ISFT – 2023
Students: Isayeva Mavluda, Egamberdiyeva Durdona, Eshpolatov Diyorbek, Xusniddinov Shaxzod, Babanazarova Nilufar
Group: FFD-12
Teacher: Baxriddinova Dilobar
Future Simple - simple future tense - Future Simple Time refers to the activities that occur in an uncertain or distant future. The simple future tense is usually used with the circumstances: tomorrow (tomorrow), next year (next year), in five years (five years), in 2017 (in 2017), etc.
- Kelajakdagi oddiy vaqt noaniq yoki uzoq kelajakda sodir bo'ladigan faoliyatni anglatadi. Oddiy kelasi zamon odatda vaziyatlar bilan ishlatiladi: ertaga (ertaga), keyingi yil (keyingi yil), besh yildan keyin (besh yil), 2017 yilda (2017 yilda) va hokazo.
Formation Future Simple Affirmative offers: Darak gap: Interrogative sentences: So’roq gaplar: Interrogative sentences: So’roq gaplar:
Shall I play?
Shall we play?
Will you play?
Will you play?
Will he / she / it play?
Will they play?
| Negative suggestions: Inkor gaplar: Negative suggestions: Inkor gaplar: Future Simple will (the first person)(birinchi shaxs) will (the second and third person)(ikkinchi va boshqa shaxslarda) Note: - In modern English, especially in speech, will of, and has been used in the first person:
- Zamonaviy ingliz tilida, ayniqsa nutqda, will of va birinchi shaxsda ishlatiladi:
For example: I will go to Shanghai next summer. Next summer I will go to Shanghai. Note: - The interrogative sentence auxiliary verb will be put before the subject. Significant verb after the subject is in its initial form:
- So‘roq gapning yordamchi fe’l gap oldidan qo‘yiladi va qo‘yiladi. Gapdan keyingi muhim fe'l boshlang'ich shaklida:
For example: Will we go to the beach? Will your boss agree with our conditions? Note: - In negative sentences of the auxiliary verb to be negative particle not. Together, they can be reduced to the form won’t:
- To be ko‘makchi fe’lining inkor gaplarida not inkor ko’makchisi. U won’t shakliga qisqartirilishi mumkin:
For example: I will not (won’t) let you down. Fred will not (won’t) agree to help us. Use cases Future Simple: Ishlatilishi: - An indication of the simple act in the future:
- Kelajakdagi oddiy harakatning belgisi:
For example: We’ll return in 4 hours. It will not be easy to convince him. Regular, repetitive actions in the future: - Regular, repetitive actions in the future:
- Kelajakda muntazam, takrorlanadigan harakatlar:
For example: I promise I’ll visit you every day. When listing in the future sequence of actions: - When listing in the future sequence of actions:
- Kelgusi harakatlar ketma-ketligi ro'yxatida:
For example: I cannot wait for my vacation. I shall go to the river, swim and fish every day. Thank you for attention!
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