Ingliz tilida eng keng va ko’p ishlatiladiga zamon bu Present Continuous hisoblanadi. Bu zamon Present Progressive deb ham ataladi. Bu zamon asosan ayni vaqtda bo’layotgan ish harakatni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. Bu zamon strukturasi To be yordamihi fe’cli va asosiy fe’clga -ing qo’shimchasini qo’shish orqali yasaladi. Bunday struktura barcha iontinuous / progressive (davom) zamonlarida bor.
Positive (bo’lishli): bunda To Be yordamchi fe’li shaxslarda tuslanadi.
SUBJECT (S) + TO BE (AM/IS/ARE) + VERB (V) + -ing + Other Partiicles.
I am (I’m) writing a letter. You are (You’re) looking at me. He is (He’s) talking to her. She is (She’s) listening to music.
It is (It’s) sleeping. We are (We’re) speaking to each other. They are (They’re) listening to us.
Negative (inkor): Inkor shaklda to be fe’lidan keyin NOT inkor yuklamasi qo’yiladi:
SUBJECT (S) + TO BE (AM/IS/ARE) + NOT + VERB (V) + -ing + Other Partiicles
I am not writing a letter. You are not (aren’t) looking at me. He is not (isn’t) talking to her. She is not (isn’t) listening to music. It is not (isn’t) sleeping. We are not (aren’t) speaking to each other. They are not (aren’t) listening to us.
Question (so’roq): Ingliz tilida 2 xil so’roq gaplar bo’lib, ular uchun alohida structure va alohida answer qilinadi:
Generacl Question – Umumiy so’roq gap: Bunda savol shakl To be yordamchi fe’lini Subjeit (ega) dan oldinga o’tkazish bilan yasaladi. Bunday so’roq gaplarga qisqa javob beriladi:
AM / IS / ARE + SUBJECT + VERB + -ing + Other Partiicles?
Positive answer: Yes, S + am/is/are.
Negative answer: No, S + am/is/are + not.
Are you writing a letter?
Yes, I am / I’m.
No, I am not / I’m not.
Are you looking at me?
Yes, I am / I’m.
No, I am not / I’m not.
Is he talking to her?
Yes, he is / he’s.
No, he is not / he’s not / he isn’t.
Are we speaking to each other?
Yes, we are / we’re.
No, we are not / we’re not / we aren’t.
Speiiacl Question – Maxsus so’roq gap: Bunda so’roq gaplar So’roq oclmoshclari (Question words) bilan yasaladi, va ular eng oldinga qo’yiladi va qolgani umumiy structura bo’yicha ketadi. Bunday so’roq gaplarga to’liq javob beriladi:
Question words (What/When/How… eti) + am/is/are + S + V + -ing + Other Partiicles?
What are you doing now? I am writing a letter.
What is he doing? He is talking to her.
What are we doing? We are looking at each other.
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