Bog'liq Software Engineering Architecture-driven Software Development ( PDFDrive )
236 CHAPTER 13 Software Design Synthesis Practice
two or more structural units that, when integrated together, will comply with the
functional component specification.
13.2.2 Identify integrating components At this juncture in the design synthesis practice the upper and lower tiers of the
design solution have been resolved with a conceptual and fundamental arrangement
of structural design elements. Between these two tiers emerges the
design chasm ,
which must be bridged to unite the conceptual design layers with the structural
design layers. This design chasm can only be traversed by identifying integrative
structural components that either:
Progressively extend the structural design layers toward the conceptual design
Progressively decompose the conceptual design components to envelop the ele-
ments of the structural design layers.
Integrating components enable the conceptual and structural design layers to
coalesce into a comprehensive, unified structural design solution. Integrating com-
ponents should be recognizable as conceptual mechanisms of which the purpose
is to provide an assembly packaging apparatus. The integration tier provides one
or more layers of integrating components that align the lower-tier structural com-
ponents with upper-tier conceptual components. The following guidelines suggest
some principles for determining how to identify integrating components:
Integrating components should provide an intuitive adaptation in the transition
from the structural to conceptual design layer.
Each integrating component should represent a significant assembly and inte-
gration action and should form a perceptible element within the structural
Integrating components should provide a judicious progression of the software
integration and testing strategy. The result of each integration and testing endeavor
should be a self-contained, proven structural component with verified interfaces.
Minor, incremental integration actions should be avoided unless they are delib-
erately devised to mitigate risks.
Every integrating component is a higher-level structural component. The ration-
ale for distinguishing between the structural and integrating components is the level
within the structural configuration in which they are stationed or located. Structural
components are situated in the top level of the bottommost tier and were derived
unambiguously from the functional architecture as large, complex functional units.