Science-Progress Teaching Center Student’s name_____________
Correct the mistakes
1. Didn’t he came home yesterday? Kecha u uyga kelmadimi ? - I don’t know. Bilmadm.
2. Do you know a man with a black coat? Qora palto kigan odamni bilasizmi ? - He is Mr. Simpson. U Simpson.
3. Susan is wanting to buy a new lap top for her little brother. Susan ukasi uchun yangi kompyuter olib berishni hohlayapti.
4. Sarvar is coming to ‘Science-Progress’ center three times a week. Sarvar “Ilm taraqqiyot” markaziga haftasiga 3 marta kelyapti
5. I’m a doctor and my little brother is pupil at school. Men shifokorman va mening kichkina ukam maktab o’quvchisi
6. Sarah knows French and Russian languages very good. Sara Fransus va Rossiya tillarini juda yashi biladi
7. Jahongir smokes a lot of, that’s why he coughs much. Jahongir juda ko’p chekadi, shuning uchun u ko’ yo’taladi
8. I was going to spoke to my solicitor yesterday. Kecha men advokatim bilan gaplashmoqchi edim
9. Kamola draws pictures very beautiful. Kamola rasmlarni juda chiroyli chizadi
10. I felt ill in the morning, that’s why I don’t go to work. Ertalab o’zimni yomon his qildim shuning uchun ishga bormayman
11. Bob use my computer because he doesn’t have one. Bob kompyuterimni ishlatdi chunki unda yo’q edi
12. If I see Anvar, I will tell his this news. Agar Anvarni ko’rsam unga bu yangilikni aytib beraman
13. We bought a lot of new furnitures from ‘Comfort’ store. Komfort do’konidan ko’plab yangi mebellar sotib oldik
14. Perhaps Richard will leave to New York last week. Extimol Richard o’tgan hafta Nyu Yorkka jo’nab ketishi mumkin edi
15. Eleanor and I am going to join brother Isroil’s group. Eleanor va Men Isroil akamni gruppasiga qo’shilmoqchimiz
16. Everest is a highest mount in the world. Everest bu dunyodagi eng baland to’g’dir
17. Thank you, Mrs. Cameron, I will never forget such nice dinner. Rahmat Kameron xonim, Men bunday chiroyli kechki ovqatni hech qachon unutmayman
18. Prince Charles does the only heir of the United Kingdom. Shaxzoda Charliz Buyuk Britaniyadagi yagona merosxordir
19. Henry knows many information about computers. Genri kompyuterlar haqida ko’plab ma’lumotlar biladi
20. I gave Susan my book, because she left her at home. Men Syuzanga kitobimni berdim chunki u uni uyda qoldirgan edi
Make a possessive form Shartiga yaxshi tushunmadm :(
21. the students in the meeting / the number Them=Ular / Her
22. next week / conference ??????????
Make the past simple and participle forms of the following verbs
23. leave Left Left
24. bring Brought Brought
Translate the sentences into English
25. She was trying to get 5 from all the subjects U barcha mavzulardan 5 baho olishga harakat qilardi
26. Шохрух хочет стать певцом в будущем. Ya neznayu ruskiy (
Translate these words into English/Russian
27. upstairs Yuqori qavat
28. embarkation Kema yoki samalyotga chiqish
29. кости
30. удобный, уютный
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