O‘zbekistonda 2015 yilga mo‘ljallangan
investitsiya Dasturidagi infratuzilma
Table 9.1
Infrastructure projects in the
Investment Program of
Uzbekistan for 2015
Name of project
Xorij. investor / kreditor
Foreign investor / creditor
1 Surgil koni bazasida Ustyurt gaz-kimyo
kompleksini qurish
Construction of Ustyurt Gas-Chemical Complex on the base of
“Surgil” deposit
Companies “KOGAS”,
“Lotte Chemical”,
“STX Energy” (Korea) and
foreign banks
2 Kandim guruhi konlarini o‘zlashtirish va unda zamonaviy gazni
qayta ishlash zavodini qurish
Development of the deposits of Kandim group with the
construction of a modern gas processing plant, development of
deposits “Hauzak” and “Shady”
Company “LUKOIL”
3 Shurtan gaz-kimyo kompleksining
tozalangan metani asosida
sintetik suyuq yoqilg‘i ishlab chiqarish
Production of synthetic liquid fuel on the base of purified
methane of Shurtan Gas-Chemical Complex
Company “Petronas” (Malaysia)
4 Muborak gazni qayta ishlash zavodida gaz-kimyo kompleksini
Construction of gas-chemical complex on Mubarek gas
processing plant
“Sasol” (RSA)
Company “Indorama Group”
5 O‘zbekiston-Xitoy gaz quvurining 4-chi tarmog‘ini qurish
Construction of the forth gas pipeline Uzbekistan-China
State Development Bank
6 O‘zbekiston hududlarida avtomobillarga gaz quyish kompressor
stansiyalarini qurish
Construction of a network of gas filling compressor stations in
the regions of Uzbekistan
Company “Shandong Kerui
Petroleum Equipment” (PRC)
7 Toshkent IES da 370 MVt quvvatli bug‘-gaz qurilmasini qurish
Construction of combined cycle gas turbine with 370 MW
capacity in Tashkent thermal power station
China State Development Bank
8 “Uzbektelekom” AK Uzmobayl filialining
mobil aloqa milliy
operator tarmog‘ini yaratish (2-etap)
Creation of a network of national mobile operator in the branch
of “UzMobile” of “UzbekTelecom” JSC (2nd stage)
China State Development Bank
9 “Unitel” MChJ ning uyali aloqa tizimini kengytirish (navbatdagi
Expansion of cellular communications system of “Unitel” LLC
(next stage)
Company “VimpelCom”
10 “Coscom” MChJ ning uyali aloqa tarmog‘ini texnik va
texnologik rivojlantirish
Technical and technological development of cellular
communications networks of “Coscom” LLC
Company “TeliaSonera UTA
Holding BV.” (Netherlands)
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining
2014 yil 17 noyabrdagi PQ-2264-sonli
“O‘zbekiston Respublikasining 2015 yilga
mo‘ljallangan investitsiya dasturi
Qaroriga muvofiq, 2015 yilda
amalga oshirilishi rejalashtirilgan va
infratuzilma sohasini to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri
xorijiy investitsiyalar va kreditlarni jalb
qilish asosida rivojlantirishga qaratilgan
investitsiya loyihalarining adresli dasturi
tasdiqlangan (9.1-jadval).
According to the Resolution of
President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan No.PP-2264 “On
Investment Program of the Republic of
Uzbekistan for 2015” as of 17
November 2014, there approved the
target program of
investment projects
planned for implementation in 2015
and aimed at development of
infrastructure on the basis of attracting
the foreign direct investments and
credits (Table 9.1).
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