The Great October Revolution-Buyuk oktabr inqilob
The French Revolution-fransiya inqilobi
The Renaissance-Uyg’onish davri
The Age of Enlightenment-Ma’rifatparvarlik davri
The Constitution-Konstitutsiya
The Dark Ages-Qora davrlar
The Thirty Years’ War-30 yillik urush
The Second World War (BUT: World War II)-Ikkinchi
Jahon urushi
The 1960s-1960-yillar
The Bible-Bibliya
The Koran-Quroni Karim
12. Dunyodagi tanho otlar oldidan aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
The sky
The earth
The sun
The moon
The world
The universe
The ground
The North Pole
The World Cup
The Prince of Wales
The Eiffel Tower
The ozone layer
The government
The enivonment
The weather( But oldidan sifat kelsa artikl ishlatilmaydi)
The Acropolis
The Kremlin
The Pentagon
NOTE: Yerdan boshqa sayyoralar oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi: Venus/Mars/Jupiter
13. Agar “space” so’zi fazo ma’nosida kelsa, artikl olmaydi. Ammo joy ma’nosida kelsa artikl oladi.
For. ex: There are millions of stars in space.(fazo)
He tried to park his car but the space wasn’t big enough.(joy)
14. The _______ of _________.
For. ex:
the Bank of England
the Great Wall of China
the Tower of London
the Museum of Modern Art
NOTE: the University of Cambridge but Cambridge University (not the)
15. a)–sh, -ch bilan tugaydigan millatlarning ko’pligi oldiga aniq artiklni qo’yish orqali yasaladi:
The French-fransuzlar ( a Frenchman/woman)
The English-inglizlar (an Englishman/woman)
The Spanish –ispanlar ( a Spaniard )
The Irish- irlandlar (an Irishman/woman)
The Scottish –shotlandlar (a Scot/a Scotsman/a Scotswoman )
For. ex: The French are famous for their food
b) –ese bilan tugaydigan millatlarning ko’pligi oldiga aniq artikl qo’shish orqali yasaladi.
The Chinese-xitoyliklar (a chinese)
The Japenese –yaponiyaliklar (a Japanese)
The Swiss –shvetsiyaliklar ( a Swiss)
The Sudanese-sudaniyaliklar ( a Sudanese)
c) Boshqa qolgan millatlar ko’pligi –s qo’shish orqali yasaladi. Biz millatlarning ko’pligi ishlatilganda, ular haqida umumiy gapirilganda aniq artiklsiz ishlatiladi.
an Italian-(the)italians a Mexican-(the)Mexicans a Turk-(the)Turks
16. Sifatning oldidan aniq artikl qo’ysak , ko’plikdagi ot paydo bo’ladi.
1. The rich-boylar
2. The poor-kambag’allar
3. The old-qariyalar
4. The young-yoshlar
5. The blind-ko’zi ojizlar
6. The deaf-karlar
7. The dead-o’liklar
8. The disabled-nogironlar
9. The unemployed-ishsizlar
10. The injured-shikastlanglar
11. The sick-kasallar
12. The homeless-uysizlar
13. The wounded-yaralanganlar
17. Quyidagi birikmalar va iboralar aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi.
1. to take the trouble- tashvishlanmoq
2. to tell the truth-haqiqatni aytmoq
3. to be on the safe side-xavfsiz tomonda bo’lmoq
4. to be out of the question- gap bo’lishi mumkin emas
5. in the morning/afternoon/evening
6. what is the time?
7. the day after tomorrow-indinga
8. the other day-bir necha kun oldin
9. on the one(other) hand-bir tomondan/boshqa tomondan pass the time-vaqtni o’tkazmoq
11. on the right(left)- o’ngda/chapda
12. to play thepiano/violin…
13. the same- bir xil
14. in the country-qishloqda
15. on the whole-umuman olganda
16. to take/run the risk-tavakkal qilmoq
17. to go to the theatre/cinema
18. to tell the time
19. the next-keyingi
20. the following-keyingi
21. the last-oxirgi, so’ngi
22.the only-yakka-yu yagona
23. the rest of-…ning qolgani
24.the previous-oldingi
25. the proper-mos, to’g’ri keladigan
26. the opposite- teskarisi
27.the alleged-havola qilinadigan
28. the necessary- kerakli
29. so-called-ataladigan
30. the very- ayni, xuddi
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