Bog'liq Professional Front Office Management Pearson New International Edition by Robert Woods, Jack D. Ninemeier, David K. Hayes, Michele A. Austin (
Top-down selling Tactic to first sell the hotel’s most expensive rooms.
Track Hotel term meaning to monitor or to examine.
Track code Guest types differentiated by traveler demographics. Typical track codes
include those related to the purpose of the traveler’s trip (such as business [corporate]
versus leisure) and those related to LOS (transient versus long-term stay). A track code
can be created for any traveler demographic determined important enough to create and
monitor a reservation field in the PMS.
Trade association Group of persons who affiliate because of common business or industry
Transient (guest) Guest who is not part of a group. Transient guests can be subdivided by
traveler demographics to gain more detailed information about the type of guests staying
at a property.
Transnational company Organization with its headquarters in one country but with
company operations in several other countries.
Travel agent Hospitality professional who assists clients in planning travel.