particular, the issues of adequate representation of such words in various Uzbek
The author points out that his research presents a unique analysis as the
majority of such synonymic rows as "врач - доктор - шифокор" have not been
investigated, and even did not enter the dictionary of synonyms of the Uzbk
language. It is obvious that the results of this research represent a great interest
for adjustment of lexicographic publications to the demand of time, as the
Uzbek language, like any other modern language, is in the state of active
borrowing, especially from English, e.g. words, which entered the vocabulary in
the last 20 years, such as
композитор - бастакор
доктор – врач – шифокор,
студент-талаба, etc.
Synonymy and its codification grounds have been investigated in the
doctoral dissertation by Siddikova I. The author points out that many problems
related to synonymy have not been solved yet. Among these problems the author
points out such as the gap between the theoretical and data in the sphere of
Данияров Б. Х. Исследование лексической синонимии, возникшей на базе заимствований в
современном узбекском языке, AKД, Москва ИЯ РАН, 1993
lexical and stylistic synonymy and their lexicographic description, contradictory
criteria in definition of synonymy, absence of exact criteria for identification of
synonymic rows, imperfection of dictionary entries of synonymic words in
many dictionaries, which ignore polysemy of lexico-semantic variants of the
words, etc. All these factors bring to the situation that synonymy, being one of
the most important types of semantic relations of words, needs further
The author considers that at present there is no universal theory of
synonymy neither in Russian and foreign nor in Uzbek linguistics. The
complexity in the solution of the basic issues of synonymy brought to the fact
that a few linguists even reject the possibility of the research of synonymy. She
claims that the conclusion of futility and inexpediency of the studies aimed at
the definition of the essence of synonymy by such prominent linguists as
Smirnitsky A.I., and Ullman St. is not at all grounded.
In practice synonymy may be interpreted by some linguists in a narrow and
broader sense: some consider them as words differentiating in some semantic
shade, others reject the existence of synonymy in the form which is generally
understood. Even Bloomfield L. wrote that “ … in reality there are no genuine
However the problems of establishing the criteria of synonymity and its
codification status in national linguistics has not yet been finalized.
By the author’s opinion, the basic criteria for establishing synonymy of
lexical units is their common notional reference. The notion encompasses all
sides and characteristics of the object, to which it relates. Variants expressing
this notion in the form of linguistic signs can express either the whole of the
information covered by the notion, or some of its parts. Another criteria in
defining synonymy of lexical units is their interchangeability in the context.
Сиддикова И.А. Синонимия языка и ее кодификационные основы. АДД, Ташкент, 2012.- р. 3-4
Ibidem, p.5
Ibidem, p.6
Synonymic row is distinguished by the semantic amplitude of the
oscillation with respect to the dominant of the row of synonyms with the closest
synonyms to be the highest difference in the synonymic realization of the word.
The synonymic row is not restricted and in certain situations includes non-
normative units, defined through normative, neutral words, making then basis of
the literary national language.
In lexicographic practice distinguishing of synonyms and their grouping
into synonymic rows when compiling synonymic dictionaries rests on the
correlation of the word meaning represented in explanatory dictionaries, and
also on the immediate observations of the speech acts represented in speech,
that is, on numerous illustrative examples extracted from various texts. The
objective criteria for the study and description of synonyms have been
established, and they include as follows:
1. Defining the common structural model of their use and similar word
combinability, that is closeness or difference in the meanings of synonyms is
conditioned by their distribution. In the same structural model synonyms are
combined with the same category of words, which is the main criteria of
2. Partial interchangeability in the same context represents the second
criteria. Important characteristics are also frequency and combinability. All
these criteria are objective, can be precisely analysed and allow to solve the
problem of synonymy in the comprehensive way.
3. General and specific features of separate members of the SR, to define
the differentiation of the degree of this or that feature (escalation/decrease),
which influences the order of the placement of synonyms in the group and the
dictionary entry. In this respect the work is one of the first in the area of General
Linguistics in general.
The topic of the research by Amirova Z.O. is devoted to the synonymic
group of the verb “to look” in English, Uzbek and Russian. When talking
Ibidem, p.9-11
about synonyms of the word ‘to look’ in English, Uzbek and Russian we
should first look at how definitions differ of the equivalent verb in these
languages, because in English and Russian the meaning of the verb is wider,
wider in Uzbek it is narower. The auhor points out that the basic meaning ‘to
direct your eyes in order to see’ coincides in all three languages «qaramoq
(biror kimga yoki biror nimaga), «направлять взгляд, чтобы увидеть кого-
либо, что-нибудь, глядеть», but derivative meanings do not. They coincide
only in two languages or do not coincide at all. And again structure of
dictionaries differs — in the Uzbek dictionary meanings are very
generalised — there are mentioned 4 to 5, but in English dictionaries they are
from 6 to 12 meanings.
For example, in English one of derivative meanings of this verb is «to
hope for, want or actively plan a course of action, or to hope someone will act
in the way mentioned» which it does not have at all in Uzbek or Russian. ‘To
look’ meaning ‘to show in appearance, to seem or appear to be from facts or
information’ coincides with Russian «смотреть(ся)» in the meaning «иметь
какой-нибудь вид», but in Russian it is used more in colloquial speech.
Compare English
to look well
and Russian
смотреть молодцом.
In Russian
«to look» meaning «иметь попечение, заботиться» —
смотреть за
— does not have equivalent meaning in English «to look», but in the
word combination ‘to look after smb’, or and Uzbek «qaramoq». The
differences in usage are conditioned by the differences in structure of
languages. Important is the fact that English is analytical language, Uzbek and
Russian is syntactical. In all the languages synonyms are expressing the ways
of looking- very attentively-
scrutinise,boqmoq, всматриваться
tikilmoq, смотреть в упор, не отрывать глаз
peek to
qaramoq), взглядывать,
; with anger-
сверлить глазами
; with love-
English synonyms dictionary provides only some informal words and
one slangism. There are also many different ways of looking, but they are
different from those in Russian synonyms’ dictionary. For example,
to look
with continued attention-
to contemplate
, to watch carefully-
to eye
, to stare
with open mouth —
to gape,
to look steadily and intently-
to gaze,
to look
to glance,
to look with eyes partially closed-
to squint
, to look
to ogle
, to stare with wide-open eyes-
to goggle
, etc. in synonym line
are included synonyms of 'to look' meaning 'to search' and 'to examine'-
consider, examine, inspect, read, scan, scrutinize, study.
Also are mentioned
synonyms of 'to look' meaning 'to appear to be'-
seem, appear,
'to be turned in
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