October-December, 2021
substitution of many types of objects”
. In other words, unlike other “rational” concepts, emotional
concepts reflect the author’s objective attitude towards certain objects, subjective evaluation,
perception of certain things, processes that take place in the socio-cultural environment. According to
N.A. Krasavsky, the emotional concept is the result of the process of human mastery of the world, the
formation of meanings, the understanding of the results of cognition
According to I.I. Chesnokov, who developed this thesis, the emotional concept is defined as
“formed on the basis of a set of feelings or emotions and reflected in the mind of a certain model of
behavior that can be described in terms of social interaction of people”
. In this definition, the focus
is on the social nature of emotional concepts, which are initially important in the mind, emotional
concepts formed in the human mind that give meaning to cognitive outcomes only manifested in
interaction with others.
As noted in K.O. Pogosova’s dissertation, EC is understood as “a mental unit of high-level
abstraction that performs the function of metapsychic regulation and reflects the centuries-old
experience of ethnic group introspection in linguistic consciousness in the form of universal and
culturally specific ideas about emotional experiences.”
Considering this definition, we can
distinguish features such as EC functions: being a product of language, culture and mentality,
emotional concepts not only reflect a person’s emotional world, but also regulate the manifestation of
emotions, the person in the process of experiencing emotions defines some behavioral strategies for.
Typically, such strategies are formed in the course of the historical development of a nation, a society,
and vary from country to country. For example, if we take Vendetta, which is completely unknown
to Uzbeks, it is enough to remember that it is understood by the Italian society as an intention of
revenge - a strategy of determined behavior.
Furthermore, the above definition draws attention to the fact that ECs were formed in ancient times,
which makes it possible to consider these constructions as the most ancient archetypes formed in the
minds of native speakers. According to A.A.Borisov’s works
, EC is understood as “a complex
dynamic structural and semantic construction of the human mind, determined by the unity of
ethnocultural, socio-cultural and individual experience about a particular emotion.” The author
emphasizes that the formation of the EC reflects individual, personal and collective, national and
universal aspects, the formation of the EC under the influence of socio-historical, ethnocultural,
political, ethnopsychological, geographical, climatic factors.
E.Z. Fomina argues that the EC “... content plan consists of a set of known knowledge about
emotions, and the plan of expression consists of a set of lexical, paremic, phraseological units that
represent and describe emotional individuals.”
This definition focuses on the duality of the concept,
its content plan and expression plan.
R.K. Ormokeeva defines EC as “a complex, multicomponent mental-linguistic knowledge that
reflects a person’s subjective attitude to the objects and phenomena of the surrounding world that
affect him.”
In many respects this definition is similar to the definition given above, but focuses on
the nature of the EC, which is formed under the direct influence of the objects of the socio-cultural
environment on the individual. As well as, the author emphasizes in his works a very important aspect
Krasavskiy N.A. Эмоциональные концепты в немецкой и русской лингвокультурах. Волгоград: Перемена, 2001. - С. 41;
Вычужанина А. Ю. Роль цветообозначений в передаче эмоциональных концептов поэтического когнитивного пространства:
на материале произведений С.А. Есенина и Д. Г. Лоуренса. Автореф. дис...канд. филол. наук. – Тюмень, 2009. - С. 8.
Krasavskiy N.A. Ibid. P.26
Chesnokov I.I. Месть как эмоциональный поведенческий концепт (опыт когнитивнокоммуникативного описания в
контексте русской лингвокультуры): моногр. Волгоград: Изд-во ВГПУ «Перемена», 2008. – С. 37.
Pogosova K.O. Концепты эмоций в английской и русской языковых картинах мира: Автореф. дис. ...канд. филол. наук. –
Владикавказ, 2007. – С. 14.
Borisov A.A. Эмоциональный концепт СТРАХ в лексике английского языка // Лингвоконцептология: перспективные
направления: монография / авт. кол.: А. Э. Левицкий, С. И. Потапенко, О. П. Воробьева и др.; под. ред. А. Э. Левицкого, С. И.
Потапенко, И. В. Недайновой. – Луганск: Изд-во ГУ „ЛНУ имени Тараса Шевченко”, 2013. – С. 185.
Fomina Ye. Z. Эмоциональные концепты в русской, немецкой, австрийской и швейцарской художественных картинах
мира// Лингвоконцептология: перспективные направления: монография / авт. кол.: А. Э. Левицкий, С. И. Потапенко, О. П.
Воробьева и др.; под. ред. А. Э. Левицкого, С. И. Потапенко, И. В. Недайновой. – Луганск: Изд-во ГУ „ЛНУ имени Тараса
Шевченко”, 2013. - С. 365-366.
Ormokeyeva R.K. Понятия «эмоциональный концепт» и «эмоциоконцептосфера»// Известия вузов Кырыгзстана. – 2016. –
№ 2. - Б. 216
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