Between 1950 and 1960, he completed middle school in Shughnan. In
joined the Soviet Army. He joined the CPSU in 1965.
Prominent Tajik Figures of the Twentieth Century
Jamshedov graduated from the Dushanbe
Pedagogical Institute in
1968. In the same year he began teaching English at the same institute.
In 1969, he served as the Dean of Reading Activities. From 1972 to
1974, he was a post-graduate student at the Leningrad Linguistics In-
stitute, where he defended his dissertation entitled Fe'l: Zamonhoi Da-
vomdor dar Zabonhoi Tojiki va Angelisi ( Verb: Continuous Temporals
in Tajiki and English Languages). From 1974 to 1981, he was the Dean
of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. From 1981 to 1991, he was the
Head of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Typology of the
Dushanbe Pedagogical Institute. In 1990, he taught a two-month course
at the University of Utrecht, in the Netherlands. Between 1991 and
1995, he carried out research at the School of Oriental and African
Studies (with a four-month teaching stint) at the University of Madison,
Wisconsin, USA. Since 1995, he has served as the Head of the Depart-
ments of Foreign Languages at Khorugh and at the Dushanbe Pedagogi-
cal Institute. In 1997, he successfully defended his dissertation, entitled
Problemhoi Tipologiai Fe'l (
Verb Typology Problems), at the Institute
of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation.
He received his professorship in the same year.
Jamshedov's scholarship covers a wide range of topics including, on
the one hand, compilation of the cultural relics of Tajikistan and, on the
other hand, leadership of the instructors of the English language.
Jamshedov's contributions include Semantika vidov v raznosytemnikh
yazika (Semantic Aspects of Language Diffusion, Dushanbe, 1989);
Problemi glagol'noi tipologii (Problems of Verb Typology, Dushanbe,
1987); Gramatikai Muqoisavii Zabonhoi Tojiki va Angelisi (Compara-
tive Grammar of the Tajiki and English Languages, Dushanbe, 1978);
Safarnoma (
Travelogue, Dushanbe, 1997);
Az Somonion to Zamoni
Hozira (
From the Samanids to the Present, Dushanbe, 2001); and
Roof of the World, Dushanbe, 2001).
Jamshedov was recognized as a Distinguished Contributor, to Edu-
cation and for Renowned Service (1999). He is a recipient of the Red
Banner of Courage, as well as the 100
Anniversary of the Birth of
Lenin Prize.
Jamshedov has traveled to the United States, Canada, Iran, Russia,
India, Germany, Cuba, Holland, and Singapore.