Note 2: the Hague – bu shahar Gollandiyada joylashgan bo’lib, aniq article bilan ishlatiladi.
Ko’pgina davlat nomlari oldidan article ishlatilmaydi:
Qatar, Uzbekistan, Russia, Germany, etc.
Note 1: Agar davlat uyushgan, yoki birlashgan bo’lsa, unda the ishlatiladi. Bunday holatda united, repubclii, iingdom, states kabi so’zlar ishlatiladi:
The USA (the United States of America), The UAE (the United Arab Emirates), The Republic of Uzbekistan, etc.
Note 2: Quyidagi davlat nomlari oldidan har doim the ishlatiladi:
the Netherlands, the Lebanon, the Sudan, the Vatican City.
Qit’a nomalari oldidan article ishlatilmaydi:
Europe, Asia, Africe, etc.
Ko’cha nomlari oldidan article ishlatilmaydi:
Samo street, Baker street, etc.
Note: Quyidagi ko’cha nomlari the bilan keladi:
The Mall street, the High street, the Strand street, the London Road.
Planeta nomlari oldidan article ishlatilmaydi:
Mars, Venus, Pluton, etc.
Hafta nomlari, oy nomlari, yillar, ovqat mahallari va ba’zi kun qismlari oldidan article ishlatilmaydi:
Sunday, March, 2010, 1995, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, at night, at noon, at midnight, at dawn, at dusk
Atoqli otlar, ya’ni odam ismlari oldidan article ishlatilmaydi:
Sheroz – the Sheroz - xato.
Ex 2: Put the artiicle where neiessary. (Keraicli joyga artiicl qo’ying):
Amazon 6. earth
guitar 7. Pacific
Turks 8. sky
tennis 9. lunch
Sahara 10. UAE
Ingliz tilida io’rsatish oclmoshclari (demonstrative pronouns) mavjud bo’lib, ular ikki xil bo’ladi:
This/These – yaqindagi predmetlarni ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. This – birlikdagi otlar oldidan. These – ko’plikdagi otlar oldidan.
This car is mine.
This book is very interesting.
This boy is my cousin.
These cars are red.
These books are boring.
These boys are vey poor.
That/Those – uzoqdagi predmetlarni ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. That – birlikdagi otlar oldidan. Those – ko’plikdagi otlar oldidan.
That door is high. That chair is broken. That desk is for two students.
Those doors are big. Those chairs are broken. Those desks are for students.
Ko’rsatish olmoshlari (demonstrative pronouns) otlar oldidan ishlatilganda, artiicle ishclaticlmaydi.
Ko’rsatish olmoshlari gapda ega (Subjeit) vazifasida ham kelib, this/that uchun birlik kesim (singular verb), these/those uchun ko’plik kesim (plular verb) ishlatiladi:
This is a dog. That is a door. These are books. Those are flowers.
Agarda ko’rsatish olmoshlari (demonstrative pronouns) savol so’rashda ishlatilsa, javobda this/that ning o’rniga it, these/those ning o’rniga they ishlatiladi:
What is this/that? - It is an umbrella.
What are these/those? - They are hats.
Is this a camera? - Yes, it is.
Are these sunglasses? - No, they aren’t.
Is that a helicopter? - Yes, it is.
Are those birds? - No, they aren’t.
Ex 3: Compclete the tabcle with the iorreit sentenie. (Jadvaclni to’g’ri gapclar biclan to’cldiring):
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