axborot yig'ish, izchil tavsifi shakllantirish tasvirlangan masala, mavzu, muammo xabardorligini ma'lum bir darajasiga mos keladigan, va hokazo
collection of information, forming a coherent description, corresponding to a certain level of awareness of the described issue, the subject, problem, etc.
Ular mos keladigan xotira maydoniga konvertatsiya keyin foydalanish uchun mavjud, shunday qilib, aqlli tizimi xotirasida saqlanadi faktlar haqida, odatda, yozilgan ma'lumotlar ma'lumotlar. Taqdimot lazzati shakli protsessual bilim qarshi turish
knowledge which is stored in the intelligent system memory so that they are immediately available for use after conversion to the corresponding memory field. In a ZD usually written information about the domain property, the facts that have a place in it, etc. information. The form of presentation ZD opposed to procedural knowledge.
Eng past va eng yuqori uchun sanada asoslangan matn sohasida alifbo tartibi
In order from lowest to highest. Also called alphabetical order, when a sort is based on a text field
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