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TeL +41 91 923 40 40
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M arbella. P.O. Bos 0832-02453.
W orld T rade Center, Panama,
lei. +507 265 7600
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No. 002/AG/10093026
02^ day of July, 2021
To: Parkent IKMK Lie
Ref: Confirmation & All Agreements
From: MMG Group (Morgan
Morgan Bank Corporation)
Attn.; Mr. Rashidbek Soipov / Director
Dear Mr. Rashidbek Soipov,
MMG Group (Morgan
Morgan Bank Corporation) confirms the financing of the Parkent IKMK Lie
Company’s project (For purchasing o f an equipment for the production o f medical masks factory in Bucharest,
Romania) based on our Audit Department’s conclusion to the following conditions:
Total amount of the loan -125.000.000 EUR (One hundred twenty five million Euros).
The term of loan -10 (Ten) years.
Grace period of the loan - 5 (Five) years.
The annual percent of the loan
(Four percent) per year.
The Insurance of the loan is -2 % (2.500.000 EUR (Two million five hundred thousand Euros)) from total
sum of the loan.
The payment for the Insurance Policy is paid once in 10 years.
Guarantee of the Loan: Insurance Policy and Promissory Note of the Parkent IKMK Lie without Aval
We are sending to you all signed Agreements:
1. Confirmation Letter.
2. Loan Agreement.
3. Insurance Agreement.
4. Guarantee letter.
5. Invoice.
6. Draft of the Promissory Note, which you must fill in and send to us within 2 (Two) banking days after
receiving the Loan.
7. Insurance Certificate.
8. Insurance Policy.
9. Authorization letter of Mr. Grothe Thomas (Managing Director of MMG Group
Morgan Bank Corporation)).
10. BCL (Bank Confirmation Letter)
POF (Proof of Funds) / Confirmation letter regarding the blocked
of funds under Loan Agreement No. AG/SJU- 000991 from Barclays Bank, London, UK.
We ask you to sign the following Agreements and send to this emails addresses:
1. Loan Agreement
2. Insurance Agreement
3. Insurance Certificate