combinations, being the proof that this characteristic
is inherent in the
majority of units of a lexicon of English. The lexical idiom can have an appearance
of a word or represent his lexico-semantic option having full or partial semantic
integrity. It is specified in one of definitions of the term "idiom" that it is one of
types of phraseological units. "Idiomatic phrases are the peculiar
expressions of the
existing languages which are on the use integral and uniform on sense, usually not
giving in to exact transfer on other languages and demanding when translating
replacements of similar stylistic coloring" [1, page 25]. Various scientists and
researchers in the field of linguistics have the view of idioms. According to L.A.
Bulakhovsky, idioms are other than phraseological units (further – phraseological
units). At the same time R.A. Budagov considers that idioms can be identified with
phraseological fusions [2, page 79]. Famous professor A.A. Reformatsky considers
various types of set phrases under the general concept of idiom. Moreover, he put
forward the concept according to which not only lexical combinations can be
idioms "... but also the separate words used in figurative senses". In this case under
phraseology at him other area of a research, namely "words and the phrases
specific to the speech of different groups of
the population, on class or occupation
characteristics, for the literary direction or the certain author" acts absolutely [6,
page 124]. The end of the 19th century was the witness of two trends in the field of
a research of problems of idiomatics which were presented in the form of Anglo-
American and continental traditions. Such Anglo-American researchers as G. Suit,
Y. Bar-Hillel, U. Cheyf, N. Xomsky, F. Palmer, U. MakMordi, U. Vaynraykh, etc.
consider that the idiom has to be treated from various points of view. Within the
interlanguage plan of expression the idiomatic combination has specificity which is
inherent for concrete national language. The same group of
linguists considers the
linguistic plan of existence of an idiom in the form of a combination of words at
which it is impossible to define a general meaning of this phrase by the
components entering him. In the course of drawing up dictionaries and other
lexicographic materials the representatives of this direction included in number of
idioms a set of formations various, beginning from phrasal verbs, phraseological
units , proverbs, finishing with words with metaphorical value . From here
disagreements by drawing up dictionaries of idioms or
phraseological units can be
observed [3, page 76-78]. The European continental current is presented by works
of the Swiss, French, Russian, Soviet and German scientists, such as: F. de
Saussure, Sh. Balli, P. Giro, A. Bulakhovsky, F. Fortunatov, V. Flyaysher, G.
Votyak, etc. At the beginning of the XX century of Sh. Balli noted distinctive
features of phraseological set phrases from free and I tried to classify
phraseological units, having divided them into three classes: usual combinations,
phraseological groups and phraseological unities. This scientist also pointed to the
fact that it is difficult to establish an exact watershed between various dictionary
groups which include free and indecomposable unities. The idiomaticity of
different type takes place: both interlingual feature, and intralinguistic. The
corresponding type
can be defined, carrying out the comparative analysis of unit of
language with its structural analog: in one case the structural option (certain
standard of comparison) is found in the same language, and in other case – is
selected by means of lexical means of other language. So, idioms act in the form of
idiomatic words and idiomatic phrases. Idiomatic combinations, possessing high
degree of stability, on some indicators correspond to words and are included
together with them in the structure of lexicological and phraseological fund of
language. A set of the corresponding signs defines factors of stability and stability.
Here it is possible to carry, for example: semantic integrity which is characteristic
of idioms and explains their structural- semantic according to the scheme of not
rethought combinations of words, semantic discretization, specifics of
creation of
their sound and grammatical form as which basis the principle of repetition acts.
Besides, idiomatic combinations the constant semantic units called concepts which
have stability within any given culture [5, page 23-39]. Consideration of idioms or
FE in terms of semantics is of interest to further continuation of our research.
Though there are various types of idioms of different forms, they can be included
in the same groups. We find that it is more preferable to classify them in terms of
different semantic fields as follows: