2. Sport komanda nomlari ko’plikda ishlatiladi;
For. ex: Italy are playing Brazil next week.
3. Sanaladigan otlarni ham guruhlash mumkin.
a flock of birds/sheep/goats-galasi
a herd of cows/elephants/deer/cattle/goats-podasi
a pack of cards/dogs-to’dasi/to’plami
a bunch of flowers/grapes/keys-shodasi/shingl
a set of encyclopaedias/keys-to’plam
a pod of dolphins/whales-to’dasi
a class of pupils
a band of musicians
a brood of chickens
a school of fish/dolphins
a team of players
a collection of books
a deck of cards-to’plami
a fleet of ships-kemalar qo’shini
a pack of wolves/hounds-to’dasi
a pride of lians-to’dasi
a swarm of bees, ants-to’dasi
a troupe of dancers/actors
a colony of ants
a litter of kittens
a gang of robbers
a gaggle of gees
Definite Article(aniq artikl)
Aniq artikl “ this, that” ko’rsatish olmoshidan kelib chiqqan bo’lib , istalgan ot oldidan kela oladi. Sanaladigan otlar birlik va ko’pligi va sanab bo’lmaydigan otlar bilan ishlatiladi. Ayrim hollarda ‘shu, o’sha” degan tarjimani beradi. Aniq artikl quyidagi hollarda ishlatiladi.
1. Biron bir otni birinchi marta tilga olsak, noaniq artikl ishlatiladi, shu otni ikkinchi marta tilga olsak aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
For. ex: I bought a shirt and a dress. The shirt is green and the dress is blue.
2. Biron bir otni gapda o’sha turdagi otdan farqlovchisi bo’lsa, ya’ni gapda nisbiy olmosh qatnashsa, aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
For. ex: A man is asking to speak to you. (noma’lum)
The man who is at the door is asking to speak to you.( nisbiy olmosh:ma’lum)
The water in this river is very cold (ma’lum)
3. Aniq artikl orttirma darajadagi sifat va tartib son oldidan ishlatiladi.
For. ex: He is the most respected man in the firm.
He is the first person to arrive.
NOTE: Most (ko’p, ko’pchilik) olmosh bo’lib kelganda the artikl ishlatilmaydi
For. ex: Most children like cartoons.
4. Biron bir shaxs o’zi yashayotgan uydagi narsalarni tilga olsa, aniq artikldan foydalaniladi: the door, the ceiling, carpet, the floor, the fridge, the light….
For. ex: Can you turn the light, please?
1. the fire-brigade
2. the army
3. the bank
4. the police
5. the doctor(’s)
6. the dentist(’s)
7. the post office
5. Familiya ko’plikda kelsa “the “ dan foydalanamiz, va u butun oila a’zolarini tazarda tutadi.
For. ex: The smiths are coming to see me tonight.
6. Bir xil familiyaga ega bo’lgan 2 ta adash insonlar ni bir-biridan farqlash uchun aniq artikl ishlatamiz.
For. ex: The George Brown who teaches here isn’t the George Brown whom you know.
7. Tarixdagi mashhur bo’lgan shaxslar nomidan keyin the great buyuk sozini ishlatamiz.
For. ex: Alexander the Great conquered Persia, Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, Bactria, and the Punjab;
Amir Temur the Great- Buyuk Amir Temur
8. Insonning holatini, kasbini, tashqi qiyofasini ifodalovchi so’zlar shaxs nomi oldidan kelsa, aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
For. ex: Tim is a composer. The composer Tim.
Tom is a boy. The boy Tom.
Tom is a smart boy. The smart boy.
Tom is a teacher. The teacher Tom.
9. Sanoq son artikl olmaydi., lekin “o’sha , bu …” ma’nosida kelsa, aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi.
For. ex: The three man came up to me last night.
10. During predlog’I bilan bog’lanib kelgan ot oldida ko’pincha aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
For. ex: I woke up several times during the night.
11. Aniq artikl shuningdek, tarixiy voqealar, urush nomlari, davrlar, diniy kitoblar, va yil ko’plikda kelganda ishlatiladi.
For. ex:
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