Conditional - faraz: If she had been able to get permission from her father to go to the cinema, she could have come with us. – Kecha u kinoga borish uchun otasidan ruxsat ololganda edi, biz bilan birga kelgan bo’lar edi.
climate - iqlim
clock - soat (devoriy)
coal - ko’mir
coffeemaker - kofevarka, kofe tayyorlash (qaynatish) moslamasi
coffee-table - jurnal stolchasi
cold - sovuq
comb - taramoq
comfortable - qulay, shinam, sharoiti bor
common present - asosiy sovg'a compose - yaratmoq
compose - tuzmoq
comprise - qamrab olmoq
conditions - sharoit (muxit)
confirmation - tasdiqlash
conquer - zabt etmoq
constitute - amal qilmoq
constitution - qomus
contains - ichiga olmoq
continent - kontinent
continue - davom etmoq
contribute towards - ta’lim muammosiga bog’liq
convenient - qulay, to’g’ri keladigan
coordination - moslashtirish
copper - mis
corn flakes - makka pag’alar
correct - tug’ri
correspondent - muxbirman
cosy - shinam
country - davlat
couple - juft
courageous - dovyurak
courts - maydon
create - kashf etmoq, bunyod etmoq
crescent - yarim oy
crown - qirol xukumati
crown - qirol xokimiyati
cucumber - bodrmg cultivate - ishlov berish
cultural - madaniy
curriculum - kurslik ta’linm
cycling - velo poygasi
day-off - dam olish kuni
declare - e'lon qilmoq
decorations - bezaklar
dedicate - sarf qilmoq
degree - daraja
delicious - shirin
democratic rule - demokratik xuquq
dentist - tish doktoriman
department - bo’lim
describe - tasvirlab bermoq
desert - cho’l
desire - xohish-istak
destruction - vayronagarchilik
deviate - bekor qilmoq
differ - farq qiirnoq
differ - ajralib turmoq
different - turli
dining room - oshxona
dinner - tushlik
director - direktorman
discuss - muhokama qilmoq
dish made from - undirilgan bug 'doydan
dishwasher - idish yuvish mashinasi
doctor - doktorman
dream - tush
drop - pasayadi
during - vaqtida
each other - bir-birimizga
east - sharq
easter - pasha
economic - iqtisodiyot
education - ta‘lim
education - ta‘lim
electric fire - elektr o’choq
eligible - xuquqga ega bo’lgan
encourage - ruxlantirmoq
engineer- muhandisman
enjoy - roxatlanmoq
enter - kirmoq
enterprise - tashabbus
enterprise - korxona
entire - to’la
entitle - bilmoq
environment - atrof muxit
equal - teng
equipped - jixozlangan
except - ...-dan tashqari
ehecutive - boshqaruvchi
exxibition - namoyish
ehistence - mavjudlik
expenditure - sarf qilish
expensive - qimmat
experience - tajriba, kechinma
extend - uzaytirmoq
face - yuz, bet
factory – fabrika
fall asleep - uxlab qolmoq
fame - shon – shuxrat
family - oila
family - oila
farm mechanization - q/x mexanizatsiyasi
fast - oldinda
fatten cattle - mollarni semirtirish
favourable - to’g’ri keladigan
field - dala
fig - anjir
figure - raqam
finance - moliya
finish school - maktabni tamomlamoq
flourishing - gullab yashnayotgan
flow - yog’moq, qo’ymoq
flowers - gullar
food technology - oziq-ovqat texnologiyasi
for a change - xilma-xillik uchun
for ehample - masalan
foreground - ko’zga yaqin joy
forest - o’rmon
found - tashqil topmoq
free - bo’sh bo’lmoq
freezer - muzlatish kamerasi
fried egg - qovurilgan tuxum
from time to time - vaqt o'tgan sayin
full member - to’liq a’zolar
function - funksiya
further - keyingi
future - kelasi
future - kelgusi
gathering - yig’ilish
gender - irq
gender - jins
generation - avlod
get up - o’rnidan turmoq
go to bed - uxlashga yotmoq
goods - tovar, mol
green peas - ko'k no'xat ground floor - birinchi qavat
grow - o’smoq
hair - soch
xalf - yarim
xalloween - hellovin, qo’rqitish bayrami
hand - qo’l (bu yerda: til, mil)
xang - osmoq
happy - baxtli
harmful - zararli
harvest - xosil
harvest - xosil
have a snack - tamaddi qilmuq
have equal rights - teng xuquqga ega bo’lmoq
heat loving crops - issiqlikni sevuvchi xosil
heat-engineering - issiqlik energetikasi
hereditary - nasldan naslga o’tadigan
xide - yashirinmoq
xighly qualified specialities - yuqori malakali mutahassislar
historian - tarixchiman
history - tarix
xog - to’ng’iz
xorns blow - ovoz esmoq
hotel - mexmonxonada
hour - soat
xydrotechnical constructions - suv inshootlari qurilishi
I am … - Men …
Identify - tanimoq
Identifying - aniqlash
Image - tasvirlamoq
important dish - shoxona taom
improve - rivojlanmoq
in the central part - markaziy qismida
individual - shaxsiy
individual - yakka tartibda
industrial - sanoatga oid
industrial - sanoat
industry - sanoat
inscribed - o’yib yozmoq
installation - moslama
introduce - tanishtirmoq
iron - temir
irrespective of - qaramasdan
islands - orol
It goes without saying - o'z-o'zidan ko'rinib turibdiki
joiner - duradgorman
judge - sudyaman
judicial - sud
keeps smb going - o'zini qo'lga olish
kind - tur
kindergarten - bolalar bog’chasi
king - qirol
know - bilmoq
labour day - ish kuni
land organization and cadastre - yer tuzish va yer kadastri
landmark - o’zgarish nuqtasi
landmass - language - til
law - qonun
laws - xuquq
lawyer - xuquqshunosman
lead - yo'l ko'rsatmoq
leaf - barg
leave - jo’namoq
leaves much to be desired - yaxshi niyat qilmoq
left-hand corner - chap burchak
legislative - qonuniy
let - ruxsat bermoq
librarian - kutubxonachiman
lie - yotmoq, joylashmoq
light - yorug’
lights - chiroqlar
listen - eshitmoq
lithium - litiy
living room - yashaydigan xona
located - joylashgan
long - uzun
lovely - chiroyli
lunch - ikkinchi nonushta
machinery - mashina
make smb do smth. - kimnidir nimadir qilishga undamoq
management - boshqarish
manager - menedjerman
mandate - vakolat, boshqarish
marry - uylanmoq
mashed potatoes - kartoshkali bo'tqa match - o’stirish
measuring - chora
mechanization of irrigation structures – suv
xo’jalik ishlarini mexanizatsiyalash
membership - a’zolik
memorial or decoration day - yodgorlik va bezaklar kuni
mention - eslamoq
microwave oven - mikroto’lqinli o’choq
midnight - yarim tun
miner - shaxtyorman
mihed - aralash
modern - zamonaviy
modern conveniences - zamonaviy qulayliklar
modifying - aniqlash
month - oy
multinational - ко 'p millatli
mushroom soup - qo'ziqorinli sho'rva muslim holidays - musulmonlar bayrami
mutually - bog’liqlik
name - ism
native - maxalliy
native town - ona shaxri
neighbour - qo’shni
new year - yangi yil
night - tun
north - shimol
north - shimol
oculist - kuz doktoriman
oil - бензин , yoqilg’i
oil and gas - neft va gaz
only - faqat
organisation - organizasiya
orient - janub davlatlari
outstretched - cho’zilgan
over - deyarli
own resources - o'z boyliklari
oxygen - kislorod
paint - bo’yamoq
pancakes - quymoq
parents - ota-ona
parents - ota-ona
part - qism
pxysical jerks - jismoniy mashqlar
picturesque - manzarali
pilot - uchuvchiman
plant - zavod
pleasant - yoqimli
pollution - ifloslanish
population - aholi
post-graduate student - aspirant
postgraduate studentship courses - aspirantura
post-graduate - aspirant
post-office - pochtada
power - kuch
powerful - kuchli
prefer - afzal ko’rmoq
presents - sovg'alar
preserve - muxofaza qilmoq
primary - boshlang’ich
prior - birinchi navbatda
prizes - sovrin
probably - extimol
proclamation - tantanali ravishda e’lon qilmoq
produce - ishlab chiqarmoq
professor - professorman
proper - kerakli
prosperity - gullab yashnagan
protection - himoya
proud - faxrlanmoq
provide - ta’minlamoq
public demand - jamiyatning talabi
pumpkin - qovoq
purpose - maqsad
put - qo’ymoq
qualified - sifatli
quality gold - sifatli oltin
quarter - chorak
queen - qirolicha
quite - to’liq, butunlay
race - irq
rank - martaba, unvon
rare - kamyob
reach - oshib ketadi
recently - shu kungacha
refrigerator (fridge) - muzlatgich
regardless - hisobga olinmasdan
region - mintaqa, viloyat
reign - xukmronlik qilmoq
relation - munosabat
religious - diniy
remind - eslatmoq
repair - ta‘mirlash
represent - tasvirlamoq
representative - tanishtiruvchi
require - talab qilmoq
research - izlanish
residence - qarorgox
resident - yashovchi
resolution - qat’iy qaror,
responsible - javobgar
responsible - javobgar
rest - dam olmoq
rest - dam olmoq
return - qaytib kelmoq
ribbon - tasma
right to work - ishlash xuquqi
ring smb. up - kimgadir qo 'ng 'iroq qilmoq
routine - tartib
rule - qonun
running water - vodoprovod
rural - qishloqqa xos
sacred - iloxiy, diniy
say - aytmoq
scientist - olimman
scrambled eggs - qovurilgan tuxum season - mavsum, fasl
secretary - sekretar (kotiba)
self-confidence - o’ziga bo’lgan ishonch
send - jo 'natmoq
serve - xizmat ko'rsatmoq
serve - xizmat qilmoq
servicemen - xizmatchilar
set - joylashtirmoq, о 'rnatmoq
sewing - tikish
sewing - tikish
shooting - otishma
shop-assistant - sotuvchiman
short of time - kam vaqt, bir muddat shower - uyquga ketmoq
side of - tomon
sitting room - mexmonxona
situate - joylashmoq
situated - joylashgan
size - о'Ichov, kattaligi
skiing - chang’ida uchish
snow - qor
socializing content - jamiyatning tarkibi