2. Views of scientists of literature about Navoi’s works
The Western world needs to evolve their view of Central Asia as simply a
hot spot for violence to that of a place of high culture and home to a well-respected
poet who wrote beautifully about peace in the world. In the recently renewed
interest in Central Asia I do believe that people need and even want to see a
different side than the extreme side that the media has shown them. I want to
honour the people of Central Asia, and elevate a good example for them and the
In C. E. Bosworth, E. Van Donzel, W. P. Heinrichs, Ch. Pellat. The Encyclopedia of Islam VII.
Leiden—New York: E. J. Brill. pp. 90–93.
Anglo American world by providing a resource from within Central Asia for the
betterment of our world. This resource is the life and works of the inspirational
poet Alisher Navoi.
However, to provide a text that is sensitive to both source culture and target
culture is still not enough. The reader must learn how to read such inspirational
texts. We must quiet the madness of our world and pay attention to those poets
who sing out to us from the depths of their hearts. Unlike others who flash one-
liners in our faces, poets dare us to come away from this world and enter theirs.
Poetry is not a language that can be assimilated quickly. It must be pondered for
more than just a fleeting moment. It asks us to touch and taste it, to caress it, to
wrestle with it and eventually to become one with it. That we become ‗reader
poets‘ who internalize what we read, and overwrite a dry part of our life with
poetry. Readers who are a living testament to the inspirational literature that we
When Navoi read Farrididun Attar‘s The Conference of the Birds as a youth
he immediately fell in love with it. He spent much time with the book, so much so
that his parents were worried about his schooling and took away the book. What
they did not know is that he had already committed the book to heart. As a youth
he already knew how to grasp inspired poetry! Later, after a lifetime of meditation,
Navoi wrote his own version called The Language of the Birds. In the introduction
he shares how he made room for Attar‘s book to change his own life. ―I devoted
myself to the wonderful stories within it, the metaphors and allegories told by the
bird became dear to me. It preciousness has helped me into its world and be free
from the senselessness of this world.‖
In C. E. Bosworth, E. Van Donzel, W. P. Heinrichs, Ch. Pellat. The Encyclopedia of Islam VII.
Leiden—New York: E. J. Brill. pp. 90–93.
When Navoi read Attar‘s The Conference of the Birds, he did not read about
the birds search for God, instead he sought God through them. He did not read
about their hardships on the journey, instead he experienced their hardships for
himself. When we approach inspired literature we must not just read what it says
about truth, but we must experience its truth. We should not read about God, but
we should read God.
The best kind of inspirational literature for ‗reader poets‘ is the kind that is
fairly simple and somewhat practical. It does not need to be deeply philosophical,
but it should be practically mystical. Approach it quietly and humbly. You may
read other literature quickly, perhaps seeking for the main point, but with inspired
literature you must be careful. Take it in fully and gently. After having tasted it,
make sure you digest it. Christian mystic Madame Guyon aptly taught her disciples
to ―not move from one passage to another, not until you have sensed the very heart
of what you have read. You may then want to take that portion of Scripture that has
touched you and turn it into prayer.‖5 Something that is precious must be treated
with care and given much consideration, and like Navoi its preciousness will help
us become less entangled with the senselessness of this world. We need the poet
and the poet needs you.
In 2005, a scientific expedition to Iran was organized, where a previously
unknown copy of the 'Kulliyat‖ by Babur was discovered at the National Library in
Tehran, which, after a thorough investigation was introduced into the academic
Prepared for print and published such literary monuments as "Tazkirai Kayyumy",
―Tazkirat ush-Shuaro‖, ―Javohir ul- hikoyot‖, ―Oz-oz urganib dono bulur‖
distinguished for its scientific and cognitive and didactic content, having become a
rarity even today.
As a result of recent studies of creative literary work of Alisher Navoi and
Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur there were prepared for publishing the following
books "The Beloved of Hearts‖, ―Alisher Navoi‘s Aphorisms‖, ―Alisher Navoi‘s
Lyrics‖, ―Lyric poetry s of Babur‖, ―Album of miniatures to the ―Baburname‖
intended for a wide range of Russian-language readers
Practical development work and outcomes: A collection-handwritten and
repository of old-printed books was established, the number of which accounts for
over 2,000 items, including ancient and unique works of poets and writers -
classics of national literature.
An archives of modern writers and poets of Uzbekistan was founded, which has
more than 65,000 documents, dated from the 19th century to the present time.
-Preparation of a facsimile edition of the ―Kulliyat‖ by Alisher Navoi.
"...Not so many people were in rather big and very cold room with windows facing
the Neva. Wrapped up figures were sitting on chairs chaotically set. I hardly
recognized familiar faces changed by troubles of blockade so much.
Academician I. A. Orbeli, Director of the Hermitage, has taken the chair. Having
shed something reminding shabby overcoat, he remained in quilted jacket and scarf
enfolding the neck.... His big dark eyes were getting brighter and brighter as he
was speaking excitedly and convincingly.... He said: "In extraordinary situation our
city is surviving, we have met to celebrate the remarkable date in cultural life of
our peoples and to remember the great poet and philosopher Alisher Navoi. The
fact that we honour the poet in Leningrad, suffering troubles of hunger and cold, in
the city which enemies think dead, again proves courage and spiritual power of our
people as well as humanistic nature of our science! ...Reports and Navoi's verses,
translated by poets and orientalists, were being read. Ancient original poems were
sounding and speaking about peace, pleasure of life and victory of human mind
over darkness of cruelty and oppression".
Erkinov, A. (1998). "The Perception of Works by Classical Authors in the 18th and 19th centuries
Central Asia: The Example of the Xamsa of Ali Shir Nava`i". In Kemper, Michael; Frank, Allen. Muslim
Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18th to the Early 20th Centuries. Berlin. pp. 513–526.
For many centuries, genius of great Navoi and brilliant galaxy of philosophers,
poets, artists, calligraphers and ornamentalists, working beside him and creating
remarkable products, has excited imagination of researchers, artists and amateurs
of art. Their art will remain in history of world culture for ever. They founded
schools and art directions. They were followed by many imitators and interpreters.
At the beginning of the 21
century, a century of information and
computerization, otherwise, dynamics of sci-tech civilization, we again address to
Alisher Navoi's heritage and his epoch. So, we not only render a worthy tribute to
the founder of Uzbek language and literature, but find answers to eternal questions
of human being: what is a human nature, his searches for harmony in the nature
Searches for self-identification of Uzbek national art in the period of
independence, new conceptualization of historical and cultural heritage and
necessity to base on own "genealogy" of art traditions made researchers to turn
again to Alisher Navoi. Opening of National Park named after Alisher Navoi,
construction of monuments to the great poet in Tashkent (E. Aliev, N. Bandeladze,
V. Degtyarev), Chirchik (A. Rahmatullaev, L. Ryabtsev) and Navoi (A.
Rahmatullaev, P. Podosinnikov), reproduction of his image in painting, graphics,
theatre, cinema, music and literature show a keen interest not only to individuality
of great philosopher, but also to traditions of his poetry bearing high spirituality.
First, as N. Conrad noted, surprising is universalism of Alisher Navoi's
minding that reached a global level (2, p. 275). This is not simple universalism of
Navoi who combined talents of poet, artist, musician, theorist of literature,
historian and calligrapher. This is universalism concerning the conceptual basis of
artistic culture in general which covers achievements of different peoples, different
historical epochs, different religions and artistic traditions. Let's look again at
heroes from "Hamsa": Farhad is the Chinese. Kais - the Arab, Shirin - the
Armenian, Shapur - the Persian and Iskander - the Greek. That means that
principles of global consciousnesses, synthesis of the national and panhuman and
dialogue of cultures, turned so vital in the 20th century, were absolutely normal for
artistic culture of Navoi's epoch and foundations of its ideology
Personages of Navoi fight for personal freedom, love and happiness,
therefore they are close, clear and loved by readers of all times and all peoples.
Thirdly, Alisher Navoi is unprecedented example of patronage upon culture.
Historians Mirhond and Hondemir, musicians Hussain Udi and Kulmuhamed Nai,
artists Bihzad and Shah Muzaffar, calligraphers Sultan Ali and Mir Ali, as well as
many other artists entered the world of culture thanks to protection of Alisher
Navoi. The epoch formed Navoi, and Navoi created the epoch.
Zahiriddina Babur wrote that in Herat "everybody tried to reach perfection in
his business," (3, p. 12). It was a major criterion of creative activity, first of all, of
Navoi himself. That is, fourthly, Navoi and his epoch show professionalism of
high level, full devotion to art, searches and knowledge. At last this is Alisher
Navoi's boundless love for native land, people, culture and language. Let's
remember the work by Navoi "Ideas on two languages" where the great poet
proved advantages of native language, its rich lexis, variety and felicity of poetic
forms. Some scholars wrote that "he convinced contemporary poets to write in the
native language how he did and preached up a status of native language as literary
language". What new has the art of the period of independence contributed in
creative interpretation of spiritual heritage of Alisher Navoi and his epoch?
Certainly, this is searches of artists for new solutions of portrait
characteristics of Alisher Navoi and his famous contemporaries. Abdulhak
Abdullaev, one of the famous Uzbek portrait artists of the 20"' century, turned to
image of the great poet many times. He pointed out: "understanding that my people
E. Subtelny: ʿAlī Shīr Navāʾī. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited by: G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas,
E. Rowson. Brill Online, 2013, p 75.
has no other name being dearer than Navoi required such strong intension I could
not assume and even expect.... Sometimes I seemed that I almost felt his breath and
I was carried back to that far and unknown world, another epoch and other
customs. I as if heard voice of history and its far echo... ".
Among author's variants there is Alisher Navoi's portrait on the background
of window, through which Herat is seen (1970-1980s) and portrait of Navoi on the
background of city panorama (1970-1980s). Right at the beginning of the 1990s,
the artist gave one more interpretation of Navoi's image. Probably, it imitates the
previous composition - the poet against the city panorama. At the same time, the
artist enriched the psychological characteristic of his favourite image. While his
early works accented majesty and spiritual height (the first work), dramatic
destiny, fine nature and vulnerability of Navoi (the second work), the
A.Abdullaev's work of 1991 accents wisdom and highness of the character exalted
not only over the city, but over the history. This work gives the image of great poet
and shows love of his grateful descendants for him. Such interpretation became a
basis for some monumental works devoted to Navoi in the period of independence
of the republic.
The works illustrating Alisher Navoi's poems occupy a special place in
today's art of Uzbekistan. These are B. Djalalov's illustrations to "Hamsa" (1986),
S. Muhamedjanov's to "Farhad and Shirin" (2002), G. Kamalov's "Bahrom and
Dilorom" to Navoi's poem "Seven planets" (2004), P. Shabaratov'a "Bahrom at
hunting" - to the same poem (2001), V. An's "Dilarom and Bahrom at hunting"
(2000) and others. Let's remember the subject of "Seven planets" finishing
"Hamsa" where great Alisher Navoi refused from traditional interpretation of
Bahrom, an ancient Iranian king, as a debauchee and drunkard. A. Navoi
Erkinov, A. (1998). "The Perception of Works by Classical Authors in the 18th and 19th centuries Central Asia:
The Example of the Xamsa of Ali Shir Nawa`i". In Kemper, Michael; Frank, Allen. Muslim Culture in Russia and
Central Asia from the 18th to the Early 20th Centuries. Berlin. p. 518.
interpreted him as bold Iranian shah capable to love sincerely his country and
people of beloved woman.
In the epoch of Navoi, Sufi communities were environment where formed
the spiritual elite, which searches promoted ideas of universalism, humanism and
everything best that became a spiritual heritage of Uzbek people. According to
some scholars, the philosophical content of that epoch was expressed
metaphorically (5, p. 267). The intuitive self-discovery, contemplation of the God
deepening in the soul, beauty as a sense of divine comprehension, dismissal from
small events, harmony of the world, correlation of microcosm and macrocosm,
idea on perfect person, philosophy of love - many of these ideas became close and
clear to people of the 20
century. Navoi expressed his tasavvufiy thoughts also in
"Farhod va Shirin ", "Hayratu-l-abror".
The problems which are connected with the leader were the main plan in
"Sab'ai Sayyor" and "Saddi Iskandariy" which are the parts of "Hamsa". In the
tradition of writing Hamsa Alisher Navoi's "Hamsa" is distinguished with its
social-political character and being original (see: Aliev G.Y. Themes and subjects
of Nizami in the literature of Eastern Nation. Moscow, 1985). Having read Navoi's
"Hamsa" Abdurahmon Jomi, who was the teacher and adviser of Navoi, was
impressed and appreciated his work. (see: Erkinov A. La quarelle sur l'ancien et le
nouveau dans les formes litteraires traditionnelles. Remarques sur les positions de
Yani et de Navoi
There are many manuscripts and printed copies of Navoi's "Hamsa" in
Central Asia (the catalogue of Alisher Navoi's "Hamsa". Compiler K. Munirov, M.
Hakimov. Tashkent, 1986) 166 manuscripts which were copied during XV-XX
centuries, are kept in the fund of manuscripts of the Institute Oriental Languages in
the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. In 84 of them all dostons (plays) of pentas
E. Subtelny: ʿAlī Shīr Navāʾī. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Edited by: G. Krämer, D. Matringe, J. Nawas,
E. Rowson. Brill Online, 2013, pp76-77.
are given in it.
Spreading the manuscripts of Navoi's "Hamsa" till the XX th centuries and
finding out the number of it showed the important part in the intellectual life of the
people in the Middle Asia.The descriptions of Alisher Navoi's "Hamsa" in the
sources of the XV-XX th centuries. The thesis of doctor of Sciences of Philology.
Tashkent, 1998; Erkinov A. Les manuscripts du Hamsa de "Ali Shir Navoi et la vie
culturelle de Hanat de Bouhara sous les Mangits. Bouhara-la-Noble. In: Cahiers.
I'Asie centrale №5-6. 1998. 169-180; Erkinov A. The perception of works by
classical authors in 18th and 19th century Central Asia; the example of the Xamsa
of Ali Shir Nawa'i. In: Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18th to
the Early 20th centuries. Vol. 2: Inter-Regional and Inter-Ethnic Relations. Ed by
A.V. Kuegelgen, M. Kemper, A. Frank, Islamkundliche untersuchungen. Band.
216, Berlin, 1998, 513-526).
Navoi's thoughts, the quintessence of philosophical
views - tasavvufiy ideas of the last days of his life were described in "Lisonu-t-
tayr" (see: Bertel's Y.E. Sufizm i sufiyskaya literatura, Moscow, 1965). During
1491-1498 Alisher Navoi created 4 devons (collection) called "Hazoinu-l-maoniy".
The general capacity of it is more than 50000 verses. There were 21 lyric genres in
Eastern literature and Navoi used 16 of them in his poems. The collection of his
poems in the Persian language is called "Devonu Foni". These two devons include
3150 poems which were written in gazal genre. Navoi collected his qasidas in
Persian and made 2 miscellaneas called "Sittai Zaruriya: ("Olti Zarurat") and
"Fusuli arbaa" ("Four seasons"). Alisher Navoi put forward the global problems
with the sufizm in his poetry. After the independence of Uzbekistan Navoi's poems
about religion and sufizm are widely studied. Especially from this point of view
the objective study of Navoi's poems are increased. (Komilov N. Tasavvuf.
Tashkent, 1996). The religious poems of Navoi called "Arbain", "Munojot" were
adopted firstly. The work "Nasoyimu-l-muhabbat", which includes information
Hoberman, Barry (January–February 1985). "Chaucer of the Turks". Saudi Aramco World:
about 750 shayxs of tasavvuf was adopted (Navoi, the collection of complete
Navoi's "Muhokamatu-l-lugatayn" is devoted to the comparative analysis
of Turkish and Persian. His tazkira "Majolisun-nafois" was written in the way of
literary criticism (Hayitmetov A. Alisher Navoiyning adabiy-tanqidiy qarashlari
(Literary critic thoughts of Alisher Navoi). Tashkent, 1959). His "Mezon ul-avzon"
was written about the theory of aruz, "Mufradot" was written about the rules of
Also he created the works called "Tarixi muluki ajam", "Tarixi anbiyo va
hukamo". In the base of his collection called "Munshaot". In memorialistic genre
he wrote "Hamsatu-l-mutaxayyirin" ("Besh hayrat") devoting to Abdurahmon Jomi
(1494), "Holoti Sayyid Hasan Ardasher" (Sayyid Hasan Ardasher hayoti bayoni)
and "Holoti Pahlavon Muhammad" (Pahlavon Muhammad hayoti bayoni). In
Navoi's nasriy work "Mahbubu-l-qulub" (1500) the social and political thoughts
were expressed in high level. 254 handwritings of 24 works of Navoi are kept in
the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, in the Institute of Oriental Languages (3rd
fund) (Hakimov M. Navoi asarlari qo'lyozmalarining tavsifi. Toshkent, 1983). The
list of handwriters who copied the works of Alisher Navoi and some information
about them can be a Risola. (Hakimov M. The handwriters who copied the works
of Navoi, Tashkent, 1991). Basically, poetry translation should be semantic
translation for a poem is typically rich with aesthetic and expressive values. The
translator may face the linguistic, literary and aesthetic, and socio-cultural
problems in translating it. The linguistic problems include the collocation and
obscured syntactic structure. The aesthetic and literary problems are related with
poetic structure, metaphorical expressions, and sounds. While the socio-cultural
Nemati Limai, Amir (2015), Analysis of the Political life of Amir Alishir Navai and Exploring
his Cultural, Scientific, Social and Economic Works, Tehran & Mashhad: MFA(Cire)&
Ferdowsi University,p56-59
problems arise when the translator translates expressions containing the four major
cultural categories: ideas, ecology, behavior, and products.
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