Past perfect continious tense.
The Past Perfect Continuous tense is like the Past Perfect tense, but it expresses longer actions in the past before another action in the past.
For example: When I arrived, Aziza had been waiting for two hours.
(Aziza started waiting at 9am. I arrived at 11am.)
The past perfect continuous tense (also known as the past perfect progressive tense) shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past.
He had been drinking milk out the carton when Mom walked into the kitchen.
We can sometimes think of the Past Perfect Continuous tense like the Present Perfect
Continuous tense, but instead of the time being now the time is before.
For example: I am angry. I have been waiting for two hours."
Later, you tell your friends: "Aziza was angry. She had been waiting for two hours."
before — avval
till — gacha
untill — gacha
for an hour — 1 soat savomida, bir
soatdan beri
for a day — 1 kundan beri,
for a week — xaftadan veri, xafta
for a month — 1 oydan beri, 1 oy ichida
all morning / the whole morning —
ertalab, butun tong
all day (long) / the whole day —
kun bóyi, kun uzoği, butun kun
all week / the whole week — butun
xafta, xafta bôyi
all month / the whole month —
butun oy, oy davomida
all year (round) — yil bóyi, butun yil
since 5 o’clock — soat 5dan beri
since last week — ôtgan xaftadan beri
since last month — ôtgan yildan beri
Sentences for:
Men bir soat davomida oshxonada ovqat qilayotgan edim, telefon jiringladi va dõstim meni ziyofatga taklif qildi.
Sanjar juda charchadi. U yugurib kelayotgan edi.
Sigaretni hidini sezdim. Kimdir chekayotgan edi.
Tôsatdan, mening mashinam buzildi. Men xayratlanmadim. U ancha vaqtdan beri
yaxshi ishlamayotgan edi.
Avariyadan oldin uchuvchi ichayotgan edimi?
U besh yildan beri shu uyda yashab kelayotgan edi , u uy yonib ketmasdan avval.
Kóchada qor edi. Tunda qor yoğayotgan edi.
Bilol uyga qaytib kelganida men kitob 1 soatdan beri kitob õqiyotgan edim.
Bolaning kiyimlari kir edi chunki u qum ôynayotgan edi.
U 2000-yildan beri tennis ôynab kelayotgandi.
Albatta u charchamagan! U hafta davomida qattiq mehnat qilmayotgan edi.
Had you been playing tennis for 5 years?
Birinchi musobaqada yutishingizdan avval qanchadan beri shuğullanayotgan edingiz?
New words: snow- qor, win- yutish, competion- musobaqa, of course- albatta,
sand-qum, burn down- yonib tugash, cigarette- sigaret, smoke-chekish, suddenly-
tósatdan, Come back-qaytib kelmoq, dirty-kir, perfect- tugallangan, nuqsonsiz ,
mukammal break- tanaffus,
Muloqot uchin iboralar/ Idioms for the communication:
🔹️Keep your tongue - tilingni tiy
🔹️Take it or leave it - yoki ha yoki yo'q
🔹️By way of addition - qo'shimcha qilib aytganda
🔹️In a nut shell - lo‘nda qilib aytganda
🔹️How come - bu qanday bo'ldi
🔹️Take it easy - e'tibor berma
🔹️Don't screw around - kalaka qilma
🔹️Bless you - sog' bo'ling
🔹️Got it? - tushunarlimi?
🔹️It's piece of cake - oson ish-ku
🔹️Mind your own business - o'zingni ishingni qil
🔹️Go easy (calm down) - o'zingni bos
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