Music can also be described__________ as a therapy for many people because it has the power to heal the problems of many people. According to some doctors, music therapy has been a great source of help for them in the treatment ____________of problems like dementia, depression, anxiety_________, trauma, etc. There are many children with a learning disability who have responded to the music sets pieces. - Music can also be described__________ as a therapy for many people because it has the power to heal the problems of many people. According to some doctors, music therapy has been a great source of help for them in the treatment ____________of problems like dementia, depression, anxiety_________, trauma, etc. There are many children with a learning disability who have responded to the music sets pieces.
Music is a part of the meditation in many workshops to make people positive and to make them aware of their emotions. Music has an impact on everyone’s life in different ways in different phase of life. In the online web there is Portal Finder – CEE Trust approved __________website with help to find best music websites. - Music is a part of the meditation in many workshops to make people positive and to make them aware of their emotions. Music has an impact on everyone’s life in different ways in different phase of life. In the online web there is Portal Finder – CEE Trust approved __________website with help to find best music websites.
- Conclusion
- Music can transform the emotions and feelings of the people within no time. It can lessen the stress, pain, struggle, distraction and bring positivity and calmness in our daily life. Music holds the power to bring people together in different ways. Music can make us expressive __________and help us in understanding our feelings and emotions in a better manner.
Musiqa xalq hayotida juda muhim va muhim rol o'ynaydi. Musiqa eshitib ishlashimiz, xarid qilishimiz mumkin. Ba'zi arxeologlarning fikriga ko'ra, musiqa 55000 yil oldin paydo bo'lgan. Musiqashunoslarning ba'zilari musiqaning kelib chiqishini tabiat, tabiatning eng yaxshi qismi esa inson deb ta'riflaydilar. Erkaklar tomonidan boshqa shaklda aytiladigan qo‘shiq tabiat musiqasi ekani aytiladi. Bulbul, osmon va kakukning shirin va g'o'ng'irlagan ohangi tabiat qo'shig'idir, xuddi havo, daryo, momaqaldiroq va dengiz to'lqinlarining tovushlari tabiat qo'shig'i deb ataladi va texnologiyadagi ulkan inqilob, eng ilg'or va eng yaxshi ovoz tufayli. 2020-yilda karta qanotlari bilan bir xil tovushni chiqarishga imkon berdi, ularni chiqarish juda qiyin edi. - Musiqa xalq hayotida juda muhim va muhim rol o'ynaydi. Musiqa eshitib ishlashimiz, xarid qilishimiz mumkin. Ba'zi arxeologlarning fikriga ko'ra, musiqa 55000 yil oldin paydo bo'lgan. Musiqashunoslarning ba'zilari musiqaning kelib chiqishini tabiat, tabiatning eng yaxshi qismi esa inson deb ta'riflaydilar. Erkaklar tomonidan boshqa shaklda aytiladigan qo‘shiq tabiat musiqasi ekani aytiladi. Bulbul, osmon va kakukning shirin va g'o'ng'irlagan ohangi tabiat qo'shig'idir, xuddi havo, daryo, momaqaldiroq va dengiz to'lqinlarining tovushlari tabiat qo'shig'i deb ataladi va texnologiyadagi ulkan inqilob, eng ilg'or va eng yaxshi ovoz tufayli. 2020-yilda karta qanotlari bilan bir xil tovushni chiqarishga imkon berdi, ularni chiqarish juda qiyin edi.
- Musiqa insoniyatning universal tili ekanligi ham ma'lum. U odamlar hayotiga ijobiylik va o'yin-kulgi olib kelish qudratiga ega. Har bir inson musiqani yaxshi ko'radi, chunki u kundalik hayotida kayfiyatni o'zgartirish va yengillik hissini keltirib chiqaradigan kuchga ega. Yechilmagan savollarimizga barcha javoblarni musiqa orqali olishimiz mumkin. Musiqa insonni sodiq va mehribon qilishi mumkin, chunki u umrining oxirigacha odamlar bilan birga qoladi. Bu insonni hayotining qiyin paytlarida hech qachon yolg'iz qoldirmaydi.
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