Biz to be yordamchi fe’lini odamlar va narsalar haqida gapirganimizda so‘roq va darak gaplar uchun ishlatamiz.. What is those people?
Biz ko‘rsatish this/that olmoshini ko'pincha odamlarni tanishtirishda qo‘llaymiz. This is my friend Robert.
Esda tuting. So‘roq gaplardato be yordamchi fe’lini qisqartirilgan shaklda ishlatib bo‘lmaydi. Who're these people?
2.5 Bu ingliz tilida nima Lesson 5 of 10 1-Мashq. Rasmda nomerlangan narsalar tasvirlangan. Narsalarning nomerlari va ularning inlizcha nomlanishini birlashtiring.
10. an umbrella Ingliz tilida odamni yoki narsani ko‘rsatishda ko‘rsatish olmoshi ishlatiladi. Yaqindagi narsani ko‘rsatishda this va that, uzoqdagi narsani ko‘rsatishda esa that va those.qo‘llaniladi.
4-Mashq. Quyida keltirilgan dialoglardan to be yordamchi fe’li va / yoki ko‘rsatish olmoshi noto‘g‘ri qo‘llanilganlarini belgilang.
A. What is this?
B. It's a tablet.
A.What is these in English?
B.They are keys.
A.Who are that?
B.It is my friend, Lynne.
A.What are those in English
B.They're phones. 5-Mashq. Sonlarga va ularning ingliz tilidagi nomlanishiga qarang.
2-Mashq. Matnni o‘qing. 1-4 ismli / a - d joylardagi so‘zlarni taqqoslang.
Julie and Frank are from Australia. She's an engineer, and he's a chef in a restaurant in Melbourne. It's an Italian restaurant. Now they are in Italy for ten days. She's there on business, and he's on holiday.
It - a restaurant in Melbourne
They - Julie and Frank
She - Julie
He - Frank
3-Mashq. Matnni o‘qing va savollarga javob bering.
These are my friends, Arturo and Romina. He’s from Mexico, and she’s from Argentina. They're in Thailand for a week. He's there on business, and she’s there on holiday. He's a doctor at a hospital in Cancun and she's a teacher at a language school. The school is in Buenos Aires and it's very good!
1. Taylanddagi kim? -Arturo and Romina
2. Kim Arentinadan? -Romina
3. Kim u yerda xizmat safarida? -Arturo
4. Kim til maktabida o‘qituvchi bo‘lib ishlaydi? -Romina
2.7 Ular qayerda? Lesson 7 of 10 1-Mashq. Quyidagi gaplar uchun gapning boshi va mantiqiy davomini birlashtiring
She's Tibor's sister.
It's a phone, not a tablet.
They're from the UK. Eva's a chef and Pete's an engineer.
I'm waiter at Pablo's restaurant.
We aren't students. We are doctors.
You're Rachel's teacher, right?
He's a nurse at Westmore Hospital.
2-Mashq. Quyidagi gaplarni to‘g‘ri olmosh bilan birlashtiring
He -Ian is from Australia. ___'s an engineer.
We -Derya and I are from Turkey. ___'re students.
You -"Hi, are ____ Thierry?"
She -Sonya's doctor. ___'s thirty-two.
It -This is a Big Ben. ___'s in London.
They -Frank and Julie are in Italy. ___'re on holiday.
Gapni to‘g‘ri o‘rin old qo'shimchasi (predlogi) bilan to‘ldiring.
The Metropolitan Opera is ___on_____ 65th Street.
Gapni to‘g‘ri o‘rin old qo'shimchasi (predlogi) bilan yakunlang.
The Palace Museum i s ___in____ Beijing.
Gapni to‘g‘ri o‘rin old qo'shimchasi (predlogi) bilan yakunlang.
The Tuileries Garden is ___near_____ the Louvre Museum.
vaqtni inglizcha to‘g‘ri aytilishiga e’tibor bering:
son + son: two + thirty
son one(01) dan fifty-nine(59) gacha.
so'z o'clock
It's two thirty. It's 10.05. It's eight o'clock. About My name's Adriana. I'm eighteen and I'm from Brazil. I'm with my friend Pedro in this photo. He's a nice guy. He's from Brazil, too. I'm a student in a language school in Vancouver. Pedro isn't a student. He's a chef in a restaurant. It's an Italian restaurant, and it's next to the school! About I'm Gio from Italy. I'm twenty-seven, and I'm an engineer with ENI. ENI is an electricity company in Rome. The offices are near Ciampino airport. In this photo, I'm with Nevin. She's twenty-five and she's a friend. Nevin's from Ankara in Turkey, and she's a nurse. We're in an English class together. 2-Mashq. Matnni o‘qing va quyida keltirilgan so‘zlardan qaysilari Adriana va Gio haqida to‘g‘ri ekanligini belgilang.
Adriana is from Brazil.
Gio is eighteen years old.
Adriana is a chef.
Adriana with Gio in photo.
ENI's offices are near Ciampino airport.
1-Mashq. Antikvariat sotuvchisi Jonatan Uitni haqidagi videoni ko‘ring. Jonatan yaxshi ko‘rgan narsalarini belgilang.
a table from France
books in a bookcase
a big clock
his grandmother's clock
2-Mashq. Videoni yana bir marta ko‘ring. Quyidagi ifodalardan qaysilari to‘g‘ri ekanligini belgilang.
The shop is forty-five years old.
The table is from France and is 155 years old.
The chair is from Scotland and is 300 years old.
The books are by Shakespeare.
The big clock is from Austria.
His grandmother's clock is expensive.
The time on the clock is eleven o’clock.
The books and the clock are for sale.
Quyida 2-darsni to‘liq tushunish uchun zarur so‘zlar ro‘yxati ko‘rsatilgan.
Dars jarayonida foydalanilgan yangi so‘zlarni mustaqil ravishda tarjima qilish va o‘zlashtirish lozim bo‘ladi.