among the Italian-born residents. Between 1969 and 1985 among the 455 Italian-born
residents of Western Australia, 231 — more than half — had an asbestos-related disease: 4
with asbestosis, 8 with primary pleural cancer and 219 with lung cancer.
years later
Italian researchers concluded that the average life expectancy among Wittenoom Italians in
Western Australia had been reduced as result of their exposure to asbestos, when compared
to the general population.
In Italy, doctors had been aware of the harmful effects of asbestos exposure since the
early 1900s.
As the century advanced, they were treating
growing numbers of Italian
workers in asbestos industries across the country with asbestos-related symptoms.
Eventually this included Italians who had worked in the Wittenoom blue asbestos mine.
post-mortem pathology test on an Italian who had worked in Wittenoom during the 1950s
revealed a peritoneal mesothelioma and the presence of blue asbestos, confirming the
provenance of his asbestos-related disease.
In 2000 Merler et al. reported that up until
1997, of the 302 repatriated Italian miners, 112 were dead: 10 from pneumoconiosis, 3 from
pleural mesothelioma and 4 from peritoneal mesothelioma, the remaining 105 deaths were
from an excess of lung cancers or were undefined when compared to the general population.
From their findings the Italian researchers concluded that in the cohort of repatriated Italians
the serious effects of occupational exposure to crocidolite had been confirmed. Among the
survivors many were also suffering from serious asbestosis, but
unable to find insurance
protection. This created financial difficulties once they became too incapacitated to work.
Anecdotal accounts among surviving Italians related to me during my field trips to
Western Australia in 2008, 2009 and 2010 confirm the statistical evidence. All research
participants were able to mention at least one person who had died from complications
associated with asbestosis or from mesothelioma. Many had witnessed those deaths. Their
Merler et al. (1996), Op Cit.
Merler et al. (1999), Op Cit.
Carnevale, Op Cit. Aurora, F., Segretario Associazone Esposti Amianto (2004), 'Introduzione',
Conferenza Nazionale Sull'Amianto, Monfalcone, Italia, 12-13 November, p. 9.
Marinaccio, A., et al. (2006), 'Malignant Mesothelioma Surveillance in Italy: Incidence and Asbestos
Exposure by Italian Register (RENAM)', paper presented to European Conference on Asbestos Risk
and Management, Rome, 4-6 December, p. 31.
Merler, Ercolanelli & de Klerk, Op Cit.
Pizzolitto, Barillari & De Cesare, Op Cit.
Merler, Ercolanelli & de Klerk, Op Cit. p. 255.