Numerator is on the top.
Denominator is on the bottom.
Whether you remember it by learning our Numerator and Denominator Song (Google it), or Denominator begins with D so it is down, or whether you remember the Nice Dog, those terms are the basis for thinking about and writing fractions. Have your child sing the song to you!
Bold the term, Numerator, in the first sentence and the word, Denominator, in the second sentence. Also bold the first letter of Nice and the first letter of Dog.
Exit Word to return to Publisher. Hyphenate the second story as you did the first (in Step 4j).
To edit page 2:
Delete the Schedule of Events sidebar. Resize the calendar to fill the blank space left by the sidebar. Add four text boxes to the calendar, one for each week, with text as follows:
Touch and Feel Fractions
Terminology and Writing Fractions
Order and Comparing
Adding Fractions
Add the word, Quiz, to each Friday on the calendar.
At the bottom of page 2, change the headline to read, Comparing Fractions. Click the placeholder story text to select it and then import the story named Support_PUB_3_ComparingFractions. Delete the placeholder graphic and caption. Move the three graphics shown in Figure 3–87b to the story and resize them. (Hint: If a graphic does not display after you move it, click the Bring Forward button (Picture Tools Format tab | Arrange group).)
To edit page 3:
Navigate to page 3 and zoom to whole page or 45%. Select the text in the first Inside Story headline. Type Adding and Subtracting Fractions to replace the headline.
Start dragging in the margin and continue to drag around all objects except the first story headline to select them. Delete the objects.
Move the text-based graphic from the scratch area to the blank space on page 3. Resize the graphic to fill the entire page.
To edit page 4:
In the top half of the page, change the Business Name to Clardy Elementary.
Change the address to 1428 N. 67th East Ave., Donna, IA 50008.
Change the phone number to 515-555-1217. Delete the fax number.
Change the email address to
Delete the Business Tagline or Motto, the attention getter, and the Organization logo.
In the story in the upper-right part of page 4, import the story named Support_PUB_3_MissionStatement.doc. Hyphenate the story.
Use the swap technique to swap the 3 out of 2 people sign with the dinosaur graphic. Delete the caption.
If requested by your instructor, change other text and graphics, such as the special points of interest, table of contents sidebar, and stories on page 3. Use your name and address at the top of page 4.
Delete any pictures remaining in the scratch area. Check the spelling in the newsletter. Use the Design Checker to fix any errors in the newsletter. Save the file with the file name,
Remove the ribbon customization. (Hint: Refer to the section titled To Remove All Ribbon Customization and Exit Publisher, earlier in this module.)
Submit the publication in the format specified by your instructor.
Do you think adding three graphics to the story on page 2 makes it look too busy? Why or why not? Would you rather type the story in Step 6b in Publisher or Word? Why?
1 BUILT-IN ni bosing va keyin Axborot byulletenlarini bosing. 2018-05-01 xoxlasa buladi 121 2 Kid Stuff axborot byulletenlari shablonini, Garnet rang sxemasini va Paper shrift sxemasini tanlang. Sahifa hajmini ikki sahifali tarqatish sifatida o'rnating. 3 Nashrni yarating. 2-sahifaga o'ting. Tanlovlar va 2-ustunli formatni chap ichki sahifaga qo'shish uchun Tanlovlar tugmachasini (Sahifa dizayni yorlig'i | Shablonlar guruhi) foydalaning. Kalendaringiz sanasi boshqacha bo'lishi mumkin. Tanlovlar tugmachasini (Sahifa dizayni yorlig'i | Shablonlar guruhi) yana o'ng tarafdagi sahifani bosing va 3 ta hikoya va 1 ustunli formatni kiriting. 4 1 -sahifani tahrir qilish uchun: 1. Ustun boshini 3-87a -rasmda ko'rsatilgandek o'zgartiring. Masthead boshi ostida, o'ngda, korxona nomini uchinchi darajaga o'zgartiring. 2021 yil 26 -aprel sanasini o'zgartiring. Ovozni va raqamlarni o'zgartirmang. 2. Bosh hikoya uchun sarlavha sifatida Aziz ota -onalardan foydalaning.
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