Pupil 1: ‘Yes!’
Activity 3 Play “Do sums”. Objective: to consolidate the numbers 1-31 STEP 1: Write sums on the board with the total maximum 31,
for example:
10 + 20 = ; 15 + 10 = ; 30 + 1 = ; 22 + 7 = , etc. Ask the
pupils to do the sums.
STEP 2: When they finish, ask several pupils to read their
answers, for example, ‘Ten plus twenty is thirty,’ etc.
Optional Activity Objective: to give practise in counting down the cardinal num- bers 1-31 STEP 1: Divide the class into two groups. explain that the
groups will count down the cardinal and ordinal numbers 1-31 in
turns. You will be the timekeeper. The group with the shortest
time record will be the winner.
STEP 2: With your signal Group 1 start counting down like
the usual Chain Drill activity as follows: Pupil A: 31. Pupil b:
Revision 7 30. Pupil C: 29, etc. While they are counting down, keep the re-
cord of the time they spend until they finish. Then write the time
they have spent on the board. After that it is Group 2’s turn.