Conclusion: It can be seen that the research work devoted to the interpretation of derivatological issues in Russian linguistics has a much greater weight. However, in addition to the above, it should be noted that most of the work done is inextricably linked with the problems of syntactic derivation.
The reason is that in the 1950s of the last century, the issue of generative grammar was put on the agenda of research by representatives of descriptive linguistics. The main problem of generative grammar is directly related to the theory of transformation. In other words, transformational theory is mainly applied within syntactic structures. This is why there are a growing number of reasons why syntactic derivation problems can be studied more perfectly than lexical or semantic derivation problems.
Problems of derivatology in Uzbek linguistics have also been the subject of several monographic studies. There are the following dissertations in this field: Turniyazov N.K. Sintaksicheskaya derivatsiya gipotaksisa v sovremennom uzbekskom yazyke (dokt.dis.-M., 1986); Boboev U.N.Sintaksicheskaya derivatsiya pridatochnogo predlojeniya vremeni v sovremennom uzbekskom yazyke (v sopostavlenii s frantsuzskim yazykom) Kand. ; G'afforov A.A. Syntactic derivation of particle and applied devices in modern Uzbek (Nomz.dis. - Samarkand, 1997); Yaxshiboev G'.X. Syntactic derivation of simple sentences in modern Uzbek (Nomz.dis. Samarkand 2004); Turniyozov B. Derivation of complex syntactic devices with equal components in modern Uzbek (Nomz.dis. Samarkand 2006); Shodiev F.T. Structural-semantic interpretation and derivational features of single-syllable words in modern Uzbek language (Nomz.dis. Tashkent, 2008); Turniyazova Sh.N. Derivational features of text formation in modern Uzbek (Nomz.dis. Tashkent, 2010).
The list of used literature: 1. Turniyazov N.K. Sintaksicheskaya derivatsiya gipotaksisa v sovremennom uzbekskom yazyke (dokt.dis.-M., 1986);
2. Boboev U.N.Sintaksicheskaya derivatsiya pridatochnogo predlojeniya vremeni v sovremennom uzbekskom yazyke (v sopostavlenii s frantsuzskim yazykom);
3. G'afforov A.A. Syntactic derivation of particle and applied devices in modern Uzbek (Nomz.dis. - Samarkand, 1997);
4. Yaxshiboev G'.X. Syntactic derivation of simple sentences in modern Uzbek (Nomz.dis. Samarkand 2004);
5. Turniyozov B. Derivation of complex syntactic devices with equal components in modern Uzbek (Nomz.dis. Samarkand 2006);
6. Shodiev F.T. Structural-semantic interpretation and derivational features of single-syllable words in modern Uzbek language (Nomz.dis. Tashkent, 2008);