(Ajralish reaktsiyasi) issiqlik yutilishi
bilan boradigan reaktsiyalar
reducing the possibility of
carrying out experiments to
determine the nature or
comments on the logical
structure and logic devices.
kimyoning turli jarayonlardagi issiqlik
effektlarini urganadigan bulim
providing the original study of
the original features of Deputy
uzgarmas tarkibli birikmalar
Its replacement with another
object, object, object,
information about the nature of
major orginals. Thus, the
experiments were held on the
object model to get the necessary
uzgaruvchan tarkiblilar
trustworthiness of
the results of
the experiment confirmed the
model and gives the opportunity
to acknowledge the prophecy of
this process. Model adequacy
depending on the model and the
target acceptance criteria
Izotop (nuklid
yadrodagi proton va neytronlarning
soni uzgarmas bo’lgan atomdir.
Its Management Process; the
involvement of the management
operations, ensuring the
achievement of the objectives of
operating the system in
accordance with
an algorithm
and wrote it. U.S. automatic
control systems.
birlashgan yoki birgalikda ishtirok etish
as the direction of scientific
research processes and events in
the study of mathematical
modeling. Research and
systematic method to use as part
of a systematic approach to
organizational learning to make
optimal decisions
(atom birikmalar)
bog’lanishli birikmalar.
instrument to achieve this goal,
the researchers concluded the
process of mathematical
expression. For example, you can
see the black box model.
bo’linmagan elektronlar juftini
beradigan atom
is a Greek word, which are
legally represented by elements
linked to one of a number of
known integrity
uni biriktirib oladigan atom
burdensome elements that have
been an
integral part of what the
model and modeling structures.
Always under the mutual
influence of the elements of the
system depends on this process
between elements of the system
atomlarning cheklangan sondagi
kovalent bog’lanish xosil qilish
objective is one of the most
important substance in the world.
Being due to the presence of
world events yeg`indisi not
randomly, but in the process of
legal action.
Empirik (molekulyar
molekulalarning faqat
miqdoriy va sifat tarkibini ya’ni
birikmalardagi atomlarning turi va
sonini kursatadi
All models of the content and
structure of a derivative of the
model. Council common cause of
mathematical research is treated
as a separate object.
reaktsiyalarning tezligini uzgartiradigan
modda lekin uzi ishtirok etmaydi
structural scheme of the system
of material and structural scheme
of the system set sales all
important Contacts and
communicate with some of the
elements of the environment.
reaktsiyani tezlashtiradi
Good luck to communicate with
any elements of nature that are
called Contacts between the bow
and the determination to find
kataliz reaktsiyani sekinlashtiradi
There may be a relationship
between the elements of his
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