Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2022 SojuzPravoInform LLC
of December 21, 1995
(as amended on 17-05-2022)
General part Chapter I. Basic provisions Article 1. The regulations governing employment relationships
Employment relationships in the Republic of Uzbekistan are governed by the legislation on work, collective agreements, and also collective agreements and others local normative aktami*.
* Further "legal and other regulations about work"
The legislation on work consists of of this Code, the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and resolutions of Oliy Majlis, presidential decrees of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the laws of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and resolutions of the Jokargi Kenes, the orders of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, decisions of other representative and executive bodies of the government accepted within their competence.
Legal and other regulations about work govern employment relationships of the physical persons working according to the employment contract (contract) * at the companies in organizations, the organizations of all patterns of ownership **, and also at certain citizens.
* Further "employment contract"
** Further "companies"
The legislation on work, considering interests of workers, employers, the states, provides effective functioning of the labor market, fair and safe working conditions, protection of labor rights and health of workers, promotes increase in labor productivity, improvement of quality of work, rise on this basis of material and cultural level of living of all population.
Article 3. Coverage of the Labor code
Action of the Labor code extends to all territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Article 4. Ratio of legislative and contractual regulation of employment relationships
The minimum level of labor rights and guarantees for workers is established by legal acts.
Labor rights and guarantees, additional in comparison with legal acts, can be established by other regulations including contractual nature (collective agreements, collective agreements, other local acts), and also the employment contracts signed between the worker and the employer.
Conditions of agreements and agreements on work cannot be changed unilaterally if other is not provided by the law. The questions which are not settled by legal and other regulations about work are solved by agreement of the parties agreements on work, and in case of not reaching an agreement between them - according to the procedure, established for permission of employment disputes.
Article 5. Invalidity of conditions of agreements and agreements on work
The conditions of agreements and agreements on work worsening situation of workers in comparison with legal and other regulations are invalid.
Article 6. Prohibition of discrimination in employment relationships
All citizens have equal opportunities in possession and use of labor rights. Establishment of any restrictions or provision of benefits in the field of employment relationships depending on sex, age, race, nationality, language, social origin, property and official capacity, the relation to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, and also other circumstances which are not connected with business qualities of workers and results of their work inadmissibly is also discrimination.
Are not discrimination of distinction in the sphere of work, caused by requirements or special care of the state of persons peculiar to this type of work needing the increased social protection (women, minors, persons with disability, etc.).
Person considering that it underwent to employment discrimination can take a legal action with the statement for elimination of discrimination and compensation of the material and moral harm done to it.
Article 7. Prohibition of forced labor
Forced labor, i.e. coercion to performance of work under the threat of application of any punishment (including as means of maintenance of labor discipline) is forbidden.
Work which accomplishment is required is not considered forced labor:
based on legal acts for military or alternative service;
in the conditions of emergency state;
owing to the court verdict which took legal effect;
in other cases provided by the law.
Article 8. Protection of labor rights
Protection of labor rights which is performed by supervision bodies and control of compliance with law about work, and also bodies for consideration of employment disputes is guaranteed to everyone.
Article 9. Public administration in the sphere of work. Control and supervision of compliance with law about work
Public administration in the sphere of work is exercised the Ministry of employment and employment relationships by Uzbekistan and its territorial authorities.
Control and supervision of compliance with law about work and rules on labor protection perform:
1) the state bodies and their inspections which are specially authorized on that;
2) labor unions.
State governing bodies exercise control of compliance with law about the work according to the procedure established by the law.
Supervision of exact and uniform execution of the laws on work in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan is performed by the Attorney-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan and prosecutors subordinated to it.
Article 10. Ratio of international treaties, conventions and legislation on work of the Republic of Uzbekistan
If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the International Labor Organization Convention ratified by Uzbekistan establish more preferential rules for workers in comparison with legal or other regulations about work of the Republic of Uzbekistan, then rules of the international treaty or the convention are applied.
Rules of international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan or International Labor Organization Conventions ratified by Uzbekistan are applied and when employment relationships are directly not settled by the legislation.
Article 11. Application of the legislation on work to persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The legislation on work extends to the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship working at the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the employment contract signed with the employer.
Article 12. Application of the legislation on work on overseas enterprises
At the companies belonging fully or partially to foreign legal entities and physical persons and located in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan the legislation on work of the Republic of Uzbekistan is applied.
The current of term with which this Code connects origin or the termination of labor rights and obligations begins next day after calendar date which determines its beginning.
The terms estimated for years, months, weeks expire in the corresponding numbers of the last year, month, week of term. In time, estimated in calendar weeks or days, also non-working days join.
If the last day of term falls on non-working day, then the first working day following it is considered day of the termination of term.
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