Explain the types of phraseological units according to the classification of V.Vinogradov.
Phraseological fusions – are completely non-motivated word-groups. The meaning of the components has no connection with the meaning of the whole group. Idiomaticity is combined with the complete stability of the lexical components and grammatical structure of the fusion: to kick the bucket; to see elephant. Phraseological unities are partially non-motivated word-groups as their meaning can usually be understood through the metaphoric meaning of the whole phraseological unit: to skate on thin ice; as busy as bee. Phraseologigal collocations are partially motivated but they are made up of words having a special lexical valency which is marked by a certain degree of stability in such word groups: to break a promise, rule, silence, news; to pay a visit, attention, tribute, respect.
Distribute to the students the cards with phraseological units. They should classify them according to V.Vinogradov’s classification: to go for a song; to wash one’s dirty linen in a public; as cool as cucumber; to make journey; to play the first role; a mare’s nest, ball and chain, white elephant; to turn over a new leaf; to fall ill.
Tell the students suggest more examples to phraseological fusions, unities and collocations.
Explain the students that phraseological units can also be classified structurally. Present them the types of structural classification of phrseological units:
nominal phrases – Jack of all trades; Baker’s dozen; verbal phrases – to take the bull by the horns; to know the ropes; adjectival phrases – spick and span; as cool as cucumber; adverbial phrases – by hook or by crook; in a trice; prepositional and conjunctional phrases – as long as; interjectional phrases – by George; my aunt.
Let the students find out more examples to the structural classification of phraseological units, write their answers.
Tell the students to define the meaning of all the phraseological units they suggested and find out their equivalents in Uzbek language. Ask them if it is possible to find the full equivalent of English phrases in Uzbek language. Classify the phraseological units according to the full equivalence in the following table:
Phraseological units with full equivalence
Phraseological units with partial equivalence
Phraseological units with no equivalence
To pass away – ўтиб кетмоқ.
To see an elephant
Write a small article (2-3 pages) on the problems of classification and equivalence of phraseological units in English and Uzbek lexicology. Are there some other types of grouping or classifications of phraseological unit? Compare and classify phraseological units of English and Uzbek langusges.