Shonaeva mukhayo of teacher of English ­­­­­­­­ of general secondary school №

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The 5th form The 2nd term (Variant-IV)
1. What … your name? a) are b) is c) to d) am

2. ... old are you? a) Who b) How c) What d) Where

3. Where … you from? a) do b)are c)- d)is

4. Which animal gives milk? a) Cow b) hen с) rooster d) tiger

5. What can canaries do? a) Speak b) sing c) read d)dance

6. Which of these animals is domestic?

a) Tiger b) wolf c) sheep d) elephant

7. What animals work hard?

a)dog b) goat c) donkey d) cow

8. What domestic animal gives eggs?

a) Sheep b) hen c) pig d) rooster

9. What domestic animal looks like a tiger?

a) Dog b) turkey c) cat d) goose

10. Malika has got … hair.

a) Longer b) long c) the longest d) more long

11. … is the first day of the week.

a)Monday b) Tuesday c)Sunday d)Saturday

12. My hobby … music. a) are b)is c)do d)-

13. Teachers … teach their pupils well. a)must b) mustn't c)do d)-

14. I … 12 years old. a) am b) is c) are d) do

15. We … maths on Tuesday. a) have b) had c) has d) –

16. She … a long hair. a) have b) has c) didn't d) –

17. … time is it? a) What b) Where c) How many d) When

18. Anvar … six lessens on Monday. a) has b) have c) am d) –

19. … you have five lessons on Saturday? a) do b) did c)um d)

20. Rustam … an engineer. a) are b)is с)do d)am

21. There … a lot of hooks in the library. a) is b)are c) am d) –

22. There … a pen on the desk. a) are b)is c)- d)no

23. He … football. a)plays b)play c)do d) played

24. I … to school every day. a) go b) goes c)- d)went

25. … you like music? a) does b) do c)did d) are





















































The 5th form Control work 5. Dictation

My day off

Sunday is a my day off. I can do anything I like after my week’s work. On my days off I wake up later. As soon as I wake up, I jump out of my bed & switch on the radio. I like music. I like to do my morning exercises to the music. I open the window to air the room and I do morning exercises with my window open. Then I go to bathroom. There I clean my teeth, shave and have a warm shower. It doesn’t take me long to get ready for breakfast. After breakfast I tidy up the room & wash the dishes.

My family

My family is not very big : Dad, Mom, me, my brother and sister and our cat. My Mummy is forty-one, she is a teacher of Spanish at the University. She is a teacher.. My Dad is forty-two, he is a professional painter. My parents like their work very much. My elder sister Nancy is nineteen, she goes to the Uni­versity, she wants to be a teacher of history. She is fond of reading books on history and fiction. My younger brother John is only six years old, he goes to the kindergarten. He is very funny, I like to spend my free time teaching him something. table. I love my family very much. We always help each other. Everyone in my family is my best friend.

Week days

A week has seven days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is the first day of the week. Monday is the second day of the week. Tuesday is the third day of the week. Wednesday is the fourth day of the week. Thursday is the fifth day of the week. Friday is the sixth day of the week. Saturday is the seventh day of the week.

English classes

My friend Julia and I study English. Our teacher is very good. She gives us homework every day. We like English but it is difficult. Julia likes reading easy books in English. The teacher gives them to Julia. She lived in England and studied English there. She is very good at English. We ask him questions. She helps us with our homework.

School subject

My name is Zafar. I have five lessons on Monday. The fifth lesson is Uzbek. The first lesson on Tuesday is English. It is my favourite subject. On Thursday the second lesson is computers. I like computers. It is interesting. But on Wednesday the third lesson is mathematics. I don’t like it. It is difficult. I have PI lessons on Tuesday and on Friday. I like P I We play football. The first lesson on Saturday is art. It is funny.

Lucy’s family

This is Lucy and her family. They live in a village near Cambridge. Lucy is a tall girl. She has got long, curly, black hair. Her grandmother is short and thin. Her hair is white. Mr Whitfield is tall and strong. His hair is short and curly. Mrs Whitfield is nice woman. She is tall. She has got blond hair. It is short and straight. Her eyes are blue. Lucy’s brother John is tall and thin. He has got ret hair. It is short and straight. His eyes are brown.

The 5th form Control work 6. Test The 5th form The 3rd term (Variant-I)

1.Translate into English: uyg’onmoq, yuvinmoq, kiyinmoq. A) Wake up, get washed, get dressed B) get up, dressed, wash C) play, wake up, get D) go,sit, jump

2. Choose The Present Simple Tense and example A) S+V1/I play football B) S+V2/ She eats apple C) S+V1 / He jumps on the bad D)a,c

3. Find the plural form: This-…, that - …A)the, these B)these, those C)that,thot D)the, an,a

4. Whose bag is that? A) It’s mine B) it’s my bag C) a,b D) These are mine

5. Write sentence: a lot of / the library / in / books / there / are/A) There are books in the library a lot of B) There is a lot books in the library C) There are a lot of books in the library D) In the library a lot of book there are

6.Must - …. A) modal fe’li barcha shaxslar uchun bir xil ishlatiladi va kerak, shart zarur deb tarjima qilinadi. B) modal fe’li tugagan bildiradi, kerak deb tarj qilinadi.C) o’zgarmas fe’li barcha shaxslarda birdek ishlatiladi vas hart, zarur deb tarjima qilinadi D)a,b,c

7.My friend… names are Bob and Andrew A) s B) ‘s C)- D) s’

8. Choose the uncorrect sentence. A) I usually have breakfast at 7 B) He always go to school C) I often do my hair D) We are going to the Zoo

9.Find verbs in the 3rd form of The Present Simple Tense:

A)play, lie, does B)goes, likes, lies C)takes, writes, games D) jumps, books, friend’s

10.Choose interrogative and negative forms of the Present Simple tense.A)Do you read?He does not jump B)You must go.Are you a pupil? C)Is she teacher?I have never play tennis D) a,c

11. Butun bir oila haqida aytilgan gapni belgilang. A) The Browns play football B) His surname is Nasimova C)Usmonov doesn’t go to University D)Mrs. Brown is a teacher

12. Thank you, I’m sorry, OK, Please (translate into English) A)Rahmat,Kechirasiz,Yaxshi ,iltimos B)raxmat. Yo’q. Uzr. Iltimos C)a,b D)Uzr ,kechirasiz,Yaxshi,iltimos

13. What’s your hobby? A) My favorite color is blue B) My hobby is collecting pens

C) Your hobby is playing games D) I’ve got a hobby

14. … - fe’lning bosh shakli va –ing qo’shimchasi oqali yasaladi va o’zbek tiliga harakat nomi sifatida tarjima qilinadi. A)gerundiy B)must C)gerundiy va harakat n. D)modal fe’llar

15. Translate into English: masala yechmoq, boshqotirma yechmoq, musiqa tinglamoq, raqs tushmoq. A)do home task,play,do crossword B)do sums,do puzzles, listen to music, dance

C)do puzzles,sing,play,listen D)do homework, do puzzles, listen to music,dance

16.Translate into Uzbek: Men qo’shiq aytaman, Tom konki uchadi,Ular chana uchmaydi,Anna velosiped haydamaydi. A) I sing, Tom song, she cycle, Ann skis B) I sing, Tom skates, they don’t sledge, Ann doesn’t cycle C) I skate, Tom sledge, they cycle, Ann not song D) I sing, Tom skates, they don’t sledge, Ann not cycle

17. __she like_labels? A)Does/collect B)Do/collecting C) is /writing D) Does/collecting

18.Choose domestic animals. A) monkey, pig, dog, cat B) duck, rabbit, hen, horse

C) monkey, lion, donkey, rooster D) dog, cat, elephant

19…gives us eggs, … gives us milk, … eats corn, …eats bone.

A)hen, cow, duck, dog B)hen, goat, rooster, puppy C)a,b D)duck, rabbit, hen, cow

20…+…+…+…= look after A)feed a pet, be kind to a pet, keep a pet clean, take pet for a walk B)feed a pet, be kind to a pet, keep a pet clean, take pet C)feed a pet, be kind to a pet D) a,b,c

21.What kind of names of animals we can’t make plural form. A) fish, chick, deer B) fish, deer, sheep C) sheep, rabbit, canary D) fish, goldfish, goose

22.Make plural form(goose, wolf, fish, canary). A) goose, fish, wolves, canaries B) geese, wolves, fish, canaries C) gooses, fish, wolves, canarie D) gooses, fishs, wolves, canarie

23. “Mowgli”:boy-, Ruksha-,Balu-,Bagira-,Kaa-, Sher Khan- . A)Mowgli,Rabbit,Sheep,cat B)Mowgli,wolf,bear,black panther,snake,tiger C)Mowgli,wolf,bear,snake,tiger D) A,B,C

24.What can animals do? A) They can jump, speak B) they can fly, jump, swim

C) They can play, go D) they can jump, speak, run, fly, swim

25.Present Continuous:A)Pupils are eating lunch now B)I’m a pupil C)You are in the garden now D)a,c


























The 5th form The 3rd term (Variant-II)

1. Find odd word: a) I, you, he, my, she; b) Red, grey, blue, brave, black;

c) Can, jump, sing, swim; d) Likes, lives, takes;

2. Make up sentences:1) Isn’t, Ann’s, black, cat. 2) A, funny, she, rabbit, has.

a) Isn’t Ann’s black cat? A funny she rabbit has b) Ann’s cat isn’t black, she has a funny rabbit b) Isn’t Ann’s black cat? She rabbit has a funny d) Ann’s cat black, she has rabbit

3. Find sentence about animals: 1) Iwouldliketoskateinthepark. 2) Heismyfriend.

3) Mydogcanjumpandswim. 4) Isthecatgreyandblack 5) Weplaytennisverygood.

a) 1,2,5 b) 3,5 c) 3,4 d) 3,4,5

4. Choose the odd words in each line: 1) flat, living room, pen, kitchen, hall; 2) cat, dog, fox, pig, rabbit; 3) Can, jump, sing, swim; 4) Nine, sun, ten, five;5) Likes, lives, dogs, takes; a) pen, cat, can, nice, likes b) pen, fox, can, sun, dogs

c) flat, cat, can, likes, nice d) pen, fox, can, sun, takes

5.Write missed letters: Flowe_, wo_ld, to_n, ho_se, post_ard, _inter, wa_m, w_ndy.

a) r,r,w,u,c,w,r,i b) r,r,r,o,c,w,r,y c) r,t,t,w,w,e,a,I d) r,r,w,a,c,w,r,u

6.Make up sentences from given words: 1) A, rabbit, in, lives, forest, the.

2) In, can, you, do, winter, what?

a) 1) A rabbit in lives forest the. 2) In can you do winter what? b) 1) A rabbit lives forest the. 2) Can you do winter what? c) 1) A rabbit lives in the forest 2) What can you do in winter? d) 1) A rabbit in the forest lives 2) You what can do in winter?

7. She…chess now. a)play b)plays c) is playing d) playing

8. Mike often… chess. a)play b)plays c) is playing d) playing

9.His…friends work in Navoi. a)parents’ b)parents’s c)parents d) parent is

10. ______apples? a) She eat b)does she like c)Does she eat d) b,c

11. The boy is … . a)running b)runs c)run d) to run

12. I can see… car. a) the Brown’s b)Browns’ c)the Browns’ d) Browns

13. It… now. a) is snow b) is snowing c)snows d) is snows

14 . It… often rain here. a) isn’t b)doesn’t c)- d) do not

15.Who …tennis every day? a) play b) does play c) playing d) plays

16. Choose the correct forms of “To be(am, is, are)”: 1) You … clever. 2) Their dresses … long. 3) These books … good. 4) The boy … good at school.

a) is, am, am, are b) is, is, are, are c) are, are, are, is d) are, is, are, are

17 . Choose the correct forms of “To be(am, is, are)”:

1) His grandfather … old. 2) I … in class five. 3) You … nice.

a) is, am, are b) is, is, am c) am, are, are d) are, am, is

18. Choose correct sentences : 1)football, we, play, always. 2)they, English, never, speak.

a) 1) Football we play always. 2)They English never speak b) 1) We always play football . 2) They never speak English c) 1) Football always we play. 2)They English never speak d) 1) We always football play . 2) They English never speak

19. …raining now? a)Is it b)Does it c)Is there d) it is

20 . The puppy is… . a)swim b)swims c)swimming d) to swim

21. Write seasons.

22.Write winter months.

23.Write summer months
24.What season is warm?

25.Translat the word “ Weather”











































21. Winter, spring, summer, autumn

22. December, January, February

23. June, July, August

24. Spring

25. Ob-havo

The 5th form. Control Work 7. Reading and translating a text
A) Seasons
There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Every season has three months. March, April and May are spring months. It is very nice in spring. The sky is often blue. The sun begins to shine, the days become longer and the spring flowers appear everywhere. Nature is very beautiful in spring. Everyone enjoys the beginning of spring. It is warm and sometimes it rains, but the rain is warm and pleasant. Summer comes after spring. June, July and August are summer months. Summer is as nice as spring. The sun shines brightly. It is warm and sometimes hot. Summer is the hottest season of the year. That's why it is not enjoy­able to stay in the city in summer, and most people go to the country. The days are long and the nights are short. The longest day of the year is June 21. Children don't go to school in summer. They have their summer holidays. In September they begin their studies again.

September, the first autumn month, is usually very pleasant. It is not cold yet outdoors, and the trees with their red and yellow leaves look very beautiful. It is warm in September. But in October cold winds begin to blow, leaves fall to the ground, it gets colder and sometimes it begins raining. The rain is cold and not pleasant at all. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables in autumn in Uzbekistan. On the first day of autumn we celebrate the independence of our Republic.

Winter begins in December and ends in March. It is the coldest season of the year. In Uzbekistan winter is very nice with its sunny frosty days. It often snows. Sometimes there is much snow on the ground. It gets dark early in the evening. The days are short and the nights are long. The shortest day of the year is December 21. Winter is a good time for sports. In winter many people go skiing. Children can sledge and play snow­balls. At the end of winter the sun begins to shine as brightly as in spring, but it is not yet as warm as spring. After winter comes spring. People look forward to it. In spring nature awakens from a long winter dream. My school

Most boys and girls go to school at the age of six or seven. I go to school too. I study at primary school at the moment. The number of my school is 374. It is large and light. It is neither old nor new. Our school has got four floors.There are some computer classes and we like Informatics lessons. There are a lot of interesting books in the school library. It is on the second flour. We’ve got a clean and beautiful canteen on the bright walls. Teachers and pupils have breakfast and lunch here. You can see a large sports ground behind the school. We like to play active games there such as tag and football, and we have Physical Training lessons as well. There are many classrooms and a hall in our school where we organize concerts and parties. I love my school. I like studying and I like to go there.

The 5th form. Control Work 8. Test.

The 5th form The 4th term (Variant-I)

Complete the sentences.

1.What is the weather … today?

a)good b)like c)cool d)cold

2.The spring months … March, April, May.

a)is b)on c)are d)the

3. This … a tall boy

a)is b)are c)she d)he

4. Cats and dogs are…

a)animals b)pupils c)birds d)-

5. In spring it often…

a)snow b)hot c)rains d)warm

6. Deer live in…

a) tugai b)deserts c)house d)-

7.Cows gives us…

a) food b)milk c)egg d)-

8. Choose the odd words.

a)monkey, grass, plants, … b)grasses, bushes

c)school, pen, pencil d) mummy, granny

9. Family: father, mother, ….

a) live, go, home b)mother, sister, like c)brother, sister, grand parents

10.Choose the ending. Actions speak louder…

a)than words b)like home c)good friend

11.Choose the antonym “long”

a)short b)tall c)plum d)-

12. “black”

a)white b)green c)blue d)red


a)warm b)cold c)cool d)hot

14.Translate into Uzbek: father

a)ona b)ota c)opa d)aka

15. “season” a) yil b)fasl c)oy d)kun

16. “spring” a)qish b)yoz d)bahor d)kuz

17. “cold” a)sovuq b)iliq c)issiq d)salqin

18.How many seasons in a …?

19.What is … name?- She’s …

20.Please, … the door.

21.Tashkent is a … of Uzbekistan.

22.Come __ the school on time.

23.What is your …? –My name’s…

24. How old are …?

25…. in Navoi.

Keys: 5/8 V-I



































18- year 19-her 20-open/close


22-to 23-name 24-you 25- I live

The 5th form The 4th term (Variant-II)

1.What’s your favourite season?

a) at spring b) My favourite season is summer c) in spring

2. Iliq, issiq, qahraton

a) warm, hot, freezing b) warm cold, cool c) war, foggy, cool

3. When is your birthday?

a) My birthday is in January b) My birthday in May c) on May

4. Havo issiq. Quyosh charaqlab turibdi. Bolalar suzayapti.

a) It’s hot. The sun is shining. Children swimming. b) It’s hot. The sun is shining. Pupils

are swimming. c) It’s hot. The sun is shining. People swim

5.Thank you. I’m sorry. OK.(translate into English)

a) Rahmat.Kechirasiz. Yaxshi b) raxmat. Yo’q. Uzr c) a,b

6. Lobar reads book and stay at home when it rains

a) Yomg’ir yoqqanda Lobar kitob o’qiydi va uyda o’tiradi b) Yomg’ir yoqqanda Lobar

kitob o’qiydi c) Yomg’ir yoqqanda Lobar uyda o’tirmaydi va kitob o’qiydi

7. Havo issiq bo’lganda men do’stlarim bilan o’ynayman a) When it hot I play games friends b) When it’s hot I play games with my friends c) I play when it hot

8. The eighth of May, The thirties of July, The thirty first of December

a) 8may, 30 iyul, 31 dekabr b) 18 may, 13 iyul, 13 dekabr C) 28 may, 30 iyul, 3 dek

9. Translate into Uzbek( sitting in the yard, going for a walk, having a rest)

a) hovlida o’tirish, sayrga chiqish, dam olish b) hovlida o’ynash, dam olish, uyda bo’lish c) hovlini tozalash, dam olish, o’ynash

10. I am going to buy __ lamp a) a b) - c) an d) on

11. Bu odam inglizcha gapirmaydi. a) This man don’t speak English. b) This man speak English. c) This man doesn’t speak English .

12.U tennis o`ynashni yoqtiradi.

a) He like to play tennis. b) He liked to play tennis. c) He likes to play tennis.

13. Today is the … of September. a) ten; b) the ten c) tenth ;

14. -…? - Bob’s birthday is on the 21st of December

a) When Bob’s birthday? b) When is Bob’s birthday c) What is his name?

15. Season, month, year, holiday, wind, blow a) fasl, oy, yil, ta’til, shamol, esmoq

b) fasl, oymomo, yil, gul, shamol c) fasl, oy, yil, ta’til, shamol

16. What is the weather like in summer in Uzbekistan?

a) It’s hot b) It’s warm c) It’s cool

17. When the weather is cold, people … their coats a) put in b) put at c) put on

18. What do you do when it’s cold? a) I put on my coat b) I go for a walk c) I play

19. Write the degrees: 40, -20 C

20. Which months are winter months?

21. Translate into English. (Men momoqaldiroqni yoqtirmayman).

22. Complete the words (t-ermometer, fr-ezing, a-ful)

23. Find the odd word. (sad, angry, happy, foggy)

24. Can you speak English?

25. Draw a smile: happy, angry, sad







































19. The temperature is forty degrees, the temperature is minus twenty degrees.

20. December, January, February

21. I don’t like thunderstorm

22. Thermometer, freezing, awful

23. Foggy 24. Yes, I can/ No, I can’t 25. O O O


The 6th form Control work 1. Dictation

My hobby

I have many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don't have much spare time as I'm going to be a student. That's why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things: reading stories, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favorite hobby is doing crossword puzzles. It's not only interesting, but also very useful. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries and so on. You also train your brain. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving the puzzles and in my opinion family is one of the most important things in my life.

Our Flat

We have a nice flat not far from the centre of the city. It is in a new sixteen-storey building. It has two lifts. Our flat is on the fourth. . It has all modern conveniences such as central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, and a chute to carry rubbish down. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. The sitting room with a wall-size window facing the park is quite large. . In this room there is a furniture unit. There is a TV-set, a video-recorder and a tape-recorder here. On the walls there are five paintings. A thick carpet covers the floor. We spend evening hours in this room. We watch TV, listen to the music or discuss the problems of the day. My parents' room is small. There are two beds a dressing table with a mirror and a wardrobe there. An alarm clock and a small lamp with a pink lampshade are on the bedside table. The third room is my study. There is not much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces. It has a writing desk with drawers to keep papers in. There are books on the shelves all around the walls. There is a sofa with a cushion on it. . Just behind it there is a reading lamp. There is an armchair and two chairs in my room. Besides we have a kitchen. It is light and pleasant. In the kitchen there is a gas stove to cook the meals or boil the kettle on. There is very little furniture as the kitchen has fitted units, just a kitchen table and six stools. . There is a refrigerator to keep food cool or frozen in hot weather. The bathroom is very cozy. There is a bath, a washbasin with hot and cold water there. My parents are hospitable. They often invite friends and relatives to our place. And everybody feels at home here.

My weekdays

Hello, my name is Bill. I live in England. Well, I will tell you about my weekends. I study 6 days a week, that’s way I have only one day off. It’s on Sunday. This day I get up at nine or ten o'clock. I do my bed, wash myself and go to the kitchen. I always had something tasty on Sunday: bacon and eggs, bread with jam or my favorite apple pie. After breakfast, if the weather is sunny, I go to see my friends. We often play volleyball or basket-ball in the yard. If the weather isn’t good, I prefer to be in watching TV, listening to music, reading books, speaking over the phone or just lying on the sofa. I don’t like to spend all the weekend watching TV. It's much more interesting to play a game of chess with your grandfather, or help your mother about the house, or work in the garden or garage with your father. In the evening, when all the family are together, we have some tea with a cake or biscuits, we listen to my younger sister playing the piano, sometimes we sing songs. I like Sundays very much.

My flat

We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the forth floor. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, a lift and a chute to carry rubbish down.

There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a square-table with six chairs round it. To the right of the dinner-table there is a wall-unit. At the opposite wall there is a piano and stool before it. Between the two large windows there is a little table with a colour TV set on it. Near the TV set there are two cozy armchairs.

The bedroom is smaller than the living-room and not so light as there is only one window in it. In this room there are two beds with a bedside-table between them. An alarm-clock and a small lamp with a pink lamp-shade are on the table. In the left-hand corner there is a dressing-table with a big mirror. In this room we have a built-in wardrobe with coat-hangers to hang clothes on.

The third room is my study. It is not large but very cozy. There isn't much furniture in it, only the most necessary. It has a writing-table and an armchair before it. In the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines and newspapers. A small table with a radio is standing in the left-hand corner. Near it there is a sofa with some cushions. In my opinion, the study is the best room in our flat.

The 6th form Control work 2. Test The 6th form The 1st term (Variant-I)

1.Answer the question. What is your job at school? a) pilot b) teacher c) chef

2. Answer the question. What is your teacher’s job? a) teach b) read c) write

3. Read and name the jobs? (Hamid works in the park. He likes trees and flowers)

a) Gardener b) cook c ) nurse

4. Answer the question. What do you want to be? a) pupil b) No, I don’t c) Yes, I want

5. Translate into Uzbek: twins, daughter, son, cousin a) egizaklar, qiz farzand, o’g’il farzand,amakivachcha b) egizaklar, qiz, o’g’il, amma c) qiz jiyan, amma, xola, tog’avachcha

6. Answer the question. Do girls in Uzbekistan have a white wedding dress?

a) Yes, they do b) yes, they have c) No, she is not

7.Write correct form of the given verb in the Present Simple Tense .

(My brother …(sing) English songs) a) sing b) sings c) singing

8. Write the questions. (your/What’s/job/mother’s)

a) What’s your mother’s job? b) What’s job your mother’s? c) What’s your job mother’s?

9. Translate into English. Mehmonxona, oshxona, yotoqxona

a)living room, kitchen, bedroom b)kitchen, canteen, bathroom c)dining room, canteen, hall

10. One camel can take a yurt from one place to a new place.(translate underline words)

a) tuya, o’tov b) kosa, yurmoq c) kelmoq, yurmoq

11. A bed - … room a) it is in the living b) it is in the bed… c) it is on the bed…

12. Countable nouns: ….. a) apple, orange, egg b) apple, oil, butter c) milk, butter, sweet

13…..- gumon olmoshi sanaladigan otlar oldidan “bir nechta” , sanalmaydigan otlar oldidan “biroz”, “bir qismi” deb tarjima qilinadi. a) some b) any c) a lot of

14. Choose best answer. How … .. chocolates are there? a) many b) much c) any

15. Choose best answer . How ……. meat is there? a) many b) much c) any

16. Answer the question. Do you like English? A) No, I doesn't B) Yes, I am. C)Yes, I do

17. Choose best answer. He is ... a letter to his friend .(Present Continuous Tense)

A. write B. writing C. playing

Write the best answers:

18. Translate into Uzbek: egg, butter, milk, sweet, cheese, oil, salt, meat.

19.Tick the verb(to talk, iron, to iron, to sleep, cooker, to cook)

20. Tick the need word . Put your clothes …(shelf, bookcase, wardrobe, dresser)

21. Find odd words. (orange, apple, egg, meat, chair)

22. Write the names of fruits.

23.There is some tea and a lot of bread on the table.(Translate into Uzbek)

24. Write answer according to the picture. Husan is Bahodir’s … . Dilbar is Halima’s … . Abdulla is Hasan’s … .

25. Write answer according to the picture Malika is Olim’s … . Nigora is Bahodir’s …








































19. to talk, to iron, to sleep, to cook

20. wardrobe.

21.chair peach, pear, lemon, grapes, pomegranate, banana, strawberry, cherry, apricot,watermelon,plum.

23.Stolda biroz choy va ko’p non bor.



The 6th form The 1st term (Variant-II)

1.What is the “librarian” in your language?

a) haydovchi b) shifokor c) kutubxonachi d) o’qituvchi

2 .What is the “sick” in your language? a) shifoxona b)kasal c) g’amgin d) baxtli

3. Where does the cook work? a)in the garden b)at the hospital c)in the restaurant d) at school

4.Karima works in a school. She speaks English to pupils. Who is she?

a) a teacher b) a doctor c) a chef d) a pilot

5. Zuhra works in a hospital. She helps the doctor. Who is she?

a) a doctor b) reporter c) TV star d) nurse

6. Choose the correct form of the verbs. My father ……… work every day.

a)go b) goes c) gone d) do go

7. Choose the correct form of the verbs. This book…… a lot of pictures.

a) have b) - c) has d) had

8. Write the questions in order. Your/What’s/job/mother’s?

a) Job is your mother’s what? b) what’s your mother’s job?

c) What’s mother’s your job? d) your mother’s what job?

9. Write the professions. A ……. works in a shop.

a) Chef b) gardener c) teacher d) sales assistant

10. Translate into English. Uy yaqinida 3 ta mashina bor

a) there is three cars near the house b) there are three cars near the house.

c) three cars between house d) near the house three cars

11. Translate into English. Uyim oldida katta mashina bor

a) there are big car in front of my house b) is there a big car in front of my house.

c) there is a big car in front of my house d) there is a big tree in my house

12. Fill the gap. There is .book. Is there … plum? a)an,any b)some, some c)any,a d) a,any

13. Fill the gap. There are ……….eggs. a) an b) some c) any d) a

14. Choose the correct form of the verbs. Farhod’s mother …in a hospital.

a) work b) works c) worked d) working

15. Translate. There is a clock on the wall.

a) O’rmonda suv bor b) Devorda soat bor с) Bu yerda soat bor d)Bu yerda hech kim yo’q

16. Complete the sentences. She has a car but she….very often.

a) don’t drive b) doesn’t drive c) drive d) sing

17. Complete the sentences. They….television very often.

a) don’t watch b) doesn’t watch c) watches d) watched

18. How many rooms are there in your flat/house?

19. Find and write professions. Topli, mefarr, hefc, terporer

20. What is your job at school? 21. What’s your father’s job?

22. What do you want to be? 23. How many uncles have you got?

24. What subject do you like? 25. Do you like drawing?

Keys: 6/2 V-II


















18. There are __ rooms in my flat/house

19. pilot, farmer, chef, reporter

20. My job is __/ I am a __

21. My father’s job is__/ My father is a _

22. I want to be a

23. I have got ___ uncle/s

24. I like __

25. Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

The 6th form Control work 3. Written.

Written work

1)Write the correct form of the verbs.

1.He (wash) his car last Saturday.

2.He often (wash) his car.

3.We (buy) the chair a month ago.

4.She (do) a grammar exercise now.

5.She is a pupil. She often (do) grammar exercises.

6.She (do) the exercise an hour ago.

7.My grandfather (work) at the circus when he(be) young.

8.Don't ask him any questions now. He (work).

2)Translate into Uzbek and make up sentence in the Simple Past Tense.

1. Buy chocolate

2. Do homework

3. Get up at 6 o’clock

4. Learn new words

5. Meet friend at school

6. Swim in the river

7. Take an umbrella

8. Write letters.

3) Write the number and years:

a)1992, b)2001, c)223, d)35, e)983, f)1993y, g)2014y, h)1005y

4)Write questions for the sentences:

1.Next summer Tom will go abroad. (Who). 2.My friends will travel by plane. (How). 3.The statue of Peter Pan is in Kensington Gardens.(Where). 4.We visited the art gallery two days ago.(When).


  1. 1-washed; 2-washes;3-bought; 4-is doing; 5-does; 6-did; 7-worked,was; 8-is working

  2. 1-Bought chocolate; 2-did; 3-got up; 4-learnt; 5-met; 6-swam; 7-took; 8-wrote

Sentences will vary.

3) a) a thousand nine hundred and ninety two b) two thousand one

c) two hundred and twenty three d) thirty five e) nine hundred and eighty three

f) nineteen ninety three g) two thousand fourteen h) one thousand five

4) 1. Who will go abroad next summer. 2. How will your friend travel?

3. Where is The Statue of Peter Pan . 4. When did you visit art gallery?

The 6th form Control work 4. Test. The 6th form The 2nd term(Var.-I)

1. Translate into Uzbek: egg, butter, milk, sweet, cheese, oil, salt, meat.

A) tuxum, moy, sut, tuz, shaker, choy, go’sht B) go’sht, tuz, moy, pishloq, shirinlik,sut, yog’,tuxum. C) shakar, tuz, moy, pishloq, shirinlik,sut, yog’,tuxum

2. --Is there any rice? -- ….A) yes, there is some. B) no, there isn’t any C) A,B


Name these foods in the correct form.

A) apricot, tomato, chips, honey, lemonade, sausag, peach, bread, juise, rise B)apricot, tonato, cheips, haniy, limonade, sausage, peach, butter, juice, rice C)apricot, tomato, chips, honey, lemonade, sausage, peach, bread, juice, rice

4. -How much … onions cost? -- ….cost 1000 soums a kilo A) do,they B) does, they C)are, their

5. Choose true sentences:1) rabbits teeth grow fast. 2) give your rabbits lot of carrot

3) rabbits should eat grass A)1,3 B) 1,2,3, C) 2,3

6. Do you want to be healthy? A) Yes, I do B) Yes, I like C) Yes, you do

7. Mikroblar ko’p shakarli va tuzli oziq-ovqatalrni yoqtirmaydilar.A) Germs don’t like foods with a lot of sugar and salt.B) Bitters don’t like salt and sweet C) Green like sugar and bitter foods.

8. - When _your birthday? - It _ the 21_of December A)is, on, st B)am, in, rd C)is, on, nd

9.What do you say on your mother’s birthday?A)Happy New Year!B)Happy Birthday!C) Welcome!

10. What do you get on your birthday?

A) presents, cards, party B) cards, presents, books C) lessons, number, present

11.Write the number: 1679, 561, 90. A) a thousand six hundred and seventy nine, five hundred and sixty one, ninety B) a thousand six hundred and seventy nine, five hundred and sixty one, nineteen C) a thousand six hundred and seventeen nine, five hundred and sixty one, ninety .

12.Make up question:much / water / How /you /should /have /a day?A)How much water should you have a day? B)How much water you should have a day? C)How water you should much have a day?

13.Good food gives you a lot of _ ,_ and _

A) sugar, cream, mineral B) minerals, energy, vitamins C) salt, energy, bitter

14.Bu kuylakning narxi qancha ? – 25 ooo A) How much does the shirt cost? – twenty five thousand B) How many are they? – twenty fifth C) What does it cost? – twelfth five

15.-- I must buy cucumber, tomato, salt, butter, bread, onion. Where must I go, dear pupils? A) bakery, fruit &vegetables, grocery B) bakery C) grocery

16. Countable nouns: ….. a) apple, orange, egg, book, pencil b) apple, oil, butter ,oil,lemonad c)milk, butter, sweet, cake, card C)bakeri, fruit &vejetables, grocery ,meat, pen

17. 1.Ingliz alifbosidagi qaysi harf [i:] tovushini beradi? A) A B) I C) E

18. – How … you Rustam? A) do B) are C) have

19. -_____? - Andy’s birthday is on the 22nd of December

20.Season, month, year, holiday, wind, blow. Translate into Uzbek.

21. There … 30 eggs, milk, meat, fruits and cheese 22.How … palov is there in the kazan, mummy?

23.Write the years in the correct form: 1998y, 2012y, 1005y,

24.Write Past tense of these verbs: have, be, live, go, get, help

25.Men 1999 yil Navoiy viloyati Karmana tumanida tug’ilganman (Translate into English)







































19 When’s Andy’s birthday?

20 fasl, oy, yil, ta’til, shamol, esmoq.

21 are . 22 much 23 nineteen ninety eight, two thousand twelve, a thousand five

24 had, was, lived, went, got, helped

25 I was born in nineteen ninety nine Navoi region, Karmana district

The 6th form The 2nd term (Variant-II)

  1. Find the job: Umar works in a restaurant. He cooks different meals.

a) a doctor b) a chef c) an architect d) a nurse

  1. Find the job: My brother goes to a University. He studies foreign languages.

a) a reporter b) an doctor c) a student d) a policeman

  1. Find the job: Sherzod works in an airport. He flies for Uzbekistan Airlines.

a) a pilot b) a teacher c) a librarian d) a driver

  1. Find the job: My friend’s grandfather works for a newspaper. He interviews people.

a) a gardener b) a taxi driver c) a sales assistant d) a reporter

  1. Find the relative: My father has two brothers. Who are they for me?

a) uncles b) aunts c) an uncle d) a granddad

  1. Find the relative: My mother’s sister has a son. Who is he for me?

a) a nephew b) a cousin c) a niece d) an aunt

  1. Find the relative: My father’s sister has a son and a daughter. Who are they for my father? a) a nephew and a niece b) a father and a mother c) a son and a daughter d) cousins

  2. Translate into Uzbek: In England weddings are usually on a Saturday. a)Angliyada to’ylar odatda yakshanba kuni bo’ladi. b)Angliyada to’ylar odatda shanba kuni bo’ladi. c)Angliyada to’ylar odatda dushanba kuni bo’ladi. d)Angliyada to’ylar odatda seshanba kuni bo’ladi.

9. Mening uyim ikki qavatli. a) My bedroom is upstairs. b) My house is two-storey.

c) I’m on the second floor. d) My living room is on the second floor.

10. There is a living room, a dining room, three bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

a) Mexmonxona, umumiy xona, uchta yotoqxona, oshxona va xamom bor.

b) Mexmonxona, uchta yotoqxonalar, umumiy xona va xamom bor.

c) Oshxona, uchta yotoqxonalar, umumiy xona va xamom bor.

d) Mexmonxona, oshxona, umumiy xona va xamom bor.

11. Yurts are cool in summer and warm in winter. a) O’tovlar yozda issiq va qishda sovuq bo’ladi. b) O’tovlar yozda salqin va qishda iliq bo’ladi. c) O’tovlar yozda salqin va qishda sovuq bo’ladi. d) O’tovlar yozda issiq va qishda iliq bo’ladi.

12. Choose the best answer: a) Is there any apricots? b) There aren’t any apricots on the table. c) Are there some apricots? Yes, there are any. d) Are there water in the jug?

13. Choose the best answer: a) Is there any milk in the jug? b) There is any milk.

c) There aren’t any milk in the jug. d) Are there any milk in the jug?

14. Choose the best answer: a)There is some peaches. b)Are there some peaches?

c)There are some peaches. d)Is there some peaches?

15. Choose the best answer: a)There are some butter. b)There is some butters.

c)There is some butter. d)Is there some butter?

16.Choose the right answer: - How much milk is there? - ____? a)There isn’t much milk. b)There isn’t many milk. c)There is some milk. d)There are many milks.

17. Choose the right answer: -How many vegetables are there? -____?

a) There is much vegetables. b) There is a lot of vegetables

c) There are a few vegetables. d) There is a little vegetables.

18.Choose the best answer: There is … mineral water in the fridge but there aren’t … peaches in the cupboard. a) some/any b) some/a little c) any/some d) many/a few

19. Choose the best answer: There are … tomatoes in the cupboard but there aren’t … apricots on the table. a) some/much b) some/a little c) a lot of/any d) any/a few

20.Choose the best answer: Is there … sweets on the table? a) some b) any c) much d) many












































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