МуғаллиМ ҳәМ үзликсиз билиМлендириў 42 Another benefit is that teachers can observe realistic behavior in role playing that can be used
to assess and diagnose where students are in their skill level and development of knowledge.
For example, Señora Lopez notices which students are struggling to order from the menu in
a restaurant role play exercise and determines which vocabulary words to emphasize with
These observation assessments built into role playing instruction can also show how well
students can apply their learning. This means Coach Henderson can see if his team is able to
apply the plan in the playbook while on the field playing against their teammates, who are
role playing as the opposing team during practice. Role playing provides a safer environment
to practice without real-world consequences. While some students may experience anxiety
during role playing, it is better to get those nerves out in a simulated environment.
1. Erickson F. Qualitative Methods in Research on Teaching. In M. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of
Research on Teaching. - NY: Macmillan, 1986. - P.119-161.
2. McKay. Teaching English as an International Language: Rethinking goals and approaches. -
Oxford University Press, 2003.
3. Richards J.C., Rodgers T.S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching(Second Edition).
- Cambridge: CUP, 2001. – Р. 140-170
Мақола инглиз тилида гапиришни ўрганиш учун роль ўйинин фойдаланиш масалаларига
бағишланган. Унда муаллиф бу усулнинг фойдалиги нуқтаи назаридан катта эътибор берган.
Улар орасидаги умумий ва махсус хусусиятларини систематик равишда кўрсатиб берган ва
уларнинг ўрганилиши услубларини илгари суради.
Статья посвящена эффективному использованию ролевых игр при обучения разговорной
речи. Автор подходит к изучению данного вопроса с лексико-семантической точки зрения
причём обнаруживая общие и специфические черты данной категории. Автором разработана
образцы которые показывают об эффективности использования ролевых игр при обучения
разговорной речи.
The article deals with the effective of use role-plays that it can add variety to the kinds of
activities. That it encourages thinking and creativity, students develop and practice new language
usage and behavioral skills in a relatively safe setting, and can create the motivation and involvement
necessary for real learning to occur.
The author all elaborates some typical tables clearly reflecting the effective of use role plays in
teaching speaking.