validity, reliability of the method. Psychodiagnostic draws conclusions and gives
2. The principle of personal responsibility.
The diagnostic psychologist should choose methods that are suitable for both
Full responsibility for the correct implementation of the methodology and its
A rather difficult question concerning infringements on the secret of personality.
Since nothing is reported to a person about the essence of a number of tests that
reveal emotional and
motivational characteristics, as well as personality attitudes,
he can show such traits during testing that are undesirable for him, while not
realizing what he is doing.
4. The principle of objectivity.
for the specific purpose for which he conducts the survey, and for the specific
person he examines. The psychologist should be familiar with the relevant scientific
literature regarding the chosen methodology, and
results lies entirely with the psychologist.
must be waived with justification).
The requirement that psychodiagnostic techniques be used
have access to survey results and what solutions can be
The examination must be absolutely impartial. Its performer should not be
influenced by general impressions of the person.
If these are minor children, the parents should receive such warning
officially. Exception: when testing is mandatory and the tests are approved.
only by suitably qualified users is the first step in protecting the individual from their
misuse (and
The psychologist must know the limits of his competence and the limitations
of the methods used and not offer his services, and also not use methods that do
not meet the professional standards established in certain areas of practice and for
certain categories of methods.
1. The principle of special training and certification of persons using
recommendations only after reviewing the diagnostic information in
The basic ethical principle in this case is that a person should not be subjected to
any examination fraudulently.
psychodiagnostic methods.
in the light of other information concerning the person (in case of contradiction -
the examination, the person must be warned who will
3. The principle of ensuring the sovereign rights of the individual.
in case of incorrect examination. The fate of a person depends on psychodiagnostics,
if a medical or forensic psychological diagnosis is made on its basis, competitive
selection or employment is carried out.
must be able to assess the representativeness of the norms, the reliability,
Professional and ethical principles in psychodiagnostics
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the subject, that he is presented with an additional chance, and that the results
of the first test are sufficiently reliable. The test subject should also be able to
comment on the
content of their results and, if necessary, clarify or correct
factual information.
8. The principle of limited distribution of psychodiagnostic
their misuse, misinterpretation or the possible appearance of neurotic-
depressive reactions or conditions.
methods (principle of professional secrecy).
This principle has a dual purpose: non-disclosure of the content
If the subject insists on "redoing" the test task, the psychologist should
have a "fallback" option almost ready.
Certified by the Psychological Society professional
7. The principle of non-infliction of harm (Principle of the well-being of the client).
whom it is intended for. The requirements for the confidentiality of psychological
information may be violated only in cases where non-disclosure of diagnostic
data poses a danger to the person or society being examined.
6. The principle of psychoprophylactic presentation of the results.
When reporting the
results to the subject himself, appropriate precautions
should be taken against
The results of psychodiagnostics should in no case be used to the
detriment of the person who has been tested. If psychodiagnostics is carried
out for the purpose of competitive selection or when hiring, then this principle
is applied together with the principle of openness of the results of
All information obtained during the survey should be
If it is known that information can be used to harm the subject, to confront
worsen the situation, it can be
methods and prevention of their misuse. Access to such
strictly confidential: it should be accessible only to those for whom
presented in a form that reduces this possibility or is not provided at all. The
main commandment is "Do no harm."
methods should have only specialists who guarantee their correct use and are
responsible for the reliability of the results. Maintaining professional secrecy is
of great importance to ensure correct and accurate psychodiagnostics.
Professional psychodiagnostic methods should not be published in popular
scientific publications and go on sale. Free access to
psychodiagnostic methods can be distributed only among certified specialists.
of the subject: likes and dislikes, own state or mood.
equivalent technique, (parallel forms) to convince himself
5. The principle of confidentiality.
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