teddington Lokdan pastda to'lqinli bo'ladi. Bu Temza estuariyasidan (va daryoning og'zidan) salgina 50 mil uzoqlikda. • Temza ko'plab turdagi jonzotlarning uyidir. Ko'plab qushlarni Temza daryosining turli nuqtalarida manbadan og'izgacha uchratish mumkin (masalan, cho'chqalar, moorhens, grebes, shoh baliqlari va qo'ziqorinlar). Temza juda ko'p turli xil baliq turlarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, jumladan: alabalık, chub, roach, pike va boshqalar. John Burns (a Battersea MP) famously described the Thames as ‘liquid history’. He meant that River Thames was responsible for supporting settlements upon its banks throught British history, from Neolithic times to today. The Thames has witnessed the birth of London and many of the key events in Britain’s history. The Thames has been bridged more than 200 times and it has been tunneled under more than 15 times. Many of today’s bridges have been built on the site of much earlier crossing points. • Jon Berns (Battersi deputati) Temza daryosini mashhur "suyuqlik tarixi" deb ta'riflagan. U Temza daryosi neolit davridan to hozirgi kungacha Britaniya tarixi davomida uning qirg'oqlaridagi aholi punktlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun mas'ul ekanligini nazarda tutgan. Temza Londonning tug'ilishiga va Britaniya tarixidagi ko'plab muhim voqealarga guvoh bo'lgan. • Temza 200 martadan ortiq ko'prikdan o'tkazilgan va 15 martadan ortiq tunnel ostidan o'tkazilgan. Bugungi ko'priklarning ko'plari ancha oldingi o'tish joylari o'rnida
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